Heinous video game confessions

>I preordered an ouya

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I bought a brand new, sealed copy of Rugrats: Studio Tour for my sister as a gag/nostlagia gift for her birthday.

The game is so awful that not even nostalgia can reconcile that horrible decision I made.

I claim that stealth is my favourite genre but have only just purchased Thief 1 and 2

I wasted 10-15 years worth of game purchases on Steam.

I started building a physical console library and its much more fulfilling. I wouldve had 10 years worth of cool and probably expensive shit by now. All I had was a horse shit digital library. I defended PC to the death blindly, but after actually playing on consoles you would have to be some kind of turbo autist to let the graphical difference bother you, especially in this ps4 era. After 5mins of playing a fun game it stops mattering. My interest in games has been reinvigorated.

PC especially fucking sucks this gen. Best multiplat machine? sure. You can keep it.

I keep going back to Skyrim every few months. I now have over 2k+ hours on it.

I hate you all and I got no idea why I still try to talk to you little shits.
There, that felt pretty good actually.


Its only seems ilke bait because i know reading something like this when i was a PCfat wouldve cut to the bone. Sorry you feel that way man, what do you want proof? Pics of my stuff my steam library? Is my story really that far fetched? Have a nice day user

It seems your problem is that you would rather have physical games instead of a digital library which is fine. What other issues do you have with the PC? It doesn't cut me to the bone because I don't mind having a digital library.

Keeping consoles on life support is actually the reason why "PC sucks this gen"
>building a physical console library
Yeah fun with those physical games when they are nothing but plastic garbage after the last of that screenshot-box died.
The times are changing and going away from physical data is only positive for the vidya and the vidya consumer. I got a whole room full of vidya boxes and I will at some point just burn the whole pile.
>you would have to be some kind of turbo autist to let the graphical difference bother you
Yeah I know right, why even bothering with a color TV games are about gameplay you can just as much enjoy the medium on a black&white 4:3 TV.
>I wasted 10-15 years worth of game purchases on Steam
Literally what? Wasted? Jump off a cliff, we are wasting air on you.

Also I don't believe you

I'm in the exact same boat here.

Playing through the Uncharted collection and Bloodborne has been more fun than anything I've done on PC in years except for maybe certain replays of New Vegas. Currently have Yakuza 0 still to play and looking forward to a lot of the games coming out this year.

Don't even encourage it, dude.

I bought a console after 7th gen

VN-elements in a game are fine as long as the gameplay is decent but I hate VNs and think most jRPGs should have just been animes

I support musuo adaptations though

I bought a xbone to play with a normie from work. Never regretted a purchase as much in my entire life.

>2000 hours

If an RPG has cute waifus and I can't romance em I won't play it.
I like the interior of the new Chevy Cruze more than the interior of the new Civic

Pre-ordered DukeNukem Forever. Was insanely hyped for it.

Am against pre-ordering and it was probably the third game I pre-ordered my entire life.

Still feel burned.

i backed the stomping land

I got a free x360 from some contest the night I graduated from high school
My normalfag friends convinced me to upgrade to a $200 more space one so we could play cod and bf3 all summer (with all dlcs which were expensive as fuck)
I went to college and they didn't
grew apart and eventually told their leader to fuck off
Now it just collects dust and I haven't purchased a console since
Still rocking the og ps3 though

I've never played a Zelda game.

I constantly buy early access games with varying success.

I played catz and enjoyed it.

Fuck you, game was next gen comfy.

i play over watch on PC with a controller.

people didn't like catz?

Having a game collection on a shelf looks nice too

i prefer digital to physical

Id get mocked to high heaven if I said I liked it anywhere I went.

Hidden gem, that game was. Cute as fuck.

I don't believe you

I pre-ordered Brink.. payed $60 and played maybe 2 hours

old school FPSes are my favorite subgenre but i haven't ever played Duke Nukem

I bought the Spore special edition

>tfw preordered ds2 collectors edition

I bitch about microtransactions but have spent $30 on Overwatch loot boxes. I barely even play the game.

I really don't see the problem with loot boxes that only have cosmetics in them, it's a good way to prolong the length of the game and give prize support for tournaments

I enjoyed FFXV's story.



I still haven't completed the story for GTA 5

I Legitimately think Undertale single-handedly destroyed the indie scene, creating a festering disease on the PC library

try using grid mode on steam. it looks a lot nicer

Idk if a bad habit but fuck it
All throughout grade school I would play games and just constantly play 2-3 levels of it over and over again and never actually beat the damn game. Until sophomore year of highschool I never fully beaten a single player game, the first one for me to fully beat was Half-life

I have 4.8k hours in TF2, and I never idled.
I'm also still shit at it so fuck me

How? Wouldn't something like the millions of mine craft/dayz clones make more sense? I havnt seen a single game that has been influenced by undertale at all

I fell for the DayZ meme in 2013


I bought horse armor.

>I enjoyed FFXV's story.
All the 15 minutes of it?

>Playing through the Uncharted collection
I tried that too but I couldn't even force myself to finish a single one.
Fucking Sonyggers were lying all the way

Not really bad if it's ironic

I pre-ordered the Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel edition. I still have the bust.

>Playing through the Uncharted collection

You people need to play more games. Play some serious sam or some shit

this seems like legitimate autism

I think Tsu Rule Puyo Puyo is fucking awful. Fever Rule is way more fun.

I was tricked in to buying both Battlefront AND Black Ops 3. Since then I've stopped listening to suggestions from my neighbor whom I already knew was retarded but that sealed the deal.

Do you just have no friends or what

I never played UT99 online. My dad wouldn't let me.

I bought a Wii U 2 years after its initial release. It still has no games and it's only redeeming quality is that LOZ:BOTW is coming out for it. That is a slippery slope though because BOTW has a 50/50 chance of being great or complete dogshit. Yes I got most of the exclusives but I can't enjoy games like Super Smash Bros and Mario kart or any Mario game anymore. It's a sad sad situation.

I was always the guy who never learned raid bosses and made the fatal flaw in vanilla > wrath

Really? I bought an xbone to play online with my normie friends and I've loved it and no regrets. My normie friends will never play pc.

They all suck at vidya and we don't usually play games I'm 100% interested in but it's fun as fuck playing with bros online no matter the game.

I'd almost say my xbone purchase has been one of the better vidya purchases I've made because of all the fun times I've had with friends so far.

I bought a Wii U

I purchased Battleborn, Mighty No 9 and No Man's Sky, all in 2016. The only one I didn't get full retail price was Battleborn.

I'm super suspicious of buying new games now. After those games I decided to just buy games on my list of games I had yet to play. I might buy Zelda, but if that sucks then I really will avoid new games for a long time. Overwatch was my only good purchase in 2016.

I never played a Pokemon game and never understood the appeal of it.
But I did enjoy pic related a lot

I preordered a Switch even though I think it will be mediocre (due to a bunch of shitty, jewish decisions by Nintendo) just because I could.

I did this but only because my PS2's memory card got corrupted and I was too shy to ask mum to buy me another one so I just played games from the beginning each time for like 5 years.

>>I preordered an ouya

My first handheld system was an N-Gage

I enjoy the Dragon Warrior localizations.

I cant play the games without them. They are just too dry/srsbsns.

I fell for the Sup Forums shill lies and bought over 200 crappy PC games that I'll never play

>Tomb Raider 5 is the best TR game
>Resident Evil 3 is the best RE game
>I have never played a Pokemon game
>I have never played a Zelda game
>I have never played a Final Fantasy game
>I have never watched an anime

wow, it does actually look pretty good

But user. 3 IS the best Resident Evil.

I have never completed a single game apart from kingdom hearts. I'd get halfway through before getting bored and end up just watching a YouTube walkthrough for the rest or just reading an overview.

>cute wiafus
>posts a pic of chie

>RE3 getting this much love lately

I thought i was the only one with good taste.

Like, 2 is great, but 3 just perfected that system you know?

>I have never...
Don't worry, you're not missing out on much.

It always surprises me when people say they've never seen anime. I just assume everyone has seen Pokemon or DBZ or Beyblade when growing up

>the Nemesis fight scenes where he can chase you through the streets and even open doors
The suspense in RE3 just too good, one of the few games that made me feel uneasy.

Is it just me or are the passive aggressive consoletards getting sadder by the day?

Sorry to hear that man. Well, we won't all enjoy the same things I suppose

I had the same problem except my memory card didn't corrupt, I was just to poor for one...

Seriously, when he crashes through the window in the PD and you run thinking you are safe. Fuck man, throws the whole safety thing out the window.


It's not just you

>Implying 2000 hours is a lot

It's just you

My autistic friends have been pushing me into watching anime and I just couldn't, anime is way too overrated.

Cartoons are way better and they don't have a retarded "kawaii" fanbase.

Or when you're stuck in that burning newspaper building and he comes and break down the door, you jump out the window into the alley thinking you're safe, then boom, he jumps out too and chases you down the streets.

>no retarded fanbase
Have you been over to Sup Forums?

You sound like twelve, the fucks going on on Sup Forums lately.

Man, fuck that kawaii anime bullshit. Watch a real man's anime like Hajime no Ippo or something. For real though, there are good ones, but if you don't want to watch any you do you amigo

Best RE villian for sure.

God job at triggering the fedora race. I agree though. I still play on my pc when there's a drought for new games, but my play time on steam doesn't hold a candle to my PSN.

I pre-ordered For Honor

but thankfully I refunded it before the 2 hour mark.


Since I was a beta tester for Wildstar I got a free couple weeks while it was still subscription based. I enjoyed it, but once the free trial was over, In my infinite wisdom, I thought purchasing the actual game would net me more free trial time.
To top it all off, a month later they announced it was going free to play



When I was a wee lad I would 100% a game, delete all the files, and do it again.

>you sound twelve
for not liking anime?

I think he just means for blanket stating you don't like anime. It is like saying you don't like books or movies.

I play games on lowest difficulty or maybe medium because it's mostly artificial difficulty anyway plus I am too old to die and reload constantly because "muh challenge".