3DS !!!

I just bought one of these bad boys. Custom firmware on it and got a couple of games but would love to hear some of your opinions on the best games. Seems like its got a massive library but I've not been paying attention at all over the last few years.

Is the Zelda any good? Mario? Mostly interested in 2D action like Mega Man or JRPGs but I like alll genres.

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why are you wrapping that 2ds with sausages

It has smt and Etrian Odyssey games. Also Dragon Quest ports
It also has access to GBA and NES libraries.

The Mario's are decent enough, 3D Land has different jumping mechanics than the other 3D games so that might be odd
Zelda ALBW is okay too
Check out Cave Story

its not me !

Forgive me for living under a rock. Is this an actual thing or some Chinese knock-off and OP is making a joke?


That's a 2ds

Kid icarus uprising is fun but a lot of people have a hard time getting used to the controls

Dragon Quest/SMT/Fire Emblem have fairly good libraries on the system, if you like those types of games at all

I recommend Pokemon mystery dungeon

Zelda ALBW is fairly well-liked

Zelda A Link Between Worlds is heavily based on the aesthetic of Link to the Past. If you liked that game and want something that feels similar, it's great for nostalgia. The wall marge mechanic is implemented well, but it's a very easy game.

Devil Survivor Overclocked is a good SRPG, and Etrian Odyssey and SMT IV are some JRPGS.

Yeah SMT is actually the first thing I downloaded. How is it? I loved Nocturne and Strange Journey. Guessing it's more of the same?

Dunno if you're having a gag but it's a 2DS which is just like a 3DS but doesnt fold and doesnt have a 3D screen. It's also more comfortable imo and has nice big shoulder buttons

I had a real laugh with one of those chocobo dungeon games on the wii years ago, might check that out. Dragon Quest is a shout, I've never ended up finishing one of them

For 2D action, you can check out Shantae and Azure Striker Gunvolt.

If you like Rhythm games, there's Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

If you like visual novel type puzzle games, there's Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, and Virtue's Last Reward, although all three are sequels to DS games.

Etrian Odyssey IV is one of my favourite RPGs of all time.

It's all the battling fun of a JRPG minus the extended shitty cutscenes and characters plus awesome map drawing.

Other than that...
-Luigi's Mansion 2 - very fun, but mission based
-Animal Crossing New Leaf - the best animal crossing yet
-Mario Golf - with the DLC it's quite a good golf game
-Kid Icarus Uprising - a full blockbuster on the 3ds with amazing audio and voice acting
-Link Between Worlds - not the most memorable zelda but the gameplay is buttery smooth

SMTIV has a battle system like Nocturne, with the press turn system. Gameplay is quite similar, though you can save anywhere and change the difficulty on the fly.

Jesus fucking Christ. I've never actually seen a 2DS up close before. Are they really that tiny?

There's this JRPG dungeon crawler where you draw out your own map. I've been eyeing it for quite a while. Forgot the name though.

Also, get the Fire Emblem games for 3DS. They're good.

Have you hacked your 2DS yet? :^)

>draw your own map
That's Etrian Odyssey. It's a good time.

Good purchase my man, the library is indeed pretty big by now. I'm sure you will have fun with it.

Since we seem to like the same kind stuff (mega man, jrpgs...), here are my recommendations:

Zelda of course. Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are no brainers and a link between worlds is great too.

People here like to shit on Mario 3D Land, but it's enjoyable. Give it a go.

Also you have all of the typical nintendo stuff...
mario kart 7
smash bros
star fox 64 3d
kid icarus
rhythm heaven
luigis mansion 2
donkey kong country returns
nes remix
animal crossing

They're all at least okay, so you can check them out if they interest you.

In terms of jrpgs:
If you have a New 3DS, then go play xenoblade. It's great.

If you don't have a new 3DS, try Dragon Quest 7 and especially 8. Very well made classic jrpgs.

If you want to count that as an jrpg, you can try one of the fire emblems. They're a bit too weeb for my taste, but maybe you like it.

Also, many people like bravely default. Classic jrpg with an amazing soundtrack.

When it comes to mega man like games, you have to try shovel knight if you haven't yet. It's great. Also, cave story (not the 3d version, get the regular one). Mighty switch force is short and sweet and many people say shantae is good too. Then you have azure striker gunvolt. I find it awful, but some people like it. And the last one is the mega man legacy collection which contains the first 6 mega man games.

If you like games with good stories, you have to play phoenix wright. If you don't know the series at all, get "phoenix wright trilogy". You get three amazing games in one package. If you know the old games already, play the newer ones, they're good too.

If you liked that, please give the zero escape trilogy a try. It has been memed to death here but it's great and there's nothing quite like it.

What's the most blatant rip off in video games history?

sorely disappointed by the lack of audio sliders to adjust the backing track volume in rhythm heaven, the backing tracks are way too quiet

>there's nothing quite like it.
except, you know, the infinity series (never7, ever17, and remember11) from which it borrows liberally

Limbo of the Lost was full of blatantly plagiarized textures.


Kirby Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot are decent enough.

wow thanks mate for the thoughtful post
will screenshot and check these out

im def in a dragon quest mood i think, they look kind of relaxing.

should i go with 7 or 8? think i played about 5 hours of 8 on the ps2 back in the day but i barely remember it. dont think i really got to the meat of it at all.

Why the fuck are Xls so expensive now? They've shot up to their original price instead of going down. I can't even buy a refurbished one from Nintendo.

If you like jogs try shin megami tensei IV. If you like it and want more of the same try Apocalipse. It's a turn based jrpg where you summon demons, battle them and make contracts with new ones. Being smug is a tactical advantage

Any of the 3 Zeldas (OoT, MM, ALBW) will treat you great.
Kid Icarus Uprising
Any Pokemon game
Luigis Mansion 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 3D Land
Monster Hunter Generations (4U and 3U are good but 3U has no online and 4U will be more inactive than Gen because it's older)
Honestly may as well grab Rayman 3D (Rayman 2) it's still fun for a playthrough.

Not really into JRPGs but my weeb friends like SMT and Etrian Odyssey a lot.

>2D action
The 3DS Kirby games are decent, especially if you liked Return to Dreamland. I think they were made with the same engine. Still not on the level of Super Star imo

Black friday cleared stock out entirely, and Nintendo is either not shipping more in preparation of Switch or is very slowly putting out units. I honestly can't tell if it's Nintendo or scalper units showing up periodically. It's like two or three per store every so often.
Hyrule edition used looks in stock

You're right but man I can't get into Ever17 at all even if everyone seems to love it. The characters look bad and the story was still boring 2 hours in. Should I give it another try?

Cool, glad that I could help you out. I'm not an expert on Dragon Quest, but most people say that 5 and 8 are the best ones. So maybe give 8 another try.

>You're right but man I can't get into Ever17 at all even if everyone seems to love it. The characters look bad and the story was still boring 2 hours in. Should I give it another try?
try remember11, it gets going much faster. most visual novels require some patience and take a lot longer than 2 hours to get everything set up and to start actually getting exciting. it's up to you whether or not it's worth it, but last 1/5 of ever17 is pure "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK." or at least it was when i played it before reading zero escape. having read zero escape you may see some things coming and it may have less impact as a result. but you could say the exact same thing about going from zero escape 1 to 2, and then to 3 since so many ideas are recycled. so if you still want more of that type of thing you might still enjoy it.

rune factory 4
senran kagura