Sea Of Thieves Video Shows Off Skeletal Pirates, New Islands

It looks really good, Sup Forums. I am getting kind of pumped here. What about you?

Looks fun but games are too often shit for me to really be hype about it.

Really the only xbone game this year I have any hope for

Wouldn't surprise me if it moved to the Scorpio.

At this point they should. It really doesn't look ready at all. It's coming along nicely, but seriously just let it be apart of the Holiday lineup.

Did Spencer say that there would be Scorpio specific exclusives?

No, but there is a Scorpio launch lineup confirmed. All we know is it's Crackdown, _____, and _____. Also the lineup has nothing to do with Halo or Gears. And Phantom Dust comes out in May supposively so it's not that either. They are coming to E3 with either no games or completely unannounced games.

Yeah in that case then I wouldn't be surprised either if Sea of Thieves joined that line up. Haven't heard anything about Crackdown since they introduced it.

this doesn't look very good

how do you fuck up muskets that badly?

that piddly sound. that lack of impact

that disappointing vfx

that lack of bone crushing impact when the ball hits that skull


It's coming along and apparently is being most heavily focused title from the big Microsoft engineers working on Scorpio.

It's going to be the major launch title, Sci-fi GTA with destructible world. It might end up being a GotY contender even with Zelda coming out. This is going to be a VERY interesting E3 to see what Nintendo and Microsoft have in store.

I'm just expecting Sony to really ramp up their PSVR this E3 since they can't meet demand they aren't pushing their VR titles hard atm.

I haven't been a huge fan of the previous crackdowns, but Microsoft definitely needs to go big at this E3.

Since Scalebound's cancellation, they almost need to show off solid third party titles

I still don't fucking get it. What is the endgame for this? You go out and adventure with your friends and explore the islands, that's cool. There are skeletons and other enemies, that's fine. You get the treasure and hope you don't get ganked, and bring the treasure back to a port.

But what do you DO with the treasure? Upgrade weapons? Upgrade your ship? Buy upgrades for your health/armor? Because it seems like it's going to be a gameplay loop of go out to sea, find the treasure, upgrade your gear, then go out to sea and tackle islands you couldn't do previously. That seems like you're going to run out of islands pretty quickly.

Nail on the head.

It's trying to be too much and is going to need a lot of time to flesh out because of it. Originally we thought it was going to be a diablo style loot PSO pirate MMO and now it looks like some kind of 5v5 arena pvp game.

I'm somewhat hype, but I'm also ready for disappointment.

>Windows 10

All I wanted was something like GMod Pirate Ship Wars except not shit.

>that fov

What is that 35°?
Looks like a f2p game.

It's an AAA early access game from Microsoft. 3 years past and they are still in pre-alpha. Just lokk at the vid - the version of the game is 0.1.1
Developers don't know what they want. This game is truly Fable Legends 2/0 if not worse. Expect to be canceled by the end of the year. I'm serious.

>Now 0.1.1
This thing's gonna be dead before it hits 0.3

>by one of the fattest companies on the market
>early access

kek, no thanks, ever

>all these online-centered games

>Worse than Fable Legends

Bro that game was legitimately amazingly terrible. Like you could run around doing fart animations and queue up for moba tier maps doing pve. The devs had no idea what they were doing in the slightest.

Remedy is currently working on an online game now also.

I was more pointing out the XBone's games as of late. I thought Remedy's next game would be multi-plat anyways.

Don't quote me on it, but I believe Microsoft is funding Remedy's next game. I doubt it'll be on anything besides PC/Xbox.

>2 minute video
>3 seconds "gameplay"

it would be neat if they added an endgame section that was like the Bermuda Triangle with a bunch of ghost ships and sea monsters, that was nigh-impossible without the best loot and teamwork

but I doubt anything like that will happen

This looks like the worst game rare has ever made. I thought this was supposed to be an mmo version of ac4black flag?

Sea of thieves is going to be the Xbox One's No mans sky. mark my words

you can play xbone games on the scorpio

looks fun but will probably still wait for reviews

Its to combat piracy

Spencer said on that Halo Wars stream last night that one of his favourite games on this year's MS lineup hasn't been announced yet so who knows.

Voodoo Vince HD
calling it now

Confirmed to come out real soon before E3, like within the next 2-3 months.

oh shit for real?

Voodoo Vince remastered is coming out in April. So it's not that either.

Could be Ori 2?

How will they sell Scorpios if all the games will be playable on regular xbone and W10? It's great for gamers since there are more options, but from a business standpoint, it only weakens the product

Scorpio will play all Xbox one games and any 360 games currently (or in the future) on backwards compatibility
so if you didn't get a console it's not a bad starting point
but like you said the games will also work on the normal xbone, so who knows.

Spencer also said last last night there's going to be PC exclusive and console exclusive games coming from MS from now on as well.

Plus, normalfags can't into PC so there always will be a market for consoles. No one really cared when most PS1 games were also on PC anyway. Even Sony published ones like Wipeout.

You're paying for 1080p/60fps or 4k/30fps. ESO players alone will upgrade to the Scorpio just to max out the graphics My brother and I am.

Truthfully the future Scorpio heavy games will look a lot less appealing in Youtube comparison videos for normal Xbox users, but hey if you don't want a Scorpio the cool thing is your not being left behind and can continue to play Xbox One games.

Tho straight up, I highly doubt Original Xbox emulation will be available on PC and X1, that might be exclusive to Scorpio.

Wondering how Xbox physical releases will be from now on. Will the cases only say Xbox, or will there be separate cases for Scorpio and Bone games? Assuming the Scorpio isn't called Xbox One Turbo or some shit like that.
This E3 should be interesting. Microsoft has a lot of prove.