How does these compare to nocturne?

how does these compare to nocturne?

worth a buy?

It's better than Nocturne in every way except for the lack of demon recruiting and fusion. It plays more like a traditional JRPG

They're easier.

No demon negotiations/fusion

A lot more streamlined

Everything is great aside from the legitimately artificially difficulty secret boss. You also get bonuses in the next game for beating certain things and transferring your save data.

I don't normally come here or play video games any longer, and its been a long ass time since I played these games now, but if I remember correctly, you're learning attacks from enemy demons or something, right?

got 1 and 2 in my cart now, and I'm finally close to finishing nocturne on hard after 12 years of putting it off. gonna need something to wean me off

nice to hear stuff transfers I guess, I don't know anything about dds

It's really fucking boring.

thats alright, I prefer boring games.

Worse than nocturne in every way but still pretty good due to the solid core mechanics. Just don't expect something amazing

No wonder it's taken you so many years to finish Nocturne.

Better than Nocturne in every way.

You have a skill grid to master and you eat demons to level up until you unlock it.

sounds like it could be a fun change though, I'm dogshit at fusing and filling my compendium anyways

I thought it was really boring but somehow I managed to beat it and the sequel too. The OST by based SHOJI MEGURO and the mildly interesting story is what kept me from not dropping it I guess.

>The OST by based SHOJI MEGURO

best OST all year round

Should I even bother with NG+ to try unlock more stuff and do extra boss battles or just move on to DDS2?
Get the "eat" skills(Devourer,Demon/Holy Beast) and the one to share karma between party members including the ones not being used.

ill make a note of that

It's just like Nocturne except for some differences:

1. No demon recruiting, no compendium, no fusion. Your party is made up of a few characters like in a traditional JRPG.

2. Because you can't easily fuse/swap demons, elemental and status weaknesses are dealt with by casting 'shield' spells. You end up casting these all the godamn time throughout the game to beat bosses who exploit your weaknesses. It's a whole new category of super important spells.

3. Much more story driven and the story is dumb

Otherwise, the game is the same as Nocturne. Press turn system, same enemies with the same sprites (you fight demons), same spells (some differences, e.g. shield spells). You can build your character how you like as well, iirc.

Great games that make a change from the usual formula.

>elemental and status weaknesses are dealt with by casting 'shield' spells
Like those items in Persona that casted agi/bufu/etc?

>shield spells
Are buffs and debuffs temporary, like in P4? I couldn't stand that shit.

An elemetal shield lasts one attack or one turn buff and debuff lasts until negated by the enemy with some endgame tricks

1 is a way better game but too easy and lacks a hard mode
2 is a much worse game but harder then 1

why is wikipedia a mantra

thanks, downloading them now.

at the obelisk in nocturne now, figured im near the end. gonna jump into dds once thats done and over with

>near the end


at leats 75% through though right??

I mean hell, I'd welcome the game being even longer, but I already got endgame consumables and a heap of overpowered skills and demons

DDS2 has the worst final dungeon I have ever had the displeasure of going through in a JRPG. Raidou 1 has a fantastic final dungeon though, you should play that after DDS1 & 2.

If you're doing True demon ending i'd say you're like 50 % done iirc. I have a shit memory though

You're barely reaching 40%
What do you mean? have you been having fun in uncle lucy's super fun hell labrynth?

It's like Nocturne but much worse in every aspect.

Character growth relies on "Mantra" that you have to buy and they come hyper expensive, you will need to gring money all the time

Storyline is kinda neat at the start with the whole tribal aspect but in the sequel they are "outside" and then it becomes boring, just like a teen movie like Maze Runner or some shit

Game also has those annoying difficulty spikes, then it has a super difficult final dungeon and a piss easy final boss

>You're barely reaching 40%
>50 % done iirc.

fucking seriously? holy shit, this game, I swear.

>What do you mean? have you been having fun in uncle lucy's super fun hell labrynth?

heck yeah, daisojou with preach and meditation turns the game into babbys first RPG though, even on hard, its ridiculous. then there is hell biker, and I'm guessing I'll get dante later as well?

>If you're doing True demon ending

no flipping idea, I don't know a single person who has played this before, never read a walkthrough or anything. so far I've been all indecisive when gozu tennoh asked me to join, and I've told god to fuck off at the second kalpa entrance. gonna continue collecting jewish candlesticks from the skeleton gang though, for sure.

is there any difficulty options like nocturne?

if so, is hard the default go-to setting for good times?

Well, keep going through the amala dungeon then.
I hope you didn't sacrifice/abandon your pixie.

>I hope you didn't sacrifice/abandon your pixie.

I kept it for the longest time yet, but I fused it into something stupid sometime after beating matador

does it evolve into something crazy or something?

also a bit off topic here, but any good ways to boost my daisojous HP? I've not resorted to any FAQ or walkthroughs yet, and I'd rather not do it either, not on my first playthrough.

been boosting him with mitamas so far, currently at 330hp something at lvl42. and he's always the first one to go in a battle.

I thought the stuff explaining why they behave the way they do in the sequel was interesting. I would shot it down for being really cheesy, but they were both like that, DDS1 even moreso I would say, though I say that almost entirely because of when Argilla cries onto Jinana's tear Atma. I found that part laughable. I think the two of them tell an enjoyable story either way, it's nothing amazing, but it's fine for what it is.


fusing is fine as long as you kept the demon you fused her into.
>does she evolve?

Something like that, just keep going through the amala place and don't get rid of that demon.

guess I'm gonna have a fun time trying to figure out what demon I fused her into.

what about just summoning her back from the compendium? wouldn't that work the same way?

Nope, your pixie is unique, she is still sorta there inside the demon you fused.
Just don't dismiss any demons and you should be fine.
Also you might meet some ghost in a tunnel that asks you for a demon to help him, the demon you give him dies so don't give him any ones you fused and just recruit a high STR one.

alright, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

though I think the pixie is long since gone. I think I fused it into an uzume, but what happened after that, I have no idea.

its just like nocturn except you have a party of demons.

It's always the first demon in your list.

that would be kushinada.

I guess pixie might be in that lineage

Probably, mine went from high pixie all the way to mother harlot in a wide array of hot demons.

I'll make a mental note of keeping her, as well as remembering to evolve inugami, I've heard rumors he turns into something good as well.

longdog turns into paper longdog, pretty good demon up to level 35

The mantra system is fucking obtuse and annoying in how long it takes to reach a terminal and scroll through 8 menus to assign a new set of attacks.

otherwise I like it.

yeah, game was kinda tough up until then, suddenly I got arhabaki and daisojou, and its been a breeze ever since