>''aim assist''
I'm literally shaking right now.
>''aim assist''
I'm literally shaking right now.
You could just turn it off instead of being autistic.
Can we take a moment and acknowledge just how shit PC games are that add an ''aim assist'' option. Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't go out of my way to build this beautiful machine for maximum gaming pleasure and then see it start to fester and rot because of all this console bullshit.
What's next, gamepads required to play?
>I'm literally shaking
Aim assist can help you with that.
>options are bad
heh, stick to consoles kid :^)
Hey, I like options. But if you wanna join the PC squad, learn to aim.
Retarded namefag
Says you. Anonymous is such a shitty name.
god why am i so fucking autistic
The option is there for people who play with a controller in pc.
>people who play shooters with a controller in pc
I like playing on the couch.
And I'm not autistic enough to get one of those couch mouse and keyboard sets.
I like to play with a controller. It's comfy.
>KB/M on my bed
Nice try OP you samefagging little shit.
>literally shaking
nothing to see here folks
Certain games on PC work better with controllers
ie rocket league, dark souls
>pc cucks think they can aim
Gud wun :^)
Doom had aim assist and you couldn't turn it off
not a tripfag, you retarded newfag
>learn to aim
And aim to learn.
not a newfag, you retarded faggot
>Remember when seeing your opponents through a wall was an aimbot hack?
Now it's either a fucking perk or it's a default feature.
>Remember when games punished you for mistakes?
Now they make sure every tiny objective is lit up like a Christmas tree with flashing lights pointing to it.
I don't care what you think the demographic currently is; videogames are for fucking CHILDREN.
>videogames are for fucking CHILDREN.
Don't you want your dumb kids to stay dumb?
Wait till the daddy comes after you with a shovel, and see how precise you're aim will be.
>videogames are for fucking CHILDREN
That setting only applies to gamepads.
Options are what the PC gamers pride their platforms on. Now you're moaning about them?
What's next? Moaning about variable resolution? Grow the fuck up.