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I'm sorry your thread is gonna die buddy
Here's a bump for hope

Let's pick up some goods!
This is a tight schedule.
Hehe, very economical.


YAY. Some activity.

Question. Apart from DoWIII, what other RTS games are coming out this year?


Also, new DoW3 videos out.
What do RTS-enthusiasts think of DoW3's mechanics and gameplay? Will it be good or shit?

wrong thread, meant to link here I'll commit sudoku later

>really like how DOW2 units steer, everything looks so fluid
>skirmish is absolutely fucking terrible
>DOW1 has huge unit pathing issues with units spinning in place taking retarded tier routes
>skirmish is GOAT
>DOW3 isn't looking so great from the gameplays
kill me

The only thing I'm angry about DoWIII is how Lascannons function in the game.

Instead of a singular WHOOOOSH!!!, we have a constant beam. I could understand if those were alt-modes for some new Lascannon models approved by the AdMech, but COME ON.

Also we can justify Gabe's jumping in his Termie armor as him having a Harlequin Grav-Harness installed in it.

Hi, I'm the worst party member.



>jumps in

[clickity click click]

it's true. i've gone through so many playthroughs. even played with him as ranged. well, i think the build i enjoyed the most was him just jumping around a lot and knocking down mobs over and over.

Dawn of War 1, 2, or both? And which expansions?


Halo Wars 2

All, in release order.

Depends on what you're looking for. Basically if you're in for large armies, go for DoW1, if you'd like something more tactical with a focus on unit preservation, go for DoW2.

DoW1+WA have classic RTS campaigns, DC and SS have Risk-like campaign with some classic RTS missions as stronghold attacks.
DoW2+CR have great "RPG-lite" campaigns, and enjoyable story, DoW2R's campaign isn't so great imo

large scale 30k RTS when?


Do not betray me, Molotov.

>go back in time
>somehow he's able to follow you through the time portal a few minutes later

as soon as you step through the time portal he shouldn't exist anymore
i don't get it

I got into DoW II now that there is Linux version. No cross-platform multiplayer with Windows, so I'm going to have to socialise if I want to taste the Last Stand.

They call my boss (female) "The Obelisk". I showed them this and they all lost their shit.

More than Black Hand upgraded Flame Tanks?

In Chaos Rising he becomes much better gameplay-wise (that teleport assault and destroying everything in your path...).

I'm kinda skeptical about it.

Also I'm still not interested in a Windows 10 system.

It's still work in progress + it's not this bad.

>no chaos
>imperial guard in the game, but not playable

Could've been much worse.

Also I honestly thinking that apart of IG, the other race is Necrons.

Also hoping they'll finally say that Vance Stubbs won Soulstorm.

>"there's not enough factions"
Really made the gears in my head turn here desu senpai



In DoW Soulstorm play The Imperial Guard first so you can meet Vance Motherfucking Stubbs.

In DoW 2 cyrus is broken if you know how/when to use him.

Finaly DoW 2 Retribution campaign is only enjoyable as The Imperial Guard or The Orks imo.

>>imperial guard in the game, but not playable
It's tradition by now that the Emprah's Most Glorious Imperial Guard is launched with the first expansion.

the ig campaign was fucking golden
>Commissar Lord Bernn punching anything that moves, being a literal fucking tank
>Castor sniping whores left and right with one hand while stroking his manly FUCKING moustache with the other
>Merrick carrying around an Autocannon without any setup time obliterating anything in sight, also balls of fucking ceramite, BIG FUCKING GUARDSMAN who's survived fucking everything the galaxy has to offer
>Adrastia got a cool hat, i guess, i swapped her for stormtroopers

>Tau never ever

>Ciaphas Cain

I really now do wonder how he's rolling with how now the M41 went M42.

Damocles Gulf Crusade campaign never ever

Stop making RTS threads

>In DoW 2 cyrus is broken if you know how/when to use him.
>Goes invis them proceeds to spam charges/grenades on building and groups while beelining towards item caches with almost no downsides
If guess cheesing is essentially exploiting broken things after all

That's DoWII.

Chaos Rising turns him into a all-annihilating wheel of diary.

Looks like he just wrote an autobiography and died of old age in the fucking 40k universe

Heard that he seemed to die, but was then taken into active duty again.


Reminder, if you don't find fun have 100 Orks on screen screaming WAAAAAGGGH!!! running at the enemies, you are joyless

ya sure got me thar ya Git

...except when they're launched in the second, like with DoW II?

>Adrastia got a cool hat, i guess
Yer not the only 'un to think so

and to add to the mix almost everyone is charismatic as fuck in the IG

>There will never be a sequel/spiritual successor to this game.
>Jonus will never make amends and redeem himself.
>Diego will never get over Isadora's death.
>Stefan will never justly and honorably rule over Mil-Agro.
>The Corponations will never reverse-engineer Hedoth tech in secret and then launch a full-scale uprising against the aliens that enslaved humanity.


The wiki says that he teached at an imperial mil school for a while and was definitely buried at some point, theres nothing on wether he returned to combat duty before kicking it.

Regardless, seeing as he indeed had an habit of showing up after everyone thought he was dead, and for that same reason there was a ruling that he was never to be considered dead, i think we havent seen the last of him, nor we will see it anytime soon.

Its possible the man has become a likeable version of the Legion of the Damned

Halo Wars 2 just launched


Replaying Dark Crusade. What's the best way to complete the Necron Stronghold as the IG?

The Legion was always a big good in the grimdarkness of 40K while also looking beyond grimdark due to what they are.

Cain is attached to them somehow. That's my headcanon now.

>The wiki says that he teached at an imperial mil school for a while and was definitely buried at some point, theres nothing on wether he returned to combat duty before kicking it.
Except for the entire novel that describes him having to go back to active duty because of a Black Crusade...

>waagh banner
>He uses the WAAGGH button
>That loud as fuck Sound of shouting and yelling and BZZTT

That would make Cain practically a """living""" saint.

Blitzkrieg. Seriously, it's your only hope on that level. You WILL get stomped otherwise.

rise of nations.

Holy shit, Empire Earth. Memories are flooding back, thanks user

I know I am a shitter but German last mission was fucking hard

the flame tanks got no AA or can repair itself or move at the speed of light or adapt itself to any situation

Except he would be """"""alive"""""" long enough to actually directly wreck shit?

Well old man Macharius was one too. Also would think that way of Cain's current situation.

Nobody here but us AIRSHIP READY

RoL > RoN

The Earth is not enough


you're a bit late, memer. See


Either way it worked pretty bad for Molotov
>The future is changing, but is for better or wooooooorse
>Expansion comes out
>Molotov still ends up being a cyborg monster
>joins the Eye of God fanatic group
>Tries to stop China from leaving the planet and reaching Mars for religious reasons
>Fails and also gets killed
>200 years later Neo-Chinese Mars rebels and bombards a China-ruled Earth to submission


pavfags not allowed

Dawn of War 2 Retribution is on sale for like 5 euros. Go buy it right now, and come play some multiplayer. It's great.

you meant elite mode, right?

No, the game is shit.

So listen, I seriously enjoy both the first games and 2, both have very enjoyable multiplayer, even if it is different. Could you elaborate why do you think the game is shit? For real I don't understand why all the hatred.

0/10 put some effort into your bait.

It's literally not fucking bait, how cynical can you be? I haven't seen that many threads talk about Retribution in general and I had no idea people hated this shit so bad damn.


dude stop, you are the one being baited. Let the troll be

Don't fall for it. He's taking you for a ruse

This is bait

So who's baiting who in this circle of baiting? I'm completely lost here.

Sentinel spam to get those damn obelisks outta the way

>Stubbs is easily the least retarded commander in the campaign
>His stronghold is arguably the most interesting one to play


what the actual fuck

Does the Steam Extended edtion workyet?



Why is the IG so goddamn fun to play

They aren't they are the most boring race in the game

I should cleanse you of your doubt.


>Knowledge is power, guard it well.

i wonder who will recognize this one(tip:it is from a mod)
>There is no shame in fighting at range.

cause, they are one of the "weakest" factions in the game


i just want admech, IG, chaos in one game :(

hand over your non-dead RTS communities now!

I'm on the third mission of DoW and it's boring me. Does it get better?

Not when gear makes him invulnerable after jump.

On Primarch chaining invincibility is the only way to get anywhere.

Dawn of War 3 actually looks pretty good.

is Gabe the most badass space marine of all time?

The expansion was hilariously bad.

In one map there are random nuke bombers parked into woods waiting to ambush you. Their only purpose is to drop a nuke on your hero causing instant loss.

one of them, to be sure.

yeah, I'm just hoping there's no jewry in the multiplayer and I'll pick it up