Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Japan is still a sexist society stuck in the 50s

Would you rather she had nothing underneath?

why are you body shaming her

she doesnt have to change what shes wearing because you dont like it you fucking shitlord

i think you mean sexy.

yes, so there would be less autistic virgin 2B posts here

Do boys get their clothes ripped too?

why not,i dont see anything wrong with it

Clothing damage confirmed?

hello nu-male

woman here, you're wrong.


This is problematic, but can be fixed by posting more 2B.

>why are good things allowed?

don't question it, just enjoy it

captcha: aqui assss


Destroyable clothing is confirmed? Nice

Square is the one that will pay the price. If they want to allow this immature shot to go on gamers will voice their opinion with their wallets. Don't be surprised when you hear this game completely bombs outside Japan

Or 9S!

>clothing damage


god this game just gets better every day

> sexist
> robotgender

pick one

Because Just a porn game.

Huh, didn't realize that clothes destruction was still in the game. Neat.

best legs in vidya? best legs in vidya

I want to shove my cock between her soft lips

It'll be the best selling Taro game, just you watch

Unironically kill yourself.


Fuck the PC doesn't have a decisive date? God forbid I buy it for PS4

They confirmed clothing damage like a year ago. I'm curious if A2 will have some kind of body damage since she's naked

>that one spiteful, user that's going to purposefully spoil NeiR's story once it starts to leak

These posts are all fun and games but be sure to remember there are real people that think this way. It's best to keep that in mind.

There are tribes full of buck naked people running around in Africa. If you really believed dressing like this was inherently bad you'd be sending those people pants.

This game is guaranteed to not sell that well though?





(have there been any decent toobie cosplays yet?)

so are her clothes completely destructible until it's just the leotard or is it just the bottom?

Who cares, this is DoD, not AAA trash, the less people the better.

They aren't naked you fucking retard. Naked shows a sign of being poor and impure. That's why they wear like straw skirts and shit.

Yoko Taro is new meme.

It's canceled my dudeman

probably all including the leotard so it's just the black metal

Best ass in vidya


Please be in Saudi Arabia.

you have internalized misogyny

>Japan is still a sexist society stuck in the 50s
What nuking a generation does to the social growth.

>tfw I know exactly where you got that picture from because of the title

>Sup Forums suddenly hates fanservice
I don't belong here anymore, let me out

My brother from another mother

Thanks for reminding me that people are getting upset over how a fictional robot is dressing.

>Game has a boss fight with a literal naked android
>But somehow an Android in skimpy clothing is too much

The boss is a man though, so it's fine

So this is the power of Nier threads, woah

Pretty sure that's just A2, user. Don't forget that you play as 2B, 9S and A2 in the game. I'm noticing a lot of people are confusing her for 2B now since the new trailer and her cutting her hair at some point in the game. Should have probably made her short hair style a little more unique even though it is different.

So you're saying Women are less important than men? That women are not equal to men?

A2 has longer hair, that's a much shorter cut.

toobie is a miracle of the universe.

>2B's ass fags
>2B waifu fags

Yet another fanbase ruined by Sup Forums

>letting a fanbase ruin something for you
you need to be 18+ to post here.

Yup, that's exactly what I mean : ^ )

What are you gonna do about it?

Why do they wear blindfolds?
Why are their weapons floating?
Why is she wearing granny panties?
Can I play this without playing previous Nier games?
PC release when?

kys famiglia

why does it matter


>Why is she wearing granny panties?

>introduce scantily clad female



t. Cuck

9S is qt.

T. Shiteater

Kill yourself Neofag

Kys you'reself my man

since i learned they don't have genitals all sex appeal has disappeared.

Then we'll just have to make a hole.


Stop spreading this lie, user.

dude there is a literal screenshot of one of the bosses who is amdroid being "naked"

they're dolls.

>he doesn't know

>only real alpha bulls jack it to video games and fan art

lmaoing at ur life tbqh lad

In my headcanon they do

niche things exist
the "wide audiences" can go fuck themselves

>Why are their weapons floating?
Avoiding models clipping together is hard, so the modern solution is to find ways to have weapons not interact with the player. For another example see FFXV's disappearing weapons.

Don't see how that's a bad thing.


>replace crotch area with a fleshlight
>create real vagoo with super advanced technology from the Moon
All robots can be sexual.

>he doesn't know about the mouthpussy

A2's new hair style goes to the length that nearly matches 2B's, it's not much longer let alone longer enough to make the visual distinction in that shit screenshot.

the modeler that decided they'd make leg a bit puffy around the stocking is now my god

>make sexbot
>without genitals

no one would do this, men won't change not even in the course of a million years, if you make a sexy robot you add a fucking vagina, mannequins have nipples too

Lol you first, you're afraid of real women, that's why you like virtual ones, they can't say no to you.

Sorry sweetie but...wait no I'm not lol.


Getting (You)s from butthurt Sup Forumsaginas is too easy.

>gender acknowledgement = sexism
Glad you don't mind kids sharing bathrooms with "gender confused" psychiatric patients

Why does a battle robot need wide hips?

Rekka pointed this out about the Adam boss.
In "The Lost World" novella, Nier is "reconstructed" but we don't know if this means that he's merely been created as a Replicant again or if the system messed up and created an android version of him. It's important to point out that the terminal created multiple ANDRROID copies of Kaine to fight just before she managed to "reach" him. I've been speculating that HE might have been the first Replicant whose "soul" or data or whatever was successfully transferred into an android body. The way these androids are created is exactly like how the Replicants were created time and time again: from the Gestalt data.

So, this glowing dude might be what it looks like when an android is being "reconstructed"... I'll have to read it again but when Nier was reconstructed, the whole area was filled with bright light. I'm not sure if he himself was glowing, though.

Also, this dude looks a lot like Adam, no? Maybe this is how he and his "brother" were created.

Afraid how? Your kind is easy as fuck to sway but you just don't give me the sexual pleasure compared to 2D shit. I'm sorry, but you're not that exciting.

It's not a new thing they've been doing this shit in anime, it's god tier.

Balance and more powerful kicks.

To defeat nerds via semen depletion.


>tfw sexist manbabies make this a super successful game and Square Enix makes Drakengard a big franchise

She's a cute short android!