Nintendo Switch
Day 1
$700 worth of related stuff I've pre-ordered
Gotta remember it's Euro time right now and hating Nintendo will be over represented.
black friday
There are like 50 polls up right now on Sup Forums, how many more do we need you fuckface?
>10 preorders
It's sure not stopping the damage control, that's for sure
marketing data for his firm, probably
Hated every Nintendo system after the N64.
That said, I loved the Vita (rather, what Vita theoretically should have been, software-wise). The Switch looks like it may be a proper Vita so I'll be getting one.
>damage control
There is no damage. Enjoy EU not existing in 4 years btw.
I've wanted the vita ever since the PSP. it's a bit disappointing how little support it received in the west. I don't mind weeb games, but it would've been nice to see more western titles and action games.
fucking sony has a deal with Psyonix, and yet they neglected to port rocket league to the vita. just blows my mind.
Give me one
Pre ordered because Fire Emblem Warriors got announced. That was all I needed, despite the fall release date
Sony is putting all eggs into PS4 basket. Even the eggs from their other non-videogame divisions. PS4 and Insurance are how Sony is making money right now at all.
Haven't been able to snag a pre-order online, and business trips take me to places in the ass middle of nowhere in terms of retail stores. Hoping the stores back home have some when I get back two weeks after release.
My chance at an early Switch is between unlikely and screwed
Will Nintendo make games for PS5? I hope so.
It's a great system and the original version has such solid components... but the combination of it being so expensive with the added price of those buttfucking memory cards, no one bought on. Sony left all the early adopters high and dry. My launch OLED Vita has been in the same spot, collecting dust for over a year.
Surely Nintendo will not fuck up as badly as Sony did since it will be their only system... right?
>getting a pre order now and not waiting to see what bundles are available
Nintendo gave Wii U more support than Sony gave Vita.
> $450 to play Breath of the Wild with a decent controller.
No thanks. I'll get the Wii Poo version and get the inevitable $250 bundle a year from now.
No one is more aware of this than vita owners.
Holy shit yet another "are you getting a switch" poll/thread
Bill Gates only got into the industry so Nintendo would make games for them.
If anyone is willing to foot the bill, it's Bill.
Sorry sonygger. Sony can't afford it.
Do you think it's too late to preorder a switch and botw?
Probably but depends on your area.
You can definitely pre-order BotW but you might be boned on getting the Switch.
Go to a midnight launch/1st day launch if you can and if you're early enough I can see you getting one.
>76% of all people will get a switch sooner or later
top kek
nintendo is back baby
How? Someone not picking up their preorder?
>76% of 129 people on a board filled with losers who only play video games
Well you can't pre-order at most big-box stores like Wal-Mart but they still get copies. If you show up early enough there is a pretty good chance.
Ditto for GameStop, they have dedicated pre-orders but I don't think literally all of their stock is pre-ordered although I'm less sure about this, big-box stores are safer bet.
Maybe once they announce the inevitable Smash 4 port with all DLC bundled and Snake.
>I don't have a preorder but I will try to get one at launch
how will you try to get one faggots
> Sup Forums
> playing video games
how new are you
>Handheld/console hybrid that does both poorly
>No Metroid
I hope people who get it end up enjoying it and find that it's worth their money, but it's not for me.
How does it do handheld poorly? I can see an argument it does home console poorly (maybe) but it's the best handheld that's ever existed yet.
>but battery
I mean it's not amazing but it beats 3DS with the addition of much better capability.
There's no option for "I don't care about it"
Some nintentoddlers are just too fat to get into Gamestop's doors
No reason to get one before Mario Odyssey.
Id like to have a Switch but i dont see a reason why
If i get one ill end up just buying two exclusives and maybe some game i already have in my steam library like Shovel Knight or I am Setsuna
>shovelware: the game
I sort of agree but I need Breath of the Wild under the covers and Wii U won't reach that far.
While I don't disagree I can understand peoples gripes.
It's pretty big and not all that portable. And you'd likely need a power bank too to get any real usage of it portably.
I'll just use mine in bed all comfy as fuck like I do my 3DS anyway.
BotW looks like fucking shit, I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
I really can't think of any game on Switch I might want except Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania and Puyo Puyo Tetris. And the latter two come out on PS4 too.
potential exploitable firmware
>BotW looks like fucking shit, I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
Wow cool wrong opinion.
I like Mario Odyssey too but not as much as BotW. The levels seem way too fucking small but I can deal with it if they are creative enough.
>It's pretty big and not all that portable
It can't fit in your pocket but nothing with a good input can anyway. Phones can but they have garbage input unless you attach some controller device... which then defeats the portability aspect.
>It's pretty big and not all that portable
A carrying case can do wonders with making it portable, sure thats a kind of scapegoat but would work.
If nintendo made it any smaller then we would see posts about how its too small, cant win with console war shitposters.
>buying a Switch for Shovel Knight
how fucking obtuse can one person get
The tablet could fit in your pocket. The joycons in the other pocket. But that's not very practical
I guess you're right but yeah it's not exactly pocket portable. I still don't personally think that matters too much. You have to compromise the portability a little if you want real controller input.
Zelda looks like another boring open-world sandbox, with copy-pasted environments, little variety of actions, *and* PS2 graphics to boot. I have no interest in it.
Mario Odyssey is a sequel to 64 and Sunshine, which I've been waiting for since, well, Sunshine. They could still fuck it up but so far it's the only game I'll buy a Switch for.
I actually think it looks better than typical open world sandboxes just based on the physics involved with fire/wind/manipulation of objects/hanglider.
>Mario Odyssey is a sequel to 64 and Sunshine
That really doesn't sell me on it alone. Sunshine was overrated (but good) and while Mario 64 was incredible, this game needs to really offer big levels to convince me it's really good. (It might accomplish this, but New Donk City looks very tiny).
3rd party joycon with an actual proper dpad when?
Anyone that thinks the new Zelda is "just open world" like Witcher or Skyrim is absolutely fucking retarded. Nintendo don't make games like this. There will be unlocks and new mechanics that keep the game interesting throughout its playthrough.
Where's the "I'll get it when I can download games for free straight off of Nintendo's servers" option?