Is this the most influential vidya franchise to come out in the last 10 years?
Is this the most influential vidya franchise to come out in the last 10 years?
I swear this board has become nothing but bait and falseflagging for the delicous (you)'s
Name a more influential vidya franchise that came out in the last ten years. No other game has produced dark souls "clones" since doom invented the dos genre.
Hell no, that would be CoD with every other game trying to copy it.
CoD 4 was the most influential game to come out in the last 10 years. Gears of War is up there as well.
How many shooters have come out in the last 10 years that are either generic FPS games with CoD-style control or generic stop and pop shooters in the style of Gears?
cod 4 came out in 2007, modern day fps games have been getting pumped out ever since. If cod doesn't count then probably minecraft
God the western cover is terrible
Are you underage or something? Gears takes full inspiration on RE4.
Then why did every other TPS copied Gears' mechanics instead?
how is it influental when all it does is copy berserk and combine it with a zelda game
>doom invented the dos genre
I would like it if the character was facing forward, almost like he has the weight of all of the souls behind him.
It really doesn't have that many similarities with Berserk are you basing it off that terrible image that says Rickert is a reference to the BotH member? Or that the Taurus demons are inspired by Zodd? Or the moonlight butterfly being inspired by Rosine? The only real homage is Artorias looking similar to Gits in one of the volume covers.
Funny how Resident Evil 6 is just a Gears clone
the thing is at best it would be false influence because DS itself isn't entirely innovative, not even in terms of combat.
the only trully original things it did were the whole invasion/summoning system and maybe poise. and even then if you looked around enough you might find older games with similar mechanics.
MH had similar combat and wait times for healing,etc..., hard games (in fact the DS series isn't even hard) existed long before, games with collectibles/items scattered around and flavour text or lore tied to them too (and having that while stripping away actual exposition and lore and calling it a feature is hardly an achievement) and a medieval fantasy setting is about as generic as it gets even if it has unique attributes.
tl;dr: DS invented jack shit and is almost a clone itself, plus it doesn't even HAVE that many clones since Nioh was in development before even DeS was out and any others (none of which come to mind) are either shit or forgotten.
>comparing it to zelda
Boy if you could scream "I'M A NINTODDLER WITH NO WAY TO PLAY THE SOULS FRANCHISE" any louder it'd be amazing.
No. Was still good though
>still wants single character taking up majority of frame
whether they are looking forward or backwards doesn't change the laziness of the poster design
It is
League of Legends, Modern Warfare and Minecraft.
For preserving core games, yes.