Previous thread: It looks pretty good
Mass Effect: Andromeda
>perfectly fine default femshep for me1 and me2
>me3 needs to have her be some sort of frecklebeast
>contest has blonde shepard win
>canadumbs get triggered
>SFM is all Frecklebeast mutant.
What is wrong with leafs?
>It looks pretty good
Nier Automata virgin vermins on suicide watch
>We want the Halo and Destiny crowd
You can still direct them to cover right?
I can't wait to continue this legend with downloadable content
Will I be able to kill off or not enlist that ugly nigger?
w-w-wheres you game with advanced ai huh
thats what thought looser
I just realized I went "SJW" before BioWare.
This is ME3 ofc.
The environments in the combat trailer looked pretty good, but everything in this webm looks like a homeless mans asshole. What gives?
It was in ME2-3 its doubtful you wouldn't be able to control how they play.
Cherry picking on both sides.
it looks pretty shit
I would like the same system as DAI for that one.
Aka you can swap between squadmate.
Then it should be fine.
The only issue you will be so God-tier in comparison to them that you're really just sending them behind walls if they're not going to be good distractions/meat-shields.
Especially when you're not using their powers on the command wheel.
>Assault and Sniper rifles
>No class restrictions
>No skill restrictions
>All skills are combat-based
>Cover-based combat
So this is what RPG's have become.
I hope they don't fuck up the port.
I don't give a fuck about the story i just want to coop with bros.
Gameplay looks way faster, to the point that it might be a challenge to die in the horde mode, it seems like you have a lot of movement options and such, maybe they'll heavily restrict that part in coop. eh
When I first saw this clip the armour design got me hyped thinking you play as the turian squaddie, meaning you could control party members for once. But nope, it's just Ryder in alien looking armour.
why you play as a cancer patient?
Mass Effect stopped being an RPG at ME2
>hurr its not an RPG unless there are restrictive fucking classes
Morrowind says hi
It's hard to get a good idea of an environments quality when you're getting face raped with high amounts of bloom and motion blur, plus all the biotic and gunfire effects.
This game will be pretty damn good. Shame we won't have any genuine discussion because of much ess jay dubya:^)
>people will pay full price for this garbage
>you game
>what thought looser
English nigger, do you know it?
What in the actual fuck, and they're making a bunch of a Star Wars game after this right? Make it stop. SJWs of the Old Republic.
Because shaved head seemed practical for a space biotic wizard soldier.
its not a rpg anymore because it never was
go play torments of numenara or something
They're deleting the comments and leaving only those that praise them.
>gameplay looks decent enough to have me re-interested in ME
>hear that the crew we've seen is all your companions
>except one which is a native that you'll recruit later
Tell me this isn't true. I don't want any of the "pathfinder" crew with me. Speaking of which where are the Quarians? you'd think they'd jump on the chance to explore a new galaxy and find a new world for their people. It's going to be DLC isn't it?
Top of the line animations.
She looks so tender, I just want to cuddle with her.
>Pre-ordered it off a key site for $15 when it was first announced
I'll either be completely indifferent, or pleasantly surprised.
So this is what casual RPG fans have become.
Nothing wrong with guns and magic in RPGs. It's always been like this.
>No class restrictions
You have to choose what abilities you want to level up, and it's almost certainly going to be effective to level up abilities within the same tree. All you're missing is the arbitrary restriction.
>No skill restrictions
You said that already
>All skills are combat based
You don't know this. And if they are, so be it. I always felt like abilities being used in dialogue felt gimmicky
>cover based combat
No one is complaining as long as it isn't clunky
not even ONCE
looks shit tbqh
Nah I think it'll be like ME3
Where the enemies hit harder on Gold and Platinum but the guns don't hit that hard unless you've upgraded it to X.
Or 3s ending despite the rest of the game being decent.
Bioware is just too easy to make jokes about,too bad none of its funny and you can make most of these criticisms about any modern game so its not insightful either.
>Black dude glare at Cora butt
If you're going to colonize an entire new galaxy, bringing the space hypochondriacs that die if they so much as get a whiff of a fart would probably be a shitty idea.
>Previous thread
Krogran bro looks okay. Not sure why they keep wasting slots of human party members. We dont need more humans than the protag
>People are buying a Mass Effect game after Mass Effect 3
I don't see the problem
some dude mocapped running into cover
>tfw the combat looks like can be fun again with multiplayer
Shame the history, the models and how many things will be shit though. I really enjoyed playing ME3 online with the N7 classes
God I don't want to be tricked by bioware again.
>He is still mad about ME3 ending
Don't get me wrong, there's plenty wrong with BioWare and their politics but they can still make a good game in spite of all that.
>Majority of the game is good
>It has a shit ending
Never tried to make her a looker anyway. I like her still.
but you can almost fly now
But they're the most experienced when it comes to the shit they're doing in ME:A.
I suppose, but we really should have had one of each species from the default galaxy plus a couple of new ones from this new place we're exploring. It makes no sense to have all this human masturbation, then again Mac is obsessed with this shit so no surprise I guess.
Marketer pls
Lets be honest. The gameplay looks okay. The environments seem alright. The animations are shit but this is Bioware so it's to be expected here. We don't know anything about the characters yet to really judge them.
But I guarantee you the ending will be dogshit and will drag the whole game down anyway.
Except the entire fucking thing was shit
the characters and story already look garbage waaaaay before the ending though.
>We don't know anything about the characters yet to really judge them.
We know that they look like shit.
yeah you look like shit too but I don't judge you based on appearance
fucking fatass neckbeard faggot
Yeah,its the same with any other entertainment industry,as long as the politics don't directly influence the game its fine.
>strong women
>not every characters a 10/10
Are the only ways it has since biowares always had gay characters and a diverse cast.
Looks mean nothing. In DA:I you had some ugly mofos but their writing wasn't half bad. Like animations it's well known Bioware can't do character models worth shit.
But what if you get Shot out of the air when you're surrounded?
Whether this game gets continuation will depend on how well it does, then EA will make the call. Expect the game to end on a pseudo-cliffhanger that only leaves a certain percentage of the story and sub-plots wrapped up. That way if this is it they can declare it a "complete experience", and if it sells well they can easily hash out a sequel.
Why do you expect the ending to be bad? DAO DAI ME1 and ME2 all had at least decent endings. Seems like a bit of an autistic conclusion to draw.
Also, was actually impressed by most of the animations. Not overly flamboyant, but smooth and noticeable.
In so excited I'm gonna pee!
If im not mistaken there will only be one new race.
This is kinda hot for me.
It is weird?
>Sup Forums throws a shitfit over Sera and tells me she's shit
>Turns out Sera is actually one of the better companions
I'll wait to see the actual characters instead of losing my shit over hair styles
combat seems fun
Learn English before you post on my board
2,angara and kett
Hopefully we'll get some planet specific ones too
>Bioware is all about diversity and shit
>Make a game where only the council races and their krogan slaves get to settle a new galaxy
Girls with guns is a patrician tier fetish user
>Your choices really matter! No one will have the same experience!
>lol everyone pick a color
What makes Sera a good character, in your opinion?
>Sup Forums shits on Sera
>Turns out I'm the kind of retard that enjoys nu-Bioware writing
Well good for you.
ME2? The only decent thing about it was the fact it was a suicide mission, which was the only thing they could feasibly do since the entire game was about getting to know your crew rather than focusing on fighting the Collectors. The Reaper baby was shit and ended up being retconned anyway in ME3.
The DA games don't count because that's a completely different team doing them. The ME with the best ending was 1, went downhill a bit with 2 and then 3 happened. Logic dictates Andromeda won't be much better
I liked Sera too but that doesn't change the fact that she's fucking ugly.
>their writing wasn't half bad
This is really off-putting. The gameplay vid really makes me want to get it, but the other details are really off putting. What's the point of exploring a new galaxy if it's empty as fuck?
>better companions
Sera had a permament place in my party, I found her funny and unique, I made a female Quanari EXCLUSIVELY so that I could romance her, and I've fapped to her multiple times.
But even I wouldn't consider he to be a good character
How long do you think it will take to complete? Some user speculated that the demo is 10 hours because you are restricted to one planet,so maybe its roughly 8-10 for each planet?
And i'm going to assume there are about 4,so maybe 30-40hrs?
That's correct. Thanking you for agreeing with me, baby.
dont worry anons your choices will matter! lots of effort and re imagining of past mistakes and bullet point are definitely addressed.
No turds will be put on this game im betting.
I don't understand how any body can like the "HAHA QUIRKY XDDD" characters Bioware writes. They all act and sound like they were written by fucking Anthony Burch.
The same thing that made Sten a good character in origins. She has a back bone. usually in RPGs (and I dont just mean Bioware titles) Your party is full of Yesmen who constantly reaffirm how you are the best at everything in the world and only occasionally inform you that they disagree with how you handle something as a plot point. Sera and Sten are fully their own characters with their own motives. In DA:O Sten challenges you for power of the group at Haven if you aren't runing it to his liking. In Inquisition, Sera will disobey your direct orders if they aren't in line with her goals.
I really like that in party members.
ME games are usually 25-30 hours, this will be the same.
Maybe, as long as it isn't another DA:I. That took ages from all the padding they did with the gameplay, I think my first playthrough ended after 80 hours.
I'm going to assume you meant to reply to someone else.
Looks like the anti-bioware shills are up early.
You didn't have class or skill restrictions in the original Fallout, either. There are plenty of classless RPGs out there. You have enough to complain about with this game without resorting to bullshit.
So you agree with the post you quoted
ME1 could be like 8 depending on the % of it you want to get done,hopefully this will be a little longer for the same reasons.
Also I hope the soundtracks good,that was always one of my favorite parts of the ME series and I haven't heard anything yet from the trailers that felt as cinematic.
Not him, but she's a flawed and well constructed character on purpose.
>rude, dumb, arrogant
>likes to pretend she's helping the "little people"
>never really do shit for them
>hate on the dalish elves for their culture
>accepts the "privileged" human religion
>was an orphan kid during DAO, in the elven slum
>raised by a human that gave her an inferiority complex, especially on her own race
She's an uneducated, favela elf. Very believable.
Also funny to have in your party with Solas and Cole
ME3 goes to complete shit right after Tuchanka, and it's not exactly stellar before that.