What the fuck is this guy's problem?

What the fuck is this guy's problem?


he can't get it up anymore


Joseph Anderson has made him obscelete, and his only defense was "i-i watched like 10 minutes of his dark souls 2 vid...all i could stand....h-he he"

He also failed to reach his goal of £1000 a month so he can't afford to support himself based on his videos alone, since he quit his job. Because of this, his girlfriend has left him (for Anderson, probably)

Nothing as far as I can tell. He plays some games and makes a video sometimes.

Joseph Anderson's critiques of gameplay and design are shit tier though.

He should stick to critiquing storytelling. He's quite good at that.

his gf left him for joseph anderson lol


I heard that Joseph Anderson cucked him and stole his girl, now she can't live without his dick? Something like that

Apparently he had to move back in with his mom after he got kicked out of his girlfriends house. Something about Joseph Anderson having a really big dick?

Are there really so many Joseph Anderson-shills here? Disgusting.

turbo autism

Joseph Anderson took a second wife after Matt's gf abandoned him and his shitty channel

Why do people keep posting this autistic yuropoor? His videos are garbage, way too fucking long, and his only criticisms for most games are minor nitpicks. His accent is also retarded and it's impossible to understand what he's saying.
And from this thread, I hear he's a cuck. Sad!

I heard he got raped by Joseph Anderson...in front of his GF no less. Things were never the same between them after that and she eventually left him

JA put matthew's cock in chastity and fucks his girlfriend in front of him everyday. He also forced him to write scripts for him which is why Matt's channel is empty

Scottish drunks hate drinking games that don't go in depth enough

He is Joseph Anderson's sex slave

Joseph Anderson is even worse than Matt, even though he puts out way more videos per month.

Their approach to analysis is fucking boring. They don't go deep into the mechanics or design behind the game, they point out very casual observations while doing a long summary of the entire game from beginning to end. It's all fluff and no substance.

His bussy is now property of this guy

Man, I was REALLY confused for a second. For some reason I was thinking of Noah Caldwell-Gervais when everyone was saying Joseph Anderson and was wondering why people were shilling that awful nobody.

He's Irish

>Matthew is lurking this thread with his girlfriend
>he tries to awkwardly laugh off the cuck jokes like they're some dumb trolling
>beside him, his girlfriend is biting her lip

>everyone dropping matt for Joseph

What is the point Sup Forums, by next year you will all just hate Joseph too.

If we keep raising our standards, eventually we'll get YouTubers that are actually worth sticking with.

>Matthew is lurking this thread
Quick, someone post P5 spoilers

>his girlfriend has left him
You're gonna need a source for that one user, they seem pretty happy together in the videos they posted on the extra channel.

Comparing the Joseph Anderson and Matthewmatosis analysis of Furi makes it pretty clear that Matthew eclipses Joseph when talking about gameplay mechanics. Matthewmatosis really knows his shit when it comes to a combat system in particular.

The potatomuncher's problem is that he takes way too fucking long to make videos. His channel is never going to go big like Joseph's until he sells out and starts talking about more trending topics like Joseph does, and he also really needs an editor. That FIVE HOUR LONG Dark Souls video easily could've been condensed to 90 minutes. He claims his channel is now his job, but he makes videos about once a month if we're lucky while Joseph shits one out every two weeks or so - and the gap in quality isn't big enough to justify taking that fucking long.

Check Joseph Anderson's twitter

Do you have a source for his comment on JA?

He really is autistic.
>goes into hiding because of persona 5 spoilers
It really is pathetic.

I don´t get why people support youtube-celebs with real money... Even more funny that they give money to guys that don´t even make videos...

He has been cutting himself off entirely from the internet in order to avoid Persona 5 spoilers.

Mathewmosis hasn't been relevant since DS2 came out.

He went from decent criticism of mediocre games to releasing 1 video every 3 months. It happens with all Patreon shills, once they get a stream of income coming in they just abandon making videos and make a single Twitter excuse once every 5 months.


Noah has got to be the most pretentious fucktard in the entire videogame analysis niche.

I'd like Joseph and Matthew better if they didn't tend to walk you through the entire game while making observations about it. Joseph is really bad for this, and Matthew falls into that trap sometimes. Probably stuffing their videos out with as much filler as possible for sweet sweet Youtube dosh.

It's his latest stream, don't have the timecode

The quality that comes with those standards doesn't lend itself well to putting out content consistently, which makes the videos less relevant while coming out slower.

>waaaaaaa everything i dont understand is PRETENTIOUS

Is matthew a weeb? I never got that impression from him.

Satchbag's Goods is the most pretentious in my opinion


Does he even make videos anymore?

Persona is the Ghibli of videogames, weebshit it's ok for normies to like

Honestly, the timeliness of the videos isn't very important to me. My favorite videos of Matt's are the ones where he's talking about an older game he clearly wants to talk about, and has had enough time to process his thoughts (Ghost Trick, some of his Zelda videos, etc.), rather than the ones where he makes half-baked observations of recent games to whore for views.

He apparently put out a Chrono Cross one 3 months ago, i'm watching it now and getting pretentious vibes already

they have people like you autistically making threads about them 24/7

If you've ever watched one of his streams on his extra channel its easy to tell hes a massive weeb with a weird fascination of the wonderful 101.

Are people really excited for Persona 5 after 4?


I guess my issue with that is that many others have already done older games, so I want to see him do something newer. I'm part of the problem

>weird fascination of the wonderful 101
It's not that weird given how much he loves old videogames. It plays like an AA PS2 title sent through a Samurai Jack-style time portal.

He tricked people into giving him free money and when people thought they were entitled to something he freaked out and started making excuses faster than Trump. Y'all got fucking played.

>I guess my issue with that is that many others have already done older games, so I want to see him do something newer. I'm part of the problem
I don't think it's a problem that you want that, but I think you have to expect videos on recent games to be less thought out than videos on games that the writer's had a while to process.

4 is the most popular.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who actually give a shit what youtubers have to think

Figures that the most casual and dumbed down entry of the series would be the most popular, no wonder jrpgs are dead.

Honestly patreon is the worst thing to ever happen to content creation. I've lost count of how many artists I follow who jumped on the patreon shekel train, and went from putting out multiple updates weekly to months of doing absolutely nothing.

The scummiest part of it all is that they promise to make more once they obtain a certain amount. I know a few artist who obtain 5k a month who haven't put content for almost a year, yet their 5k following keeping the fucks a dollar per month.

If only he made more than one fucking video every 6 months.

1. Expects to live on Patreon dollars despite the fact that he almost never fucking uploads anything and his channel isn't NEARLY big enough

2. Refuses to make videos on big titles that would actually make him money and get people interested because of stupid bullshit like people say on here who then end up just preordering anyway.
"I'm not going to play Dark Souls III because it has a season pass even though everybody will stop giving a shit about the game by then and I'll lose out on a bunch of money also I did a video on DSII when I knew DLC was coming out for it???"
"I'm going to cancel my Switch preorder because Hard Mode is locked behind DLC"
"I tried to play For Honor on PS4 but then got a Uplay prompt so I uninstalled even though I use Steam all the fucking time"

3. I refuse to read comments on my Twitter/Youtube/Patreon because I might get spoiled on this one fucking video game

I don't know what the fuck he was thinking. His content is solid but he works slow as molasses and quit his job so that means more videos, right? Nope, that means less I guess!

all of that stuff is fine
something about being a bitch boy after DS and then regret ds2


fuck off Noah you pretentious faggot

I will expect your reply in the form of a 3 hour poorly edited video about toxic masculinity

Neeoh is an absolute disgrace to the legacy of Souls and Miyazaki. You'd do yourself better to pick up a copy of Bludborne instead, or do another playthrough.

>All these shitposts about Matt and Joeseph
>No one mentions the true savior Mark Brown

Never heard of him. What videos has he made?

but i like the combat better in nioh

Let's not forget the granddaddy of them all, Sequilitis.

>stealing titles from Demolition D and Raycevick

Fuck you, Joseph Anderson.

His Mega Man X video was decent. The rest are total ass, and the fact that even his fans have stopped asking him to make more is proof positive of that.

The atmosphere and story in Neeoh is so lacking compared to Bludborne that it's insulting, and it makes the game all the shallower as a result. Just as Ninja Gaiden was a cheap knockoff of Devil May Cry, we see Team Ninja up to their usual antics again.

He's literally the zelda guy, nothing else.

Mechagamezilla is superior

There's a difference in this. Sequelitis was made by a man who literally had no fucking idea what he was talking about at any point during production. The only game he actually understood was Mega Man X, a game that's so easily explained as to why it's good that a five year old could do it.

I wish Demo would make some more game reviews.

Read in his voice

>don't go deep into the mechanics

Confirmed for not having watched Joseph's videos.

He is(or was not sure anymore) a person from normalboots but he uploads videos slow as shit like most of the people mentioned in this thread.

I hope he does one for Nier Automata when that drops. I really enjoyed his Drakengard 3 review.

>all he plays anymore is SMT and Persona
>no SMT and Persona videos

Where did this rivalry between Matthewmatosis and Joseph Anderson come from? They're both good at making long-form videos and have decent opinions and make well thought out arguments.

He does tons of conmtemporary commentary what are you talking about?

well I think the whole getting cucked thing has something to do with it

Egoraptor's Sequelitis videos are pretty much dated by this point. Shit like "Video games pad themselves out" and "Video games integrate player training into their gameplay" are known by everybody these days.

The Ocarina video, though, still stands as evidence to how horrible a person Arin Hanson can be, though, which also becomes evidence of how bad a gamer he is when compared to his videos where he plays 3D Zelda.

Matthew simply does produce nearly as much as he should be considering people are paying him


Charlie I know you lurk these threads so make the damned Ratchet and Clank video already

>that fallout 4 vid
I have a weird thing for fallout analysis videos
I've never touched fallout 4, and only played through the story on 3 and yet I've seen probably at a minimum 8 hours of analysis videos on both of them

anyone got any more obscure ones?

Yeah that's the most fucked up thing for me. I've been waiting for who knows how long now since I've been fucking teased a SMT game review. If he has been playing these games finally, how there isn't a single review of one yet gives me a bad case of blue balls.

Matt is actually still more popular than joseph

He has autistic rules like playing through a game a minimum of two times to do a video about it, which means the longest shit he'll review are Zelda games and he'll never touch SMT. That or he wastes months doing stuff like no-damage DMC runs

Anderson shills are spiralling out of control.

Boss key is half you his content

It's a decent idea but consumers are fucking idiots. It's fine to support a patreon but you should be pulling that money when they're getting lazy.

he's a fucking fag that literally loves any game with "EPIC ACTION"

Anderson made several videos defending Dark Souls 2 (Which was one of the main reasons Matthewmatosis became popular, alongside his Bioshock Infinite video), and he released a video criticizing No Man's Sky instead of pseudo-philosophically praising it like every other journalist. That's about it.

Enough with the memes! Is thisb some tribalistic Sup Forums thing, where you have to like one over the other? it just doesnt make sense, JA and MM clearly dont have any hard feeling for each other, whatsoever

>Matt put his patreon on hold during a period where he produced no videos, because he has integrity and doesn't want to take people's money unless he works for it

>Reactivates his patreon and releases 3 shitty videos

>Proceeds to stop making videos again

>Anderson made several videos defending Dark Souls 2
I really love those videos, I wish more people would watch them instead of just spouting "Dark souls 2 is le shit xD" for no reason.

Well, Joseph started hanging out with Matthews ex-gf for a start.

He's decent, but he rarely ever branches out and ultimately he leaves me wanting more.