ITT: Games you're currently playing

ITT: Games you're currently playing

>pic related

Other urls found in this thread: kings 2&x=0&y=0

Currently raging at the fact that Poland nor Lithuania ever fucking make themselves vulnerable in the 10 times I've tried to play Teutonic Order

Also, if someone could give me a link to torr... ehrm buy The Reaper's Due I will be REALLY greatful

met too

I'm right now trying to rebuild the Roman Empire...
Byzantines are slowly building, aready got Sicily, Serbia, Greece and Anatolia, plus Abkhazia...
Damn Armenians spawned and are 40k soldiers strong, so I'm building to annex them. Once I'm around 60k I will attack them, right now they're my biggest thread

>Start on earliest date
>Francia is already an overpowered shithead of an empire
>Never stops

I started in England so no big deal yet, but come the fuck on. There should be an event that destroys the empire title or makes the title untenable during the early years. Right now he owns all of France and Iberia and most of Germany.

Keep killing the kings and hope for civil wars

I played this for a while and I owned a duchy in Poland and I tried to become king for the whole fucking game and i couldn't do it

Use any revolt to claim land, marry family members to powerful vassals of France and forge alliances.
In one play I remember marrying matrillinealy my daughter to someone with a claim to the HRE, so my grandson had a claim on it, in the end, when my grandson became Emperor (it wasn't that long, my other heirs got themselves killed somehow) after a war I ended up with 2 empires (Byzantine wich I started and the HRE)

Can someone share a link to ONLY getting the reaper's due?
Free is preffered... I can't find a working torrent to that DLC

Do you want to run it on Steam?

Finished 2 and 3, never played 1. It's quite fun, playing it on hard.

Not really, I just want to play it. I don't really care to Steam, I don't even have an Steam account

I play loads of different Vikings and Christians in the 8th century start and that Frankish superblob always falls to bits. Never seen it last longer than 2 generations.

>Teutonic Order

Shit taste

Skid Row lad kings 2&x=0&y=0

One step at a time.

You see that King you are the vassal of? You want to get on his council. At the same time you want to be making friends with his other vassals and removing the ones that will never be friends with you.

How do you get on his council? Kill the councillor whose place you want to take. Focus your childrens education on intrigue and get them the education trait "Elusive Shadow".

That's one way to do it. If you don't want to be a scheming fuck you can start forging claims on his other vassals' lands and then knocking them over militarily.

Becoming King is rarely something you start and finish with one character. If you start with one character and plan properly, it's the Grandkids that will get the throne.

>pirate group website


Boy oh boy

>replaying GTA V for the Xth time
>Dark Souls for the first time
>Pokemon S&M aftergame
>Stella Glow, nice little RPG, pic related