Which games are best for going full operator?

Which games are best for going full operator?

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Movie would have been far, far better without Blunt

splinter cell
metal gear

Yeah, this. I don't get how the fuck this movie got so many perfect scores from reviewers, Blunt's character was just so fucking annoying and completely inconsequential.

disagree. Blunt was the audience surrogate who was waaay out of her depth, movie would have been lost without her

Rogue Warrior

she's like a tourist in a safari or the journalist in generation kill

I felt like she dragged the experience down, I didn't really care for her perspective, movie could have worked without her slowing the pace down.

Rainbow six siege

the division
the new ghost recon
battlefield 3/4

How about no.

she was necessary, maybe go watch some marvel films instead, friend :)

You mad

Yeah, but as a viewer you usually had more information than her character did so most of the time you were just waiting for her to catch up so the plot could go on and the guys could actually do their shit.


hyped for Soldado

Far Cry 2
Hitman 2016
Max Payne 1/2/3
Splinter Cell before Conviction
MGS 2/3/4/V

Modded up ARMA 3 is operator dress-up super-sim. And satisfying with a group too

Too bad they really have terrible blood effects. Like giant blobs of red come out of people when you shoot them, its fucking terrible looking. How could they fuck up one simple thing? If it werent for that I'd probably love this game.


Without Blunt it's just an action gun-slinging revenge flick (which is probably what the sequel will be). Her character gave it a moral ambiguity.


>some mods
>hard community missions

literally webm related


swat 4 is still the best you can find


Wait what.

You need to watch a different movie. The theme of Sicario (from the first raid where she nearly gets her head blown off to the last scene where she gets blown the fuck out) is about how women are ineffective and weak willed.

Holy shit, did he die? I can only assume he eventually got shot.

True the blood splatter is retarded but the gameplay is just too good to pass for something like that.

Don't even ask

all these goddamn cock breath commie mother fuckers itt

Sicario should have been the different movie I wanted to watch.


Gotta disagree with you on that. We needed a "moral" compass in the story to show just how fucked up everyone was. Without her, it's just Rambo.

Unless you mean her acting specifically, which was fine IMO but that's subjective


I don't think she did a good job in that department, but I also have never liked Blunts acting.

unfortunately for him, he was wounded,that video ended with some isis monkey shoting him and blowing his head off with a PKM at close range

and with Blunt, we have an action gun-slinging revenge flick intermittently shown between clips of how stupid women are

>tfw Poland was finally announced
GROM should have been in from Day-1.

ArmA 3

get the Dynamic Universal War System Rebirth or DUWS RHS escalation scenarios (Rebirth is slightly more polished but RHS has more content).

>start out with a small covert HQ in the ass end of nowhere with a bunch of enemy bases all over the map
>securing bases and doing side missions grants you CP
>CP allows you to buy fire support, squad members, vehicles, access to an armory, access to helicopter taxis, all the way up to squads you have control over in high command
All of this based on ArmA 3 so it's tactical as fuck.

>Get dressed in tigerstripe BDUs and take a ride out of CENTCOM, insert into some hills near a comms outpost
>Do some recon, can see there are 8 CSAT fire teams and a mechanized squad guarding it with the occasional patrol passing by on the nearby highway
>Shell the hell out of it with Artillery and JDAMs
>Call in a tandem Comanche squad to overwatch
>Call in 4 ghost hawks loaded to the brim with weapon teams and have them drop off their chalk outside
>Order the 4 weapon teams to assault the comms outpost under fire support from the Comanches
>Suddenly a crack and a whiz as a bullet screams past me and lands just a few feet away
>A CSAT commando squad snuck up on me while observing the fight
>Call in an overhead UAV to get an edge on them
>Get on my belly and sneak around the tall grass to flank them from behind
>Plant some 7.62mm in them in rapid succession
>Comms outpost got secured, order Comanches RTB and call in a helicopter evac.
>Not soon after a patrol squad that heard my firefight with the commandos shows up
>Ghost hawk lands in open terrain, activate conditioned training special ability to return suppressive fire while I advance to the LZ
>Get in, enemy squad advancing
>Ghost hawk finally takes off, but as it flies over the squad one of them gets a lucky shot in, kills the pilot
>grab a parachute out of the inventory and bail behind enemy lines
>Have to sneak back to base, 1 mag left

Kill all sand niggers

Solo mission in old R6

SWAT 4 isn't even the best in its own series.

You're missing the point hard if you think it's just "hurr Durr women are dumb cunts"

The movie is about the greater good, and asks you wether the means really justify the ends. Were they really justified to let del Toro's character murder a family in cold blood? What about the near-innocent officer that was killed as collateral? What really separates the cartels front those who fight them?

>Kurwa operators
pls no, been playing WoT since 2012 and i learned how subhuman poles are there.

my nigga, that shit is operator as fuck

It's called Soldado but it's being directed by someone else which means it'll very likely be shit.

>not directed by Denis Villenueve

I'll still see it. As long as they make some good tense action sequences I'll be happy, the first is one of my favorite movies.

Sitting-down Seagal best Seagal?

There really aren't enough Operator games if you ask me.

I just want the Operator version of HITMAN 2016 where I can replay missions and scenarios over and over in different play styles.

I am extremely excited for Ghost Recon Wildlands, even though I'm sure it will let me down in one way or another, but either way I think I will still enjoy it.

Is there anything Seagal CAN'T do?

how could you be excited for wildlands, you did play the beta or even watched it i hope. it looked horrible

star in a movie that doesn't end up being hilarious

>even though I'm sure it will let me down in one way or another, but either way I think I will still enjoy it.
DUWS is made for you, my friend.

>is about how women are ineffective and weak willed.

No it isn't. It's about how little even people that know their shit (FBI SWAT) actually know when they get in to the thick of things.

Glad Sup Forums agrees with me, this movie was shit.

How battlefield?

he really is the greatest comedian

Only 2 posters agreed with you user

That film was kino

MGSV, The Division, Ghost Recon Wildlands, although this last one has some wanky controls.

and none of that has to do with Blunt's character

>that reddit ama he did
It's kinda sad that he's so blatantly unaware of what everyone thinks of him

I'm excited for the idea, I have watched a little and I just need to play more and feel it for myself to judge it appropriately.

What were the downsides though? And no I wasn't in the closed beta, so waiting on the open one next week.

I've done the whole ARMA thing, mostly in RP servers(was in a large gang that did really great big tactical gang fights with other groups) and some other things here and there. I do enjoy it, never really got my claws into the co op mission stuff that people seem to love so much. Can DUWS be played with a friend?

>The Division
>Shooting enemies for days on end without them dying in a couple of shots
RPG elements simply don't work in a shooter, the only time I think they have was Borderlands.

I shudder to think of what you consider is a "good" movie then.




Now they die pretty quickly, they really lowered it all with 1.4
Now it's just the named enemies that take long to kill.

What the fuck are you talking about? Blunt is the one who's faced with the moral dilemma. What other character ever questions their actions?

yep with a friend or solo!

havent played it coop, i've mostly just fucked around in single player and its still super fun and engaging.

just remember to get either the RHS escalation version or the Rebirth version.


WHAT HES FAT NOW?! Fucking lol, i haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

What did he mean by this?

are you getting a boner as well?

not an argument

ARMA (series)
Ball Bullet Gun
Urban Chaos Riot Response
pic related

Have you been living under a rock?


lose weight and get a hair cut

>got fat
>lost the lag

Isn't he on wheels or something in these?

siema pl

>not an argument
Not an argument.

> Australian plays with 400 ping


>he literally became Will Sasso's depiction of him

what the fuck is an actual Operator? And why have there been so many Sicario memes? That movie came out forever ago (relatively speaking)

is that the original cut

at this point i wouldnt even be surprised with seagal.

its the autist term for anyone in mil spec-ops

>Not an argument.
Not an argument.

>its another Sup Forums hates women thread

Yes. 100% original cut.

>What were the downsides though? And no I wasn't in the closed beta, so waiting on the open one next week.

The gunplay is boring
The AI is dumber than rocks
There's no need to operate in the game, just go here, kill a bunch of dudes, rinse and repeat

>Not an argument.
Not an argument.

Why is he holding his rifle like that

What do you mean "not an argument?" Not told from Blunt's POV, the movie would've been nothing but an action flick about a guy who kills cartel bosses. Blunt's character gave it depth.

>disliking Blunt's character means I hate all women

It's not an autist term, it's a normie term.

People in actual military black op teams aren't called operators because they don't operate inside the law.

Huh, I see now. You've convinced me, friend.

>talking to her partner
>"Yeah i don't trust these guys and I don't know what they're up to"
>"Ok lets just leave then. There's nothing stopping you from refusing to take part in any of this."

She was a fucking idiot and I'm glad she got fucked in the end.

Kiss each other while i touch myself