Super Bomberman R has 8 player online

>First, in terms of local play, up to eight controllers can be paired with Switch for an 8-player battle. Two controllers can also be paired to four Switch systems to again battle it out with eight players.

>Super Bomberman R also supports online. By pairing two controllers to four Switches that are connected to the internet, you can participate in an 8-player battle here as well.

God I want this to be good.
I'm so fucking thirsty for a new Bomberman.

PC port when?

Nintendo approached Konami to make it but it's not confirmed if they gave them money to do it so who knows.

But will there be kangaroos or dinos to ride?

It is confirmed however that Nintendo's employees worked on it

>Konami actually making a video game
>shaping up to be a good video game, at that
If Nintendrones don't make this game a success, they don't deserve Switch games

>looks like ass
>could run on a GameCube
>despite all that runs like shit at sub 30 fps
>$50 plus tip for this

>8 player online
Whelp, day 1 purchase here we go


You're already finding ways to be negative about this. Unbelievable.

>People already forgot about Konami's killing of the series right after reviving it
I mean, it's coming out around the same time too.

This is still better than Act Zero

Then again, it's like comparing AIDS and Cancer

What are you, poor?
>he poorposts on Sup Forums


the huge camera tilt and wobble makes me nauseous. Also I called this generic looking unity trash before finding out it was actually made in unity. The irony. I like the 2d, voice acting, and music but the actually gameplay looks awful and stale.

We want 4k Bomberman on the PS4 pro, not 480p Bomberman on the switch

If bomberman R sells well enough will we get this infinitely superior Bombergirl game?


The only reason the game exists at all is because Nintendo went out of their way to make it happen, so stop being an ungrateful fuck and go buy a Switch right now.


>Sup Forums bitches about the revival of bomberman
Quickest way to spot the newfags

Sirius did nothing wrong.

Saturn Bomber had 10 players, Switch needs to fuck off already

It's nice bomberman is back, but the game really doesn't look like a full price game.

Definitely getting it at launch alongside Botw. I hope this leads to a revival of Bomberman, I'd love another 3D game like 64 or Second Attack. (Or at the very least have them on Switch Virtual Console.)

Switch is 720p, sonygger

No it isn't, one neogaf user leaked the ugly UI and proved that the console is 480p

$50 isn't full price.

Bomberman Live had better graphics and more content and was $10

>japan-only arcade-only spin-off


it automatically detects the display capabilities based off what the dock is plugged into. If it hasn't been docked it defaults to 480p.

>Bomberman's future hinges on a shitty rehash on an overpriced console

Gee, Thanks Konami.

what this

>TV Resolution

I know you love your voice acting moviegames but try reading sometimes.

Delete this post please, you're ruining my shitposting experience.

>a couple of shitty bodypart modelswaps, barely 10 barebones stages, basic powerups, battle mode only
>more content

>I only buy games that run at 20 fps to justify my purchases
so fucking pathetic.

>Bomberman Live had better graphics

No it didn't, it looked like sterile garbage. Super Bomberman R actually looks good.

No. You can set it so the resolution is either 480p or 720/1080.

Guessing the lower resolution will save battery life...?

Don't post this please. Mods ban him

Nintendo approached SEGA to make Sonic Lost World, and then look what happened.

I would get it if it was 30 bucks or so

Not sure I can justify 50 bucks for it, don't think it'll be fun for THAT long

that is the docked mode resolution you retard. Switch screen is locked to 720p.

SEGA signed an exclusivity deal, Nintendo didn't approach them for a sonic game. It's actually the reason Sonic Boom turned out as bad as it did, the team was planning on making it for the Xbone and PS4 with CryEngine 3 but instead got stuck on the Wii U.