Why do you people do this

why do you people do this

explain to me

I want to understand

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Virgins gonna virg.

>world of goo
I share your confusion

expressing his love openly and proudly for the superior breed of woman

Do what?

>angler achievement
mah nig


Who fucking cares

post-ironic weeabooism is a blight

>poorfag rig
The glove fits.

sexless autists, who else would do that shit

Ironically he has less red flags than imo

What game is that background?

Seen worse, it's just cute girls.
The real issue is the ones who inject their sexuality into their profile or pretend to be cute.

>hating on Frankfurt

You mean, why do people choose a profile background that depicts the stuff they like? Gee, I don't know.

Pretty sure it's Nuclear Throne.

Nuclear Throne

why are there no people who just, sorta like anime

it's always all or nothing

what don't you know reddo

Right, why are some peoples americunts?
Why are they using Steam?

"Hey, you like [weeb game] too?"

Boom, conversation starter.

Only been there once when i visited a biology museum.
The museum was great, but the city is shit.
It suffers from the things that all big cities suffer from.
Its crowded, loads of brown people, alot of homeless people ruining the city and trying to actually drive through the city is an experience of pure suffering.
It was more green than i would have guessed though.

>Use pic related as my Steam profile just so I can find other degenerates
Shit works wonders.

Normalfags? There's too much of them.

Weaboos are the cancer of Steam and are the reason why Steam gets so many shitty weeb games with no gameplay in them, be it all the trash VNs or all the Sakura games.

Weebs ruined Steam.

I can guarantee you people who do this shit were bullied in school and have never touched a girl

it's fucking sad, like seeing the fat guy eating alone in a cafe wearing a redbubble shirt and an anime phone case

The higher the Steam level (crafting badges) the greater chance of getting random booster packs per week. Sometimes if you play it right you can get common steam emoticon or wallpaper that may give you a decent return.

Then it hits you that you are spending like a gajillion dollars just so you can make pennies a week.

Senkenberg Museum is pretty cool and your impression of the city totally justified. Just this morning a woman was shot down in the street in Offenbach (just south of Frankfurt)


Oh the ironic. Sakura games are american, idiot.

normalfags are the cancer os team. they are the reason of why steam got so many youtuber pandering games and the insane amount of shitty games that normalfags like to watch and play.
normalfags ruined steam

mods are asleep post achievements

Ironic weebs.

These people are pure fucking cancer.

Post-ironic/self-aware/steam weebs were a mistake.
t. Weeb

>Senkenberg Museum
Yes thats it.
Honestly had a great time, eventhough the place is too big to properly experience everything in one day.
>tfw live in a large city
>even larger city to the south attracts all the riff raff
Traffic still sucks though.

Everyone always realizes it when it's too late, and Valve owns your dumb ass.

> os team.

the autist actually typed it out instead of copy paste

Why do people take screencaps of other people's steam profile and post them on western image boards to complain with people who probably feel the same way about the subject matter

>having standards = reddit
No, fuck off. Shitty clicker games and VNs don't belong on Steam, yet the market has been flooded with this shit because weebs are autists who give anything money.

But they're designed to grab weeb money.

The weebshit started long before the youtuber games did.

>died hair
Is there anything more disgusting for men?

Can you easily track down his real identity through his profile?

If it's a half-anonymous account with no connection to his real life acquaintances, why not?

Weebs =/= ironic weebs, dumb newfag redditor.
Look where you post you stupid bitch.

>only 16.8 hours in the past two weeks


Literally the new ''im such a nerd xD''


caught the weeb

Learn the difference.

>level 20
>12 friends
>no retarded long bio
there is nothing wrong with that weeb profile

any there any pics of anzu's bare feet

Do what? Looks like a normal Steam profile to me. He should get more games though.

Is that avatar a Jojo reference?

anime was a mistake

He like a shit game, but Steam don't have the good weeb games so it's not like their have any choice


>tfw i like compile heart game because i LOVE autistic grind

The only anime that I actually enjoyed watching is FMA:B, what does that make me?

>look where you post
I'm talking about the retard weebs on Steam, not this place. That should be obvious if I'm complaining about Steam. If it's the ironic weebs that killed Steam then fine, but either way, they've caused so much harm to the platform.
Especially with how the market flooded has been flooded with garbage VNs and borderline porn games because all the thirsty weebs on Steam rate it 100% every time and buy it regardless of quality

Ironic weebs and steam you mean.

>17 hours in Phantom Braker
I get the feeling he actually plays these games

why do weebs like to erp and stutterspeak?


Nah Steam is fine

>Mfw I just use sad panda and post smug loli reaction images
>Mfw I know that weebshit games are fucking trash, along with most games
>Mfw I laugh at weebs who think that liking Jap porn means you like the rest of the trash they produce

is this a jojo reference?

I'm a weeb and I actively post anime then shit on myself and other anime posters.
Just let it all burn to the ground. I've had enough of this rotten culture.

Because they want to be cute like the moeshit anime garbage that they watch.

I will never understand the problem with having a custumized profiles on a game focused plataform. it is not linkedin, normaldag

>when you see it

No, but here's a pic of anzu's bare mustache

Faggots and trannies.
Seriously, a TON of weeb "men" are faggots and trannies.

You're a pedophile.

Its hot

Right. Honestly though that's just Steam's non existent quality control and the best japanese company not putting their good game on the plateform if they sell well on consoles.

The shitstorm of Unity package western """games""" are doing much more harm to Steam in the end.

No he's not

That's probably a girl. The quote is from a gay anime.


Mental problem.

Well, I like grinding and turn-based games.
Cute girls are just a bonus.

>that review
he didn't play it at all

>achievement progress 0 of 85.
At least they could try and make it believable.


No they didn't.
Steam is better than its ever been.

>0 of 85 achievements

>couldn't even bother to play the fucking game he bases his novelty account on

I don't like VNs the post.
At least try to make some arguments why they shouldn't be in the store. Or just admit that you are easily triggered by anime.
It's not a secret to anyone that the problem is shitton of shovelware that came through greenlight.
If we're talking VNs there is CLANNAD and then there is shit like store.steampowered.com/app/555210/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_1

Do you feel shame sometime? Like what if your parents, friends and girlfriend knew that you are masturbating to little girls?

>someone idled 872 days for a meme picture
No matter what happens, you will NEVER be this pathetic.

never thought would see the day Jojo would get hated. especially in Sup Forums. but since the anime started i can perfecly understand

someone explain to me what nep threads are

Jojofags are the modern Narutards of our time.


At least Jojo is good and deserving of its fans.
Naruto was never good

What is it user?

"Stop masturbating and go rape as many little girls as you can to spread your genes" something like that.

>all those candles
>burnt pillow pic


Dont you love me anymore?

VNs aren't video games, but Sup Forumsutists have undoubtedly flooded this thread by now so they'll try to argue this with no arguments.

WHAT the fuck happened.

>waaah mom they're taking away my secret club!

Go away Mr Skeletal