Humble Freedom Bundle

Is it worth it even though they're cheaping out on Super Meat Boy and SubNautica?

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have hands of fate & system shock pack keys for trade

give me offers pls

Sup Forums pls

I got a spare super meat boy key for you if the thread is still up later.

> Humble fund terrorism bundle.

No thank you.

No amount of money is worth funding the destruction of the west.

Final Fantasy XIII Lighting Returns for hands of fate?

but... muh freedoms

Sup Forums pls go

I have SMB already but my ex girlfriend would probably like the game a lot. If you want, hmu my email at [email protected]. I'll give you a nice code in return if you do, I'm swimming in codes.

I haven't checked out the charities. I'm pretty Sup Forums-active. Can't you just choose to not have your money go to charity?

>Can't you just choose to not have your money go to charity?
No, only choice is how much to split between
>Doctors with hypocrisy
>undermine the constitution
>Fuck border laws and shit

Just give me your ex's email instead.

Does anybody have a Subnautica code they'd be willing to trade?

Doctors without borders is the best bet.

ACLU is anti-nationalist

International rescue, never heard of them but DWB is probably better.

What do you have against DWB? Just that they should be funding their own asses to do charity work?

She doesn't have an user email. Thanks anyway.

Sup Forums is always ontopic in Sup Forums, newfriend

They give free aid to ISIS, and only help nignogs in africa.

Dirt 3 complete (kek)
Caesar 3/4
Velocity 2x

any of them for System Shock pack

IRC deals with smuggling illegals.

I don't believe there are people that didn't already own Super Meat Boy, unless they are literally brand new to PC gaming.

That's one of those games like Garry's Mod that just appears in everyone's account.

I got it and I think it was worth the money, though I'm still salty about missing out on Subnautica.

I don't have garry's mod, never saw the appeal of it. Actually did get a key in some bundle or other, but I just gave it away on here.

30 bucks for indie shovelware + System Shock
It's not worth it

>no Subnautica
Not worth.


Enjoy poorfags

No Time for Thanks@!!

does anyone have the witness key for the poor user? i really like puzzle games and have no 30 dollarydoos to give that bundle [email protected]

Read the fine print at the bottom. It says quite clearly that the goal of this bundle is to aid charities looking to undermine the travel ban.

It's the Humble "Fuck Trump and Fuck White People" Bundle, unironically.

(I don't care)

So you guys are okay with buying bundles knowing they're just trying to make a political point?


Jesus fuck, why are trumpalos such sensitive snowflakes?

you and a few thousand other traitors don't care about the welfare of your own country, yeah, I know
that's the depressing part

That's Trump and his crew, bitch.

Dissent is treason in the new order.

I have a million keys up for trade.

but not the one you want

Their point is good though, a carpet ban on anyone and everyone from a list of countries just because some of them might be bad people is beyond retarded.

>a few thousand
39% approval rating

Fake news

Not an argument


>we just need to globalize, the elite clearly know what's best for us, and if they want to flood our country with third world labor, then we just need to let them. I mean that's the humane thing to do after all

>I stand firm with our venture capitalist overlords. What does Trump actually think he's doing, trying to undermine their serf class and ever-expanding pool of slave labor?

Temporary ban.

Yeah, just like Hillary had a 99% to win the general election.

>I'm okay with Trump colluding with Putin. After all, Putin wants what is best for Americans like me, right?

permanent ban on refugees

temporary ban on letting american citizens return to their home country

>I would have preferred WW3 with Hillary to the possibility of USA and Russia being on friendly terms.

>he fell for, and is still falling for, the "trump isn't an elite" meme

Fake news

>propanda by idiots for even bigger idiots

>little bitch Trump whines harder than a tumblrina

Holy shit, not even SJWs have such a whinny timeline. Isn't he supposed to be "strong"?

>"Trump is le bad" maymay XD
Only a liberal/hipster/anarchist/millenial/terrorist would support this shit.

look on the bright side, you are getting the second american civil war instead.

>either we do as Putin says or we get WW3. I'm a patriot, I swear!

possible war with russia
possible war with iran except we have zero fucking allies because NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD wants this war

>possibility of USA and Russia being on friendly terms
>Russia's media is already villainizing Trump under Putin's orders

>thinks Russia wants to be allies with the US

honestly I think civil unrest would have happened no matter who got elected
the growing number of working poor in this country living on welfare isn't sustainable
at some point benefits are going to be limited/cut because 'we can't afford this many people being on them' and that's when things get ugly

>it's a "Sup Forums gets triggered on the video games board" episode
change the channel i'm sick of this show

ACLU and DwB are okay, ignore the poltards, they just hate them because they help non-whites too.

hopefully everything will be fine by monday

>actively helps the Ku Klux Klan

Depends on what you already own in the bundle.

Who they defend is irrelevant if the reason they're defending them is legitimate. Hell, the fact that they'll even defend the worst kind of people because their first amendment rights should protect them shows that they don't play favorites and have justice as their primary motivator

larping neo-nazis don't deserve justice tbqh

Ive got these keys

anyone wanna trade for the witness?

have: love
want: jotun

if you agree can you help a poor brother out?

[email protected]

>everyone that doesn't support trump is a liberal/hipster/anarchist/millenial/terrorist
Got any more retarded statements to make you imbecile?

Is it possible to not talk about politics in these threads?

Naw, Sup Forums is too buttblasted these days

I was thinking about including this in my previous post, because I was absolutely certain that I'd receive a response like that.

Don't fucking pretend you're any better. You shit the threads up just as much, because you can't stop yourself from responding to posts that you should be ignoring. You're just like those people who respond to the "hurr ur mom will die in her sleep if you don't respond to this" shit.

>because you can't stop yourself from responding to posts that you should be ignoring
Same could be said of you broski.
You could have just talked about the bundle, or the games in it. Instead you decided to bring up the shit posts and then respond to it even.

Anyone want Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts DLC or Shining Force?

Thread's already gone. It's like trying to post about the topic in a thread where the OP's picture was more interesting than his post. At this point, there is no saving it, so you might as well post whatever.

i can take the southern

[email protected]

thanks buddy

Then why were you complaining about my comment?

You're welcome. Check out Sega's make war not love giveaway they are doing. I don't know if it's too late to sign up though. That's where I got them from.

yeah i lost because ive chosen coh2

I've won because I've chosen everything with 4 email accounts.

figures :d


Because there's a difference between posting meta after 2/3 of thread has been filled with shit, and responding to the stuff that starts an avalanche.

Hint: If you see Sup Forums shit, ignore, report and move on. You achieve absolutely nothing by replying to it. At least I achieve something (possibly) by making this post.

>My shitposting isn't shitposting it's better than everyone elses

I'm buying it a second time and doing it in your name user

post keys afterwards to really stick it to those trump supporters
