What's the most elitist, annoying, retarded and stuck up videogame fanbase?
pic unrelated
What's the most elitist, annoying, retarded and stuck up videogame fanbase?
pic unrelated
Sup Forums for sure
lol someone couldn't beat the Capra Demon
I hate videogames
>pic unrelated
OP may be a faggot but at least he's not retarded
I was surprised how stuck up Firaxis fans are about their favorite Civ or Xcom game.
>t. ffvii pleb
no shame in liking dating sims, personafag
Dwarf Fortress are the most stuck up assholes I know.
"hurr durr muh hardcore game"
no. Your game is not hardcore. Your game is shit.
Bloodbornefags in particular are the most elitist fucks this side of Opeth fans.
they're right though
This wholeheartedly, browsing Sup Forums is like a slow, painful suicide.
Metal Gear Solid. They eat up that pseudo intellectual dog shit right up.
I feel like even MGS fans can recognize how stupid that entire franchise is when it comes to its story
I enjoy the game but it's massively over rated.
There's so much shit in the game that makes you Overpowered that you end up making a bunch of rules for yourself just to get "the darksouls experience".
The level design is the strong point of the game, yet for some reason everyone hypes up the bosses, and the majority of the bosses in the game are lame, unengaging, braindead shit. After playing for the first time you really recognize how full of shit some of the fanboys are, and also why people only really talk about the bosses from the DLC.
also shields completely trivialize the game to the point where it's amazing the game was ever advertised as being difficult, and even more so that the fanbase actually perpetuated this advertisement.
This is what I mean.
How to beat any Souls game
learn to roll and how i-frames work
Congratulations, you are basically invincible even if you are naked and only use your fists.
The only boss-fights exempt from this are the ones where you get swarmed by multiple enemies like Four-Kings etc, in those cases having good damage is useful because even if you are good at dodging you sometimes get bad enemy attack patterns, so you need to end the fight quickly.
People like pic related make me stay away from the series.
The Ni-Oh fanbase, since they are a shitty fanbase that shits on the dark souls fanbase for being shit.
Ni-Oh isn't even a poor man's Dark Souls, it's a poor man's Uncharted. The game basically plays itself. It's a movie.
Then refute the image, I love persona and SMT but personafags are the embodiment of that image
people like that should make you stay away from the fanbase, not the series. It can be pretty cool.
Any souls fan.
Souls fans are like babies. Their franchise is clearly designed for children.
TES on the other hand has always been for real men. Absolutely no hand-holding and great lore.
wow fanbase fits perfectly
You are continually proving why SMTfags are terrible. I said nothing about Persona, I think it is an alright series, but the instant you slightly say something like this about SMT there is a huge knee jerk reaction to shit on a fanbase. Since I never claimed to be affiliated to any JRPG series you defaulted onto Persona because you already know how much SMTfags shit on Persona on the regular already. If I affiliated myself to Final Fantasy you would be shitting on that instead.
god i wish we could get rid of retards like you
You are aware that skyrim is a game on the TES series, right?
Pic related specifically, and Blizzdrones generally.
What a fucking horrible contemptible cesspool of people.
Go back to your babby's first shooter. Or MMO, or CRPGs.
About being elitist fucks? That's not an accomplishment.
Soulsfags by far
>I want X game with souls combat
>X is so hard, it's the dark souls of Y xD
>dark souls is the hardest game ever! did you hear how hard dark souls is? omg i was playing X and everything seems so easy now that I've beaten dark souls
>omg casuals am i right?
in every thread
yes, the games themselves are good
yeah isn't it great? Skyrim is the bomb.
please tell me you didn't post this unironically