Hmmm why would they do this Sup Forums?
Hmmm why would they do this Sup Forums?
Reminder this will get raving reviews and sell amazingly and Sup Forums will seeth. Screencap this if you want.
amazing reviews are gonna happen because sony is bribing the shit out of the media
The reviews were always planned for Monday you fucking idiot. Spread hate, memes, bait, whatever, but don't fucking spread lies you little shit.
>last of us gets amazing reviews
>It's like gears of wars but slower and less of everything
>Story is whatever
>Only good thing maybe are some deah animations but thats debatable beyond the one big clicker fag
>Skyrim is an example too
>Mediocre as fuck
>Not that pretty
>Reviews are 'so pretty EPIC game!'
you're really making me cross!
Reminder people will instantly forget about this game after Zelda comes out and will hit the bargain bin faster than Battleborn
>reviews are bribes when I want them to be
>reviews are legit when I want them to be
Reviews are OPINIONS.
Your opinion.
My opinion.
Your autism might be hindering you in this area, but you will never, ever turn your opinions into facts.
The only PS4 exclusive to sell well was the one Sony hid in the console box over the holidays.
We're talking about Sony here.
Sony BMG Pay for Play?
Sony Pictures bribery scandal ring any bells?
of course they're going to make sure they get good reviews
Everyone knows it will get good reviews. All the shitty Ubisoft games that it copies get good reviews as well.
>good reviews aren't the best advertisement possible
>billion dollar corporations would never bribe game bloggers to give them a better score
>game bloggers making almost nothing and probably live in california don't need the money
>tinfoil hatting this hard
If Sony or any of the other big companies bribed reviewers we would know about it down to the deepest detail.
No matter how shit you think this world is there will at least be one person who either feels they need to leak it or there will be someone who gets fucked over hard enough by one of these companies to the point where they feel like they have nothing to lose.
You are literally fucking seperating your rationale with reality at this point.
You cannot point me to a single REAL incident of mass bribing in gaming.
Try me bitch, i have looked.
>caring about games journalists
>we would know about it
but we do. just nobody cares because it's common knowledge and no one with a brain gives a fuck about it.
Give me any shred of evidence you fucking delusional piece of waste. Jk i luv u user. But ur wrong.
kane and lynch
I wouldn't say there is direct actual bribing.
But I think bullshit scores happen on an implicit level when publishers are spending millions on marketing on the very same sites that are doing the reviews. Those sites are complicit in the pre release 'hyping' of games and often get kind of locked into saying the game is good.
I mean most of their day to day content is basically advertising branded as 'preview' content
This would be a slippery slope mate.
It would be like someone giving Mario a bad review for not being VR.
Reviewers who aren't reviewing a game based on what it offers SHOULD be fuckin fired.
>I wouldn't say there is direct actual bribing.
Good this is where we stop user. Anything else you say doesn't matter.
heh, this and ME3 were the most obvious examples I've ever seen. fucking bioware man
It's gonna review higher than Zelda.
I can't wait to read all the tears from the fallout.
Why do you even care about drawing this kind of technicality when insane levels of conflict of interest leads to the exact same outcome as if they'd just directly bribed them
>it's not bribing unless someone directly hands them money and then says, in no vague terms, do x for this money
love this meme
pic related
Then show me how much of a conflict it really is and also show me exactly who are implicated in it.
>No no! If shuhei Yoshida GIVES Geoff Keighly's tie a compliment there is a conflict of interest BOOHOOO
pic related aswell
>Then show me how much of a conflict it really is
the majority of revenue for these places is ad driven, yes? have you seen who places these ads? are you mentally insufficient?
The only true bribe/conflict of interest there has been isn't allowed to be talked about on this forum. But i do like 5 guys burgers and fries.
It is funny because every single time that i have seen game promotions on websites, those sites DONT REVIEW THE GAME. Look no further than EZA and Scorn.
The conflict of interest is inherent when the sites that do the reviews totally depend on the big publishers financially. I mean if companies like EA and Ubisoft just said 'we aren't going to show or say anything about the game until release' then 90% of these sites would go down the shitter overnight.
I mean in some ways it's worse than bribery. The dependence is so great that they don't even HAVE to bribe them to just get the same thing
The reviews could be moved for after the game comes out, it'd still get praised by the media because muh progressive
Expect no grade lower than 80
>Media would die if there was nothing to report on
I wish i could repost my frog again.
Of course it's going to get good reviews, it's a AAA title didn't get great reviews?
When I was a kid and not that many years ago really, AAA games regularly fell flat on their faces but at some point AAA were guaranteed a good reviews.
That's just the norm now, big budget=good reviews, I'm not going to speculate why but I have noticed the change happen at some point.
That one Ninja Theory tweet where they said X magazine gave a positive review for DmC before the score was officially out
After watching over 2 hours of gameplay footage, I can safely say rave reviews, especially any mentioning visuals or voice acting as anything more than "mediocre" and "total trash" respectively, are paid for by Sony.
Real media reports news. Games media ''''reports''' a companies advertising.
Go look at any games site when they all get preview shit at the same time. They all use the exact same language and talking points because it's basically a press release redrawn as an 'article'
what is this game
Pathetic. What is the crime here sir? That someone got a hold of the review earlier than the public?
Jail them i say.
So because you look at stale as fuck gaming sites with normie centric articles i guess all 10/10 reviews must be bribes.
I mean for fuck sakes user stop with the tinfoil hatting.
We've already seen all the tricks and stunts the game has thanks to the autist who streamed it for hours yesterday. We know that any scores of 9+ are Sony bribes or goldface posters on Sup Forums. The shit AI, braindead combat of Hold Triangle to Win, clunky and awkward animation and control, and the middling writing firmly plant this turd into the trashheap of open world yawn bringers
It's a post-apocalyptic combat-oriented adventure game with crafting set in a world where humans live at odds with dinosaur-like machines and other humans.
Think Far Cry with Souls combat.
Is it that console only game?
Yes. PS4-only.
they moved the embargo because the reviewers need time to think
>33852 ▶
>File: gator2.jpg (42 KB, 540x405)
holy shit
Thanks for the (really quick) answers!
>every single time that i have seen game promotions on websites, those sites DONT REVIEW THE GAME
delusional. the "content" is literally advertising. a game bloggers job is to basically take a provided press release and reword it.
>Look no further than EZA and Scorn.
i dont even know wtf these are. scorn appears to be a game? indie game? from fucking serbia? what's your point?
Something along the lines of dozens of Reviewers telling their Managers who tell Sony "You can't possibly expect me to make this game look good so soon. I need an extra weekend to collate my thoughts and shit."
I'll kill myself before I give it a bad review!
>Think Far Cry with Souls combat.
Nigga that's more than a week before the game releases.
Somebody post the suicidal dude quest now so these people can see a true gameplay example.
Not them but:
You're beyond help here. Keep slurping up your totally legitimate game reviews despite years of precedent showing that in regards to AAA releases they are all misleading as fuck.
You're not only lying to a stranger, but completely deluding yourself too. It's sad.
>I can't back up my claims but you are still retarded HUR!
>So because you look at stale as fuck gaming sites with normie centric articles
>acting like a mad hipster about where you get your press release info and opinions about video games from
It was a joke.
>the claims have been backed up numerous times even though it's common knowledge to anyone who has been paying attention for more than 3 months but i keep moving the goalpost HUR!
Even Fallout 4 got amazing reviews, and its a steaming turd
convince me not to pull the trigger
Does the PS4 have any other games you'd like?
>Steelbook has identical cover to the game
>A 2nd controller
Remove that second controller no?
You could get a Switch instead, and it'll actually get good games.
fucking kek
so basically the game leaked, everyone knows it's shit so they are in full damage control sending memos to review sites to make their (paid) reviews worse so to not appear as obviously paid
*also available on Wii U and PC
They already sent special press only editions to them. Their shamelessness knows no boundaries.
Mmm sloppy seconds with the ugly sister.
>good games
Multiplats dont count.
Dan hsu has written about it twice and every other year an editor explains how the system works. You give good reviews or you don't get games before launch to review. That's not counting the use of special review sessions in Hawaii and paid events which are highly influential and well documented in social psychology as being effective. There is of course actual bribery but it's tertiary to more effective practices.
>buying video games
>buying video game consoles
>buying white electronics
>buying triple a video games
>buying triple a video games that are carbon copy ubisoft games
>buying them before the game is even released
i see nothing wrong here
ps4 and ps4 pro are different consoles famicom
and this game plays like shit on one of them
did you mean to reply to me or someone else m8?
fucking do it. hit submit right now
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Reviews and awards only matter when people here want them to matter.
>No matter how shit you think this world is there will at least be one person who either feels they need to leak it or there will be someone who gets fucked over hard enough by one of these companies to the point where they feel like they have nothing to lose.
They lose the ability to acquire advance review copies of games, meaning they can't produce reviews anybody will read and thus have no platform to announce what you're talking about.
Oh cool so not a single PS4 game counts since the Pro is a new console, yeah? Meanwhile BotW on Switch is a definitive edition, not a multiplat. Not even PCucks can pirate the Switch version.
I meant to reply to the other faggot
Get Nioh or something stead of Horizon and you're good.
>newfriends STILL can't determine between funposting and thinks anyone but sonyggers legitimately care about review scores
the ironic shitposting is still shitposting but it's all we have anymore
Forgot the last guardian already? 10 year development cycle, probably huge costs and got the some of the worst reviews out of all the exclusives in the last few months. Just accept it, Horizon is good and it will review as such. You and your ilk are the only ones who are so biased and cynical that they cant be trusted.
>You and your ilk
opinion discarded
>Forgot the last guardian already
it was an abortion that sony clearly just wanted to get out the door and forget about as soon as possible. they didn't want to invest into the game because they obviously didn't believe in it enough to keep it borderline cancelled for 8 of those 10 years. they just wanted to shutup that niche group of faggots who couldn't let the game go cancelled without a shitstorm. the games release was literally damage control.
>t. Totally not a paid reviewer
The sony jews are trying to kill me plz send help
You better disappear before they send the deathsquad
by making you play horizon? fucking geneva convention has rules against that, please contact your senator.
screencap this post
They are already seething now, the collage i've been working on is fucking amazing.
ok let me ask are you people really this fucking stupid
just crouch in the tall grass so they wont be able to see you, just like horizon
>good games
wew lad
is the (((marketer))) strategy here just "even bad publicity is good publicity" kind of thing to get the game talked about.
>worst part is that you can see they are faking it because it has a lot of speed to begin with but even if you keep up the same pace it will suddenly slow down a bit.
Artificial difficulty should be shot in the throat.
it looks like his mouth has a clit
Horizon is a GOOD Game, sO You wont regret it,
If you were to spin a hand mixer in front of the sensor, I guess you'd be able to max out the score every time.
>looking around the house to find ways to cheat this game to the most absolute high score
probably the most fun you could probably have "playing" this "game"
XD we did it! Your paycheck will be deposited into your account shortly.