What went right?
What went right?
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Why do people bash XIII for being linear when X is guilty of the same thing?
"open world" meme wasnt around when X was released
XIII doesn't have any towns, and only features rushed sequences of areas.
X is actually flowing and a completed world for you to traverse.
Because X at least had:
>a better battle system
>more things to do in the game besides fight and watch cutscenes
>an airship near the end of the game that opened up a lot of optional sidequests
X had NPC interaction, towns, dungeons with puzzles and a more even sidequest spread
It does open up a lot towards the back half and X is linear but compelling. XIII is linear and boring.
That aside, XIII's GAMEPLAY is also very limited throughout until late in the game. X still lets you play and develop your characters however you choose.
Is the hd version even worth it? Seems like all the hd updates we get just screw stuff up
FFX linearity was thematically appropriate. The hallway makes a better job at conveying a pilgrimage than a world map does.
There was no purpose for FFXIII's, and the game's problems wouldn't have been fixed by simply making it less linear.
Because XIII is bad, people notice that its linear because its boring. Boring linear games are like being stuck in traffic.
It's perfectly fine. People complain about the faces, and if it bothers you that much, you can just play the int. edition on PS2.
People also bitch about the music on the PS4/pc release, but that can be changed to the original in the options menu.
The HD faces are weird cause everyone looks pudgy now.
International edition adjusted certain damage but unless you 100%d original release you wont notice.
The new OST sucks compared to the old one (iirc ps4 and pc let you switch back)
It only has performance problems on PC in terms of keeping constant 60.
but xii went more right
forgot to actually say whether or not to buy it
Of course
FFX has a story that is actually about something important and relevant. for that reason it is better than 90% of narrative-based games.
Well it's visibly just a PS2 port on steroids
I thought it was capped at 30. Apart from some dude that was hex-editing the PC version to get it to run at 60.
It _is_ capped at 30
lulu's cleveage
the actual fighting wasn't complete shit?
You see, that's only one problem with FFXIII. The real problem is the game is absolute shit.
If FFXII didn't have a shit combat system.... Imagine the potential the series would've had.
They'd still be making great games today, if they didn't follow suit with mobilized combat.
The people who played X as children grew up to be cynical teens by the time XIII came out.
The combat is the best part of XII though.
The story was shit compared to Matsuno's other games.
XIII and XIII-2 returned to ATB combat though and it was one of more highly praised parts of those games
is ff12 coming to steam or never ever?
Probably a few months after release on PS4 just like it happened with FFX HD.
PS4 remaster is coming in July this year.
Going by the release date of the X remaster, the PC version would be released a year later.
So expect it for summer 2018.
What went righter?
You could always emulate the PS2 version though
An engaging personal story
The battle system was superb for its time.
Orb tree was great and innovative for its time.
Dialogue and sound quality was amazing.
Difficulty was good with some very tough boss battles.
Superb cut scenes for its time.
Great immersion for a FF game with lots of different characters to play with.
Anima and Yojimbo
>Square enix said fuck it
>Fan service, Fan service every where
>Groove you lose music.
Fap material.
>FFX has a story that is actually about something important and relevant
how do you mean?
>Orb tree was great and innovative for its time.
Even for its time it was pretty linear, it just didn't look it.
[Spoilers] 14.99 on steam [spoilers]
Payne shall always be my waifu from this game.
Fast combat and Leblanc.
[Spoiler] 14.99 on steam
One more try
[Spoiler] 14.99 on steam
How does the talent tree work?
Can I turn Yuna into a Mage Knight or something?
level enough you can turn her into whatever the fuck you want
What lvl to turn her into my gf?
There, you got your answer.
Now you can stop asking it in every single fucking FFX thread.
>an airship near the end of the game that opened up a lot of optional sidequests
All the sphere grinds in the world can't help you there.
just press alt + s
Not much.
That's what you get for buying the cucked american version instead of the gem the rest of the world got.
X had towns
X had NPCs
X had blitzball ~3 hours in
X had treasure you could miss (impossible to do in XIII)
X had an airship 70% in the story which you could use to revisit locations (impossible to do in XIII)
X had better endgame content
X had a more adventurous and engaging story, making you forget or not mind the linearity
Can we all agree that X and XII are among, if not the, best games in the series?
No. X is among the worst.
>alt + s
Still not seeing the redeeming features of XII even after all these years.
The pacing.
>all the hidden locations
>blitzball championship
>omega ruins
>dark aeons
>monster hunting
>celestial weapons
>a FEW
Oh wait, you're American.
The Patrician's Final Fantasy
Something random but counted the views for these Dissidia FF Opera Omnia videos.
Cloud, Squall, Yuffie, Tifa highest. Sounds about right. (First/last videos always get boosts because of their placement.)
>1921 FFVII Cloud
>1435 FFX Yuna (last video)
>1217 FFXIII Vanille (first video)
>0864 FFVIII Squall
>0811 FFVII Yuffie
>0727 FFVII Tifa
>0686 FFIX Zidane
>0664 FFType-0 King
>0652 FFVI Shadow
>0610 FFI WoL
>0608 FFXII Vaan
>0594 FFType-0 Rem
>0568 FFIX Steiner
>0556 FFXIII Hope
>0553 FFVI Terra
>0538 FFIX Vivi
>0536 FFXIV Y'Shtola
>0463 FFIII Onion Knight
>0441 FFIV Cecil
>0429 FFV Bartz
>0415 FFXIII Sazh
>0406 FFVIII Laguna
>0385 FFXIV Yda
>0370 FFII Firion
>0349 FFIV Edge
>0288 FFXII Penelo
>0257 FFIV Yang Fang
>Vanille that high
Is the PC version on Steam worth getting over emulating PS2 if I'm somewhat of a purist? Always play without mods (at least the first time), never bother with re-textures of older games etc.
Is everything just a bit better or is there a lot significantly changed or inferior stuff like the Silent Hill remasters?
Did you watch the DF video?
It gave birth to the greatest combat system in all of rpgs
FF X-2
Probably not, I don't know what DF is.
Why they never did anything like that again is beyond me. It was perfect.
The game looks inferior but the UI's look better.
Well not the sphere grid. And certainly not the fact that weapons don't have attack power. What the hell?
It had one of the best opening sequences in video games
What's so good about FFX-2?
>weapons don't have attack power
And what exactly is wrong with damage coming from the character, besides
>not muh RPGs
You know the weapons have other qualities in FFX and that you can switch weapons during fights, right?
Play it and find out.
The combat system is literally the best in any Final Fantasy title.
SE didn't do anything with it in subsequent games because
>FFX-2 is garbage a bloo bloo
currently doing my first playthrough. I'm at Evrae. Fuck Evrae.
That is all.
Still can't get over the plastic face they gave Tidus in the remasters.
>The combat system is literally the best in any Final Fantasy title.
That's not much because the combat system of FF games has always been pathetic.
I did play a few hours of X-2 and it was more of the same mediocre gameplay but with job switching on the fly, that's why I'm asking what's so good about it.
Thanks, looks like at least a decent port, but cropped FMVs sounds annoying. Might still get it and do a quick comparison to the PS2 see which feels better.
The HD remaster is on sale now.
I want to get comfyxxxx tonight.
Give me one reason not to purchase it.
The time playing could be spend shitposting instead
Get it and have fun
This is what I end up doing instead of gaming sooo manyyy friday nights...
I think I will desu I think I will
You prob have a big ass backlog like the rest of Sup Forums
I...I do
I really, really do
Dude, between blitzball, celestial weapons, monster hunting, dark aeons, and the Omega Ruins, the optional stuff EASILY eclipses the base game in terms of content and play time.
Only thing American version lacked was Dark Aeons
I really do want to play this, but I hear nothing but bad things about X-2. PSN has it for $24 but that doesn't seem right if I'm only going to play one game.
Is the price good enough?
You think ATB is mediocre? Why?
Its the best because of the flexibility. You can fight precisely how you want to due the massive number of classes available to you.
X-2 is good. Better than X desu.