I went to shop for a DS4 to use in my PC and I was thinking

such an improvement over the DS3. Everything is better and built with better quality. How come does it cost the same as a DS3? I remember in 2011 paying like 59 dollars for a DS3 and I bought my DS4 for 50.

everyone who owned a DS3 knows what I'm talking about: X, O, square, triangle buttons very cheap and had to press real hard to work, the triggers awful and the controller hurts your hand after 1 hour of playing

Can someone explain me why did Sony sell
the DS3 for such high price considering it was even lower quality than DS2?


Worst controllers that I've played (not counting ouya, or chinese consoles)

1) N64
2) Wii Pro (the one with LR RR triggers only)
3) DS3
4) DS2
5) original Xbox controller

The buttons in the ps3 were pressure sensitive, but barely any games ever took advantage of that feature.

DS2: kind of small for adults but sturdy
Sixaxis: no cable but light and cheap feeling;
DS4: finally really big, heavy quality feel to it, getting rid of archaic buttons and adding more usefull ones.

>Everything is better and built with better quality
hahaha stopreadingrighthere.jaypeg

btw my DS3 still works flawlessly till this day.

The quality of the DS4 is shocking. I never expected this from Sony, specially for 50-59 dollar range.

They were even selling limited editions for $47,99.

The quality isn't good at all. The sticks wear off and the r1 button on both of mine keeps sticking

The good thing is that you can use your DS4 in a PS3. The home button doesn't work (neither start-select) but it's the only decent way to re-play PS3 games.

(With a 2 dollar PS2-USB adapter you can use your DS2 and it works way better than the DS3)

Haha wow I can take a screenshot too

Never understood Xbox controller layout. Seemed so unusual and non comfy to use.

The worst thing about Xbox controllers are the convex buttons. Who thought it would be a good idea to make the buttons stick into your finger when you press them?

Is there a way to get the DS3 and DS4 gyro working on PC?

The worst thing for me is analog on the left side of the controller. It doesn't allow for claw grip with left hand

DS4 gyro works as long as you have steam open. The touch pad works as a mouse, and keyboard opens if you press L3 and R3 at the same time.

Yup, classic Sony quality.

sony controllers are comfy as fuck to use but they break so easily. All 3 of my ps3 controllers have issue with buttons triggering for no reasons, both PSP fat and slim had analog stick problems as well. On your picture though it's physical damage, idk i think this shit is done on purpose

I carried around 4 DS3 controllers in my backpack for 4 years during college so my friends and I could play Mario Party on my laptop. They got knocked around and squashed between my books and they are all still fine. I don't know what the fuck you're doing to your controllers.

>All 3 of my ps3 controllers have issue with buttons triggering for no reasons
The internal ribbon cable loses contact. It can be fixed easily with some tape. Ask YouTube.

>just get ds4 for pc and am pleased and think it's a decent improvement over the ds3
>after about a month the rubber on the left analog starts peeling
>by month 3 it's completely off
>around month 6 rb stops working making it worthless

come back to me in 6 months and tell me how good it is. bought an xbone controller and got used to asymmetrical sticks, not going back any time soon. it's held up for about a year now

There are a lot of low-quality chink counterfeit DS3 controllers in the wild. You can detect them easily with a PC as none of them have a working six-axis gyro.

I disassembled and assembled it back and it kinda fixed itself for some of my contollers, not sure why.
You're lucky, I guess. That shit with PS3 controllers is a common issue. My friends had it too. I have a legit reason for breaking one of my controllers (roman started calling me in gta4 while I went away to take a shit), but I didn't do anything to other two.
These are not counterfeit, sixaxis gyro worked perfectly on all controllers.

>X, O, square, triangle buttons very cheap and had to press real hard to work
>controller hurts your hand after 1 hour
You don't happen to have cerebral palsy by chance, do you?

no i do not

>after about a month the rubber on the left analog starts peeling

this shit right here,

I love the controller but the build quality is questionable, though I heard they improved the analog sticks in later revisions

Looks like they still use dog noses for the analog sticks, so no buy.

Should I buy a ds3 or ds4 for PC? my xbo360 gamepad is old and busted

DS4. It works out of the box.

as an added benefit i don't have to autisticly mod games to show playstation icons on the screen

Xbox One controller, I have been using my X360 for years and I just now made the change, you won't regret it

>as an added benefit i don't have to autisticly mod games to show playstation icons on the screen

because of autism

thats pretty low


But works with all games? And the PS button?

>literally 55 million owners
>only 2660 has issue

>PS button?
>The home button doesn't work

No I mean about the DS2. DS2 don't have the PS button.

>Implying that every single person that has had an issue with the controller would upload a video to youtube about it

You're retarded.

What? No it doesn't. At least not for all games. You need shit like ds4windows.

Not that that's a major problem but why lie to the bloke?

>You need shit like ds4windows.
For Xbot-only games, because they are tied to a single controller model. That's not the controller's fault.
Otherwise it's a standard USB-HID controller which works in every game released since the invention of USB in 1996.
Unlike the DS3, which requires a special driver to be detected at all.

There isn't a windows default driver so no

Sorry, you're right, I was using the wrong search terms, thanks sonyggers.

>There isn't a windows default driver so no
But there is. Plug in the USB or pair it with Bluetooth and it works. I have installed DS4Windows nowhere, because none of my games need it.
I just map the buttons and axises just like with every other non-MS controller and I'm ready to go.

>90 million people own ps3
>only 70000 has a problem

The thumbsticks can deteriorate even if you're not hard on your controllers.

This is true but I use DS4Windows anyway because it can turn off the LED on the back

That shit is distracting because its glare reflects on the monitor


Interestingly the LED doesn't stay on for me, when I connect it with no special drivers installed. It starts glowing yellow once and then turns off completely. The controller still works fine.

I loved the DS1-3 line but the PS4 pad feels like a flimsy and cheap piece of shit so I bought a boner pad.

I think I might just stock up on DS2 pads though. Those are so neat.

DS3 feels much cheaper than a DS4.


The default mapping is as follows:
1 = Square
2 = Fork
3 = Circle
4 = Triangle
5 = L1
6 = L2
7 = L2 (digital)
8 = R2 (digital)
9 = Share
10 = Options
11 = L3
12 = R3
13 = PS
14 = touchpad button
X/Y = left stick
Z/ZR = right stick
XR = L2 (analog)
YR = R2 (analog)

>I think I might just stock up on DS2 pads though. Those are so neat.
I did the same thing a while back and bought 2 from amazon. After a year the first one started having a problem where pressing up or down too hard on the dpad would make it go in the opposite direction. Opened the 2nd one and the same problem started happening after a week. I took the controllers apart to see if I could fix them and they didn't even have a circuit board, instead they had some flimsy circuit paper that wouldn't stay attached to things. I still have my original controllers that came with the console and after opening them they have proper circuit boards, so I assume I got bootlegs.

Also the DS4 2.0 revision adds an USB audio device for the headset, so you can use that too.

>2 years ago
Sony has already replaced those old DS4s with the improved 2.0 DS4, doofus.

>so I assume I got bootlegs.
All DS2 and DS3 controllers you can still buy "new" are counterfeits. Sony doesn't make them anymore since years.
I got my last DS3 from a left over game bundle.

you can use a Dualshock 4 on a PS3 flawlessly if you have CFW and are using a plugin

You can use DS4 on PS3 without any plugins with the latest System Software.

Yes, but I want to play muh obscure old games, which have little to no DS4 support

The usual '''comeback''' of a mustard with nothing else to say

70k really isn't that much for the amount sold. You'd expect more. If the XB1 Elite has 730K, and I doubt it sound anywhere near as many as the DS3, that's bad. The search results don't mean much though, the DS3 was a pretty cheap controller. The DS4 isn't much better. I don't actually remember the last controller I used and felt it was a good quality, as well as comfortable.

Huh? The DS4 behaves like a DS3 in any game and the latest OS added wireless support, too.
Maybe you don't know this, because you haven't updated your OS for ages?

I'm on 4.81.

>using brick and mortar stores in 2017

Stop this let them die online shopping is the future

Dont you talk shit on the original Xbox controller

Are sonyggers this insecure?

Can you sync the DS4 to your pc with bluetooth right out of the box?

Yes. Some games support it naitively some dont.

I think that was mostly for racing games.

Really sturdy, had nice symmetry, good feel, looks good, and nice strong rumble.
Looks retarded, but it was innovative. So what if you couldn't use all the buttons at once. It allowed for multiple different play styles. It did feel cheap, but holy shit those things were rugged excluding the stick.

The ds4 does feel really fucking good to hold. I can't go back to a ds3 anymore.

The DS4 was more of a downgrade, specially with how short the battery life is. Also for PC it's best to go for the steam controller, the grips on the back are well worth it and it's cheaper, plus it's been on sale for $30 about 4 times whereas other controllers are rarely on sale.

>Can you sync the DS4 to your pc with bluetooth right out of the box?
Yes. However some games only support USB-HID controllers and not BT-HID controllers. I don't know why Windows makes a difference there.
And some 360 console ports force to use Xbox controllers.