Forced aim assist with OP as fuck melee

>forced aim assist with OP as fuck melee

why did people praise this shit again

it wouldn't bother me if you weren't invincible during melee.
look at serious sam 3, it had the same mechanic but enemies could still shoot and damage you. it was done right.

glory kills killed the hype for me tbqh

they're reddit and have only touched consolized FPS.

these are the same retards who praised Wolfenstein TNO and nu Shadow Warrior as having fast gameplay

harder difficulties turn off invincibility during glory kills

TNO and TOB were great
i don't like them being in the game at all
you're forced to use them if you want to live
also glowing, staggering enemies waiting for you to kill them like fucking retards are pure cancer

No they didn't.

>also glowing, staggering enemies waiting for you to kill them like fucking retards are pure cancer

completely agree


no. I have never been hurt in a melee kill, and I literally use them as life savers to get free candies from enemies.
maybe already fired projectiles do hurt you, but all demons stop attacking during the animation. you're all but vulnerable.
also this >you don't have to use them!!!!!
>game is designed around demon candies and ammo drops from them
you might as well say you don't have to use both hands to play if you don't like it. you're "not forced" to use them, but still forced.

Game is not that good. Will be forgotten in under 5 years, like the storyline of The Witcher 3

They're like contextual attacks in RE4. They'd be lame as fuck if you could get knocked out of them.

Besides, enemies still close in on and shoot at you while you're doing them. Just glory killing everything left and right is a good way to get yourself killed since you're pretty damn vulnerable once they end.

In Ultra Violence and Nightmare there were a handful of times where I used a glory kill out of desperation only to get killed by a fireball immediately after regaining control.

No they don't, all higher difficulties do is inflate enemy damage and make health/armor pick-ups shittier

t. someone who isn't even good at video games

>Just glory killing everything left and right is a good way to get yourself killed

It's also the only way to get a half-decent score in arcade mode




*holds up spork*

Look im so unique xD give me (you)´s

Aim assist can be turned off. Which is good since it gets in the way more than anything.

every medal has same multi

Guess what's the easiest way to get that multi up very fast? Glory killing everything with armored offensive




*holds up spork*

Look im so unique xD give me (you)´s

Yeah they do.

There was aim assist and op melee in original as well.


Prove it.

picking up items never increases multiplier

it only increases the current duration/level of the current multiplier

boosting your multi in the beginning with a chainsaw is same had you armored offensive or not

Im playing on UV and it doesnt





*holds up spork*

Look im so unique xD give me (you)´s

>it only increases the current duration/level of the current multiplier

Which effectively increases the multiplier thanks to how much faster it makes reaching that sweet 32x

>boosting your multi in the beginning with a chainsaw

That's not very efficient


>forced aim assist
Is this a console thing?

>OP as fuck melee
Melee sucks shit in this game, takes like 4-5 hits to kill an imp. If you're talking about glory kills, you can't even do those until you damage an enemy to the point where they're about to die anyway.

>ultra violence
Maybe you didn't read, but that one early post in the thread clearly states
>harder difficulties turn off invincibility during glory kills
maybe if you play an actual hard difficulty you will notice the difference. go ahead test it on nightmare.

Because it's the best singleplayer FPS in fifteen years and a fucking joy to play. Is it a masterpiece? No. Is it great? Yes.


And most of the time you would kill the bastards anyway if you are using the Super Shotty/Grenade Launcher/Gauss Rifle/Turret Mode/Micro Missiles before they get to that state.




Fuck you

Glory kills increase the pace of the game you fuck

ultra violence is the second hardest difficulty as far as the typical gameplay adjustments go. ultra nightmare is identical to nightmare save for its big gimmick

it's all moot anyways since you're clearly full of shit. I've played through nightmare several times and you still can't take damage during glory kill animations.

That user was incorrect in saying it removes the invincibility.


On hard difficulties, enemies are more likely to group closer to glory killable enemies, making so they will attack AS SOON as you get outside of the animation, sometimes rendering the health gain moot.

>I've played through nightmare several times and you still can't take damage during glory kill animations.
T. someone who never played nightmare.

Fuck off underage

Just be aware that you're fooling nobody

>default melee has absolutely no impact
How did they let that shit through?

because it was 5/10 okay in the age of 3/10 bad games

>forced aim assist with OP as fuck melee

why did people praise this shit again


>forced aim assist
