FFXI is 50% off on steam right now (75% off if you get a buddy who already has it to grab a copy for you)

FFXI is 50% off on steam right now (75% off if you get a buddy who already has it to grab a copy for you)


We have a very active LS on the Asura server as well as a Discord of you need help in game or have questions:

>What job do you play
>What are you doing in game right now
>Favorite zone/music

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't matter. It. Does. Not. Matter. It's so dead that it doesn't even resemble itself anymore.

Nothing, my account has been inactive for years

Obviously it will never be golden age again, but Seekers of Audolin reversed a lot of damaged caused by Abyssea and the 99 level cap

>What job do you play
Gearing COR right now. Also play WAR & GEO

>What are you doing in game right now
Doing the WoE event trying to get Pixie Hairpin +1

>Favorite zone/music

>p-please play our dead game

>Gonna take on Teodor in SoA expansion, could use some help tonight

I've been meaning to resub, but I can't decide what race I should be this time (I kind of what to be a Mithra but don't really like the idea of just being one of dozens of perverts playing catgirls for sexual reasons), and I can't decide what job to play since there are so many good ones.

Currently doing stuff as a Thief but am planning on getting Black Mage all geared up and ready to do endgame stuff. Kind of getting sidetracked by unlocking Summoner avatars, though.

Play tarutaru, then, and play all of the jobs except MNK.

There's 1300 people on Asura right now in the middle of the day.

Luckily race doesn't mean nearly as much anymore as it did, so pick it for aesthetics & animations. Also, you can use an addon to change your appearance (locally) if you ever want to try others.

Also with how end game is now, you can level and gear many jobs easily.

Name 5 things it did to fix FFXI. No seriously do it, I quit before the expansion came out.

-Introduced Job Points which brought back classic exp parties.
-Returned to horizontal progression making level 99 the "new" 75. (ie: undid the awfulness that was Abyssea)
-A boatload of endgame content focused around party/alliance play
-Added a full new campaign instead of "addon stories"
-Rhapsodies of Vanadiel, which came after the expansion, was a free huge campaign as well added to the game

Beat me to it. Adding to this a bit: Job points are basically the new EXP/merits. They require a dedicated party and lots of work. Basically having a high job mastery level has the same clout as being at level cap did back in the day, maybe more so.

Also lots of the old 75 era equipment can be upgraded to still be relevant for current endgame.

Purest way I can explain it is that while Audolin didn't literally revive the old content, the Aulolin endgame is pretty much a miniature version of the goldan age endgame, as opposed to the free for all sandbox clusterfuck we had during the Abyssea days. Instead of exp/merits you have Job Points. Instead of horizontal progression at level 75 it's at iLevel 119. It's the same design philosophy just with new names

>This item is currently unavailable in your region

Also the guy who ruined FFXI literally left the dev team to head of FF14 so there's that.

Why don't other online games do the globally shared server thing any more? I mean I'm sure we all have stories of the Japanese being xenophobic and not wanting to work with us, but it was still cool that they were there sharing the world with us, and occasionally you'd form a bond that transcended language

>one guy ruined ffxi

You should be able to buy it from another region (VPN/proxy maybe?) and just grab the codes and register on the FFXI Account Management page.

Because people need servers close to them or else they can get annoyingly high ping levels. FFXI and older games don't need to transfer as much data as quickly as newer and/or faster-paced games do, so that's why it's fine for this.

Oh and if you're EU:

It's on sale on their site.

holy fuck that mmo is so dead.

>for a game that existed before computers

are you a retard ?

Damn, they never should have closed access to the game from PS2 and 360 console users.

99.9% of the population uses Windower addon to play.

No one logs in through Steam.

That's just one server

I'm tempted to come back, but with the game being in "maintenance mode" I can expect to not see new lands to explore, new jobs to play, and new stories to experience.

>1304 people online
>meanwhile in FFXIV

XI is a dead game, move on already.

Have you played since Adoulin? If not, you have two full campaigns ahead of you.

Also, there's new content every month. Not huge expansions worth, but new quests, items, bosses, etc.

They've recently come out and said that they would make a new expansion pack if enough people played the game. I think it was in a June interview last year.

Literal autism

FFXI is 15 years old and not a WoW clone with 20 million potential market

South America. Can I still buy from this link?

Pretty funny story about weebs during the FFXIV 1.0 alpha/beta. TLDR ahead of time though - The Japanese HATE weebs and want nothing to do with them so they demanded separate servers and got it.

Only sucks so hard that the forums were only viewable to people in the beta and the forums themselves were all deleted once testing was finished. So many amazing posts that I would have saved if I knew they were going to get rid of them all.

>during the XIV alpha/beta testing, everyone is kind of thrown together to test server stress
>at some point, SE announces how the servers will work, having designated servers for Japan, EU and USA
>weebs lost their minds
>went completely apeshit on the forums and many went so far as to start calling Japan racist and xenophobic, to more PC statements like "you're dividing the world!", "you hate togetherness!!"
>many were even starting in-forum votes to see who would be boycotting the game because of the split servers
>they were threatening to refund and so forth
>it was cringe stacked on cringe
>then SE clarified that you can play on whatever server you want but they're just divided into language-speaking regions
>suddenly the weebs are pacified and elated that they can just play on the Japanese, proving that they never gave a damn "togetherness" to begin with. They just wanted to be near the people from anime country
>they're all very happy and make pacts to play on the JP servers...
>... then the Japs speak up
>saying how no one wants weebs around them, why would the Japanese then want it?
>Japanese really want westerners IP barred from entering JP servers
>weebs try to speak terrible anime Japanese to beg the Japanese players to allow them to play together and embarrass everyone on the planet
>nothing changes with the server plans.
>weebs play on the JP servers
>JP ignore and reject them vehemently
>forum flooded with weebs trying to force SE/Japanese players to be more welcoming to them

>JP players annoyed at weeb incompetence and obnixiousness
>SE has to force JP players to be welcoming to weebs and to stop the JP ONLY mentality
>weebs start talking about the "great relationships" they're building with the Japanese people
>JP players continually tell them to go away and stop lagging the servers and spamming terrible anime japanese
>they refuse
>fast forwards a bit
>weebs decide they are too good for japan and just shit up all the EU/NA servers be pretending they're anime

And that's the story of how I learned are all filth.

that was one server but yeah. XIV has more players and it also appeals to the "wider audience" (idiots).

Help me decide between Mithra and Elvaan F so I can resub already.

I will always love Mithra but they've been done to death already. I kind of like being the underdog race

We need more giraffes playing.

>for a game that existed before computers
You what?

yes FFXI was developed for the Stone Tablet δΊ” under the reign of Korehito

I would like to buy it. I don't care about popularity or graphics. I just want to explore the world. BUT. Unlike ffxiv you can't pay the sub via steam.
I live in a third world shithole and it's much cheaper for me to use steam sub because of regional pricing. I pay like 4$ for entry-type sub in ffxiv.
Also it's more convenient way to pay with steam, i don't need be afraid that retarded fucks at square refuse my card for some reason. I've read up a lot of stories about this shit online. Their retarded service bans cards and accounts for no reason.

How much does the sub cost? I bought the game a while ago but only played it for a short time.

Have you tried playing on a private server like Nasomi or Era? They don't have some of the newer expansions, but there is still a lot of content on them if you just want to play FFXI. They're free, so you don't have to worry about having issues with paying a subscription fee.

Awww shit yea.
I had quite a bit of fun fucking around with the private Nasomi server but old school FF11 is just too hardcore for me and I don't have the time (or energy) to play an old ass MMO 24/7.

$12 a month for one character slot and an additional dollar per character.

>Comparing a newer MMO to one that's almost 20 years old.
>New MMO doesn't even have 100,000 subs.
Oh boi I'm laffin.

Has it really been that long?

2002 was 1500 years ago.

Actually no, i heard that it has that "play like in 2005" aka "i like to grind random monsters for 9999 hours in party for 0 exp".
I don't have the time to spend months to get to the level cap. I just want to enjoy the story and world.
And of course missing content. I've read up the wiki about custom servers. IIRC some of the newest jobs don't work at all.
Also i lied a bit about " I don't care about popularity". I'm okay with retail ffxi amount of players. But customs? 300 ppl online in NA prime time(when i'm asleep)? This is kinda... You know.
So i'd rather chose retail or nothing at all.


might want to see how my S-E's crysta costs.

Why won't SE give Monk access to good weaponskills?

Are none of its RME weaponskills good?


I don't mind participating in FFXI threads, drudging up old art, videos and music, but

It's important to note that it will never be 2006 again. Tossing $13 a month at SE for what they did to FFXI is downright silly.

by being put in a powerful role like director/producer

however is probably retarded and means Tanaka, who was the original director for FFXI as well. He was there day 0. He's responsible for everything GOOD in Zilart and Chains of Promathia.

It's closer to 2006 than ever before.

Want the 1-75/merit leveling experience? Do CP parties for job points.
Want the sky, dynamis, etc, end-game experience? Do Omen, Escha bosses, etc
Want the grinding experience? Get a REMA.
Want the crafting experience? Start crafting.

>tfw you will never cuddle a Mithra cosplayer
>tfw you will never cuddle a girl who knows what a Mithra is

I have a naked 99RDM and 99WAR
what do

I've always been a fan of Mithras, but Elvaan F is also pretty nice looking animations and armor

Was interested in trying FFXI but wasnt there supposed to be something like a single player version of it in development?

Farm up sparks, get a full set of sparks gear.
Start doing Skirmishes and Wildskeeper Rieves for 119 gear.
From there try to get Ambuscade groups
Once you have a set of Ambuscade gear, try some bosses in Escha/Reisenjima
Go from there

There's a ton to do. Hop in the discord and check the pins for some guides

Lol FF15 has only just come out, 16 doesn't even exist yet XD

If anything the FF7 remake will be out before 16. I don't even think Square has said that there is even going to be one....!

How do you delete a comment?

Are you on Asura?

Send a tell to Dinotron and I'll get you situated with a LS pearl and we can help you out.

Im not gonna play that game. Don't care that its on sale.

We got a Sup Forums discord here:


Nope. There's a mobile game in Japan that takes place in the same world, and another company is working on a watered down version of the game for tablets.

Just so everyone in the thread knows, this is not the discord for XI.

Grab the one in the OP. If it's expired here's a new one:


There was an XI mobile game being created by/for Nexon. There hasn't been news on it in almost 1 year and a half now and everyone has assumed it's just vaporware.

thanks, and yes
I'll keep it in mind

Nowhere as good as many other weapons. At least Warrior and Dark Knight can use Greatswords, and Samurai can self SC.

source on gif?

Nexon is working on a mobile game that, by what little we know, will have little relation with the current game. We likely won't get more information until the start of the new fiscal year. Keep your expectations low.

Damn was interested assuming most of the enjoyment wasn't just on online

It's entirely related to the original game from what we know. They even said that the release will have content up to Chains of ProWE AAAAAARE!mathia.

>fucked up the spoiler

I've been playing it since I got it for the Babbage difference engine. Took you a whole day to calculate a single melee autoattack.

Prishe is the best protagonist!

Who /stylelock/ here

Would be cool if more people joined us on Asura. We have a lot of active players in the LS and we do a lot of shit together. It's been fun playing XI with a core group again.

It's at least worth a try.

those tabletops are dope.

I have all the expansions up to date but the 15$ sub kills me and I have a ff14 sub as well I wish that came to gether I only keep one active at a time because 30$ a month is just to fucking much

Republic a best.


Simple, just only sub to XIV for 4 days a month. It's not like you have anything else to do in that game for the other 26 days.

>that tiny dip on Valentine's day in the evening

Screw you we were second place the majority of the time on Kujata and we took the lead SEVERAL times. Kingdomfags were all a bunch of shitty normies anyway.

>State mandated sex

>tempted to buy the game for the discount, never bought anything past WOTG back in the day
>character on Sylph though
>dont want to pay for transfer
>playing FFXIV anyway


It's worth it for the memes

Shill it to me. I only played for a month way back when I was in middle school and didn't have the patience to play MMOs. I think I stopped around level 14.

What is the main appeal? Just grindan the different jobs? Are there any neato multiclass combos or builds to play with?


Any job can sub on any job, up to half of the main job, so you can be a Beastmaster with a Dancer/White Mage sub, so you can make yourself invisible or put an auto-raise on yourself, so you can adventure and have no fear about dying like a bitch.

Loads of combos and there's a lot of mixing and matching, as long as you strategise it out and make it work.


I can't into wow and wow clones, does this do enough different stuff or do I just fuck off mmos for the rest of my life?

Main Appeal is some of the best stories that FF has despite it's outdated battle system. Vanilla XI's story is bland though, the expansions are where it's at.

You can Main and Sub any job in the game, leading to interesting combinations. and with recent rebalancing, there isn't any overpowered job now (Prior to the recent patch GEO was overpowered).

Having the game with a Square-Enix account instead of just a Playonline account will qualify you for Free Log-Ins which come quarterly each year.

Speaking of, anyone try out the new side-story quest in Adoulin? How is it?


No, fuck off, you've probably closed the thread anyway. If you're interested you'll pay the small sub fee and try it out again.

We're all still here because we hate WoW clones.

This is an EQ clone, not a WoW clone.

This was Pre-WoW

S-E Store mate

>tfw the servers will probably get shut down within a few years
>always feel the urge to go back and walk through the world I once lived in again

I'd love to do that but it would probably do more harm than good, the game is fundamentally different now and I doubt anyone I know still plays. Not to mention my server was merged and I sold my account.

Someone needs to invent a time machine so I can experience prime FFXI again.

I'll probably try it out then. Can you fuck up builds or something? That's a thing I tend to do the first playthrough in any rpg, probably why I haven't played a proper MMO in a while too.