Tales of berseria cracked by CPY thread 2

seeding for you fags thats what they get for censoring the game
link to old thread

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>implying you can force me to play this crap even for free

Thanks for reminder.

the torrent on skidrowreloaded only has the game, but no crack. Does anyone have a link to just the crack?

This, where is the torrent link with the game + crack that is actually legit

Am I just retarded or does tbfix just not work with the pirated copy?

why do pcfags pirate so much? are they so fucking poor from buying $600 graphics cards that they can't afford games?

because the rush pf pilfering quality goods never gets old

Is this game available somewhere as a DDL, like, for example, on Mega or something? I'm from Germany and anti-piracy laws are actually enforced against random shitters like me in this country.


Is there a userbase that encapsulates the essence of the third world better than college age PCucks?

Nice now we can see if piracy really is the evil boogeyman destroying PC gaming.

Does anyone have a save file they could upload for post game stuff? I can't find one in the Steam forums


What for? Complete the game yourself.

>mfw i just finished Zesteria
Haven't bothered with post-game grinding yet though,should i jump to Berseria?

I finished it already on PS4 so I want to play around with post game stuff on PC

Absolutely. Leave Zestiria as soon as possible.

To tell the truth,i went in Zestiria expecting an unsalvageable mess,but i actually enjoyed it.I guess i have a high tolerance for bad things.

Does this cracked version include the DLC or do I need to find that link again?

Can I use my save file from the pirated version on the Steam one once it's on sale?

>- The game is updated to the version 1.48.00#193
>- All released DLCs are included

Great, now you fags will believe me when I tell you I wouldn't play it even if I could pirate it.

I love magilou

How does anyone play this game without stopping to fap like once every 30 minutes? I put Velvet in her prison clothes and the underboob game is strong in that one. Then Magilou sails in with her mosquito bites and sexy flirtatious voice and I have to pause the game.

>DLC list: Adventure Items Super Pack, Summer Holiday Costume Pack, Pirate Costumes Set, High School Costumes Set, Maid/Butler Costumes Set, Idolmaster Costumes Set, Japanese Fairy and Menagerie Costumes Set, Attachment Set, Adventure Item Pack 1, Adventure Item Pack 2, Adventure Item Pack 3, Adventure Item Pack 4.

How do I activate it?

When the main character of the series is hot looking women with ~

>Updated my PS4 to play this
Shame on me I guess.

Not this one, Eizen and Rokuro are pretty hot but there isn't enough homo sadly.

Stay mad, pleb.

Speaking of homo,i expected more from Sorey/Mikleo based on what people were saying.It was quite tame though desu.

Because it makes (You) and devs extremely butthurt

Most if Zestiria homo is in background and hidden beyond skip yes. Once you get the bow part Mikleo is basically irrelevant until the final night. Most of the Seraph are.

Because games are becoming increasingly more shit. I support devs I believe are helping the game industry, for the others, I pirate

>I support devs I believe are helping the game industry

I bet you bought Undertale

To add to this, I fapped to Xillia all the time.

Actually, I didn't. I didn't see what was so great about it. it was just okay

>play for 12hours with friends
>story is pretty good, at least compared to previous entries
>gameplay is fun as always
>we stop just before the first scene with Artorious in Artorious throne
>we take break of 2 weeks because we can't find time to gather up all at once
>meanwhile hype myself up in Berseria threads on Sup Forums
>everyone thinks the story is actually good this time
>I can't fucking wait for the next scene
>2 weeks have passed and we continue our playtrough
>the next scene with Artorious is fucking shit
Yeah fuck you Sup Forums. This is same shit as in any other Tales of game. You got me hyped for literally nothing. At least I can enjoy the gameplay as always.

Fix your goddamn country

Anyone been able to get Tales of Berseria fix working on cracked copies?

Does Eleanor get artes that Down? I want her as my Eizen assist

It only got worse for me. I had to give up after 40 hours of the boring combat and the plot giving me a middle finger. Nothing like having the game handwave away the last 20 hours of my time as completely irrelevant in one sentence.

That said, the character interactions never stop being pretty great, so I hope you can still find some value in it, even if the story isn't really grabbing you.

Her soul break does.

Doesn't work. You can't Switch Blast from it which is a shame.

>That said, the character interactions never stop being pretty great
Yeah and that's true for all Tales of games really. Oh well, that's what I get from being hyped.


Idort here, I don't understand it either. I've only ever pirated games I already own or ones that are old and a pain in the ass to hunt down.

How do I get the DLC outfits? Can't seem to find them anywhere.

What for? It's got proper 60 fps this time.

DLC tab in items, just use all the costume stuff

Because I like getting shit for free?

>How does anyone play this game without stopping to fap like once every 30 minutes?

You need to get laid.

I would've bought it if they didn't censor it. I even bought this piece of shit when it came out.

I live with my girlfriend and still stop playing shit like this and rabi-ribi to jerk off

Your girlfriend is pretty worthless then.

Sometimes I stop playing and throw one into her instead, it depends more on my mood than hers.

I can't go more than an hour of playing without having to stop and blow a huge load to Velvet. She's so fucking hot and sadistic, god it makes me diamonds.

I want to blow a huge load inside of Velvet

Anyone else who pays for games and doesn't care if somebody else pirates them? Hell I'll even seed.

Poor people deserve nice things too.

Bless your soul, Colette. Even though you're a shit character.

I want to give Magilou my seed

Playstation button prompts among other things.

if the game is so shit, why bother pirating to play shit?

Did you try installing it manually, I know that it works on pirated Zestiria, but I have never bothered with it on Berseria.

>playing shit games even if they are free
Why would you do that to yourself?

Well, after 5 seconds of google.
Said fix programmer is simply a faggot, there you go.

>Generally, no. The way that Steam games are "cracked" is stupid simple, they just patch over a few Steam client calls. I insert those back enmasse with all the Steam enhancements my mods have, at which point cracked executables don't have a snowball's chance in hell of working correctly.

Also, he puts even DRM on his shit.
Just live with what you get and don't support that asshole.

I'm more judicious with my money than with my time.

That's weird because I used that faggot's zestiria fix on my pirated copy and it worked just fine.
What a dickmuncher.

fuck off social justice warrior


was hard to find in steam, stupid fucking numbered folders.

Post your bestest velvet pic

you are fucking autistic

"i dont understand the appeal of getting free stuff'

KYS you massive sperglord cunt and admit you are either too stupid or too beta to pirate a game, and that is the ONLY reason.

>playing this trash
>even for free
No, user. Never again. Not after graces and xillia 2 and zestiria.

Tales is dead.

I mean if you're so sure its shit why would you even bother touching it?

I'd think someone would avoid the dog pie rather than step on it on purpose

Graces was great.

Everytime Seres appears I can't help but stare at those glorious tits

Me too friend, did not find it remotely as terrible as people made out and I pre ordered it ;)

m-m-m-m-mm-mm-m-m-muh frrriendship


Not the story stupid, the gameplay.

>Xillia 2

Xillia was fucking garbage bro

>playing Tales of grabage for the story
Why would you do that to yourself

The story and characters have to be bearable for me to enjoy the gameplay. Assbel is hands down the worst jrpg protagonist and that's saying something because ToS2 exists.

please tell me about this "censorship"

How in the fuck are story in any way or form related to the gameplay? Just skip the cutscenes like any sane person would

*teleports behind you*
*Stabs you with a magic ritual*
nothin personal kid

Yeah, X2 was the best in the series since [/spoiler]Symphonia[/spoiler]

It's called self-control.

I don't enjoy the gameplay enough to skip the story and character interactions.

I can't believe they cracked it this fast.

Then why even play games lmao


Cool, maybe tales will finally die in the west along with all other weebshit.


was 2 actually good? the first one put me off so much I dropped it after MC turns into a fag because bigtits spirit girl is gone.

And pirates say they buy games they like.
lmao and you guys wonder why they don't port stuff to pc.

2 fixed all the issues with 1's gameplay

I'm glad that this will probably halt any other PC port for any weeb game in the future. PS exclusives will finally stay as PS exclusives. I hope Sqeenix will learn from this and cancel the port for Nier automata.

I'd rather Tales games die in the west than support censorship.

item menu in game