Good purchase my man, the library is indeed pretty big by now. I'm sure you will have fun with it.
Since we seem to like the same kind stuff (mega man, jrpgs...), here are my recommendations:
Zelda of course. Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are no brainers and a link between worlds is great too.
People here like to shit on Mario 3D Land, but it's enjoyable. Give it a go.
Also you have all of the typical nintendo stuff...
mario kart 7
smash bros
star fox 64 3d
kid icarus
rhythm heaven
luigis mansion 2
donkey kong country returns
nes remix
animal crossing
They're all at least okay, so you can check them out if they interest you.
In terms of jrpgs:
If you have a New 3DS, then go play xenoblade. It's great.
If you don't have a new 3DS, try Dragon Quest 7 and especially 8. Very well made classic jrpgs.
If you want to count that as an jrpg, you can try one of the fire emblems. They're a bit too weeb for my taste, but maybe you like it.
Also, many people like bravely default. Classic jrpg with an amazing soundtrack.
When it comes to mega man like games, you have to try shovel knight if you haven't yet. It's great. Also, cave story (not the 3d version, get the regular one). Mighty switch force is short and sweet and many people say shantae is good too. Then you have azure striker gunvolt. I find it awful, but some people like it. And the last one is the mega man legacy collection which contains the first 6 mega man games.
If you like games with good stories, you have to play phoenix wright. If you don't know the series at all, get "phoenix wright trilogy". You get three amazing games in one package. If you know the old games already, play the newer ones, they're good too.
If you liked that, please give the zero escape trilogy a try. It has been memed to death here but it's great and there's nothing quite like it.