What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
to the Daein he wasn't a hero, he was a menace that defeated their empire
what game
fire emblem radiant dawn
Sothe was actually a girl, that's why she exposes her belly in her portrait.
It's just the Mary Sue complaining that her bf is Mary-Sueing a character that's not her.
Ike is man enough to impregnate Sothe despite him lacking ovaries or a womb, clearly.
Why would you want to know what game based on this picture...
Yes Mr. Sherman, eveything is a Mary-Sue
ike sucks lol
>slept with laura
nice try
Fire Emblem Radiant Bantz
Micaiah is such a mary-sue though
>Posesses a skill that no one else has (sacrifice)
>Is never shown in the first game (Only a vague reference by Sothe)
>Everyone instantly rallies behind her
>Is in contact with the goddess of chaos straight from the start
>Is the empress' older sister, which is never brought up in the first game either
>Not max level tier 2 Ike that's asleep
>Tier 3 Jill
>Ike still takes 3 hits to die
Come on
Micaiah is just a jealous old hag.
Never being shown in the first game doesn't make her a mary-sue.
Neither Almedha, nor totes not evil strategy man likes her.
I originally saved this to make fun of her fans, but it works to show you everybody didn't like her, Soren has nothing but contempt for her either
Not being shown or properly alluded to in the first game DOES make her a Mary-Sue, she essentially pops into existence in Radiant Dawn
Welcome to the wonderful world of main characters. They are mostly bullshit in most games.
The only reason anybody complains is she's a main character in a sequel and takes chapter time away from muh precious Ike.
This being despite that being required for the games pacing, The Greil mercenaries are strong so they need to come later. So a weak team of newbies needed to show up for the early chapters.
she isn't even a mary sue, she's retarded, spiteful, etc.. which is hilarious considering that the plot pretty much forces her to be the main heroine.
Guess these two guys are Mary Sues too.
>>Posesses a skill that no one else has (sacrifice)
So? Other characters like Elincia, the Black Knight, Janaff and Ulki each have unique skills.
>>Is never shown in the first game (Only a vague reference by Sothe)
Is every character introduced in Radiant Dawn like Pelleas or Leanne also a Mary Sue then?
>>Everyone instantly rallies behind her
False, she has to gain the trust of Daein and she only does so with the help of people Daein already trusts like Tauroneo and the Black Knight.
>>Is in contact with the goddess of chaos straight from the start
And? Zelgius and Sephiran are in contact with the goddess of order.
>>Is the empress' older sister, which is never brought up in the first game either
Then Soren is a Gary Stu for being Ashnard's son.
I think you're missing that it's the combination of all those factors that makes her a Mary Sue
They are not main characters
I started playing Path of Radiance the other day
Ike's been nothing but a disappointment
>defeat the black knight in PoR and have a castle crash on his head
>the black knight totally survived that just to help her
>the fire emblem unseals the chaos god, bad bad
>there was a chant to fix that all along, the songs of a tribe known for their songs isn't enough, but her song does the trick
>sothe was a literal nobody
>becomes a main character you're forced to bring to the endgame just because micaiah likes him
>her brigade is left on the bench but she's still a main character because she also hosts a goddess.
i'm surprised they actually thought a reason for stopping the blood path and didn't give her an extra power out of her ass to cancel it.
The Black Knight survived in PoR you dummy.
Actually, it's all essentially one factor and they just follow on from eachother.
She's the true Apostle, so she's in contact with a goddess and has an unusual ability.
People rally behind her, not because she's the strongest or most capable or most important member of the liberation army.
They rally behind her because she's the most memorable. Why is she most memorable? Her weird hair and special power. Both of which are due to her birth. That shit spreads like wildfire among the masses. Of course they rally behind her. She's the most meorable one that isn't "Guy that fought for our evil king then fucked off to parts unknown before the end of the war"
Her tactical prowess is less of a skill and more cheating, which is why she's so constantly beaten back in part 3.
She relies too much on skills that aren't hers so when they lose their effect she becomes worse.
Honestly, if you're going to complain a Fire Emblem main character is a Sue, Corrin's ready and waiting.
Heck, damn near every primary protagonist is a Sue.
They're all kind, caring, pretty, good with a sword, nobility, exemplary tacticians and capable of wielding something nobody/few else can.
Ike is basically the only exception. He's not the tactician and while he's not a noble, most of the time, he's still defined heavily by his father.
He get's a rival because of his father, a magic sword because of his father, his position in charge of an army because of his father. He's basically a mercenary prince.
Again. They're MAIN CHARACTERS. Sue-ness is expected. Because if they weren't the most important characters, it would be someone else's story.
t. I have no idea what a Mary Sue is
Am I the only one who likes Micaiah more than Ike?
Highly unlikely.
The generally used meaning? A character written without sufficient flaws or depth.
Few of the characters people complain about being a Mary Sue fit the original definition. It's changed into something between "Poorly written character" and "Buzzwords for things I don't like"
Woah, woah, calm down. I like Micaiah too, but, c'mon. It's Ike. Everyone loves Ike.
I don't like Ike.
Hah wow that's some of the worst RNG screwing I've ever seen.
What chapter are you on? I'd almost recommend restarting because you're not gonna beat the BK at that rate.
There's enough energy drops in the game to fix that,
No dude you have 10 defense on a level 14 Ike. You're fucked at that rate. Basically everything that's not skill is behind 2-4 points average.
Skill and speed I mean. He has 50% star and 40% def and you've only gained 5 of each in 13 level ups. And that luck is bad.
Did you give him a Seraph Robe? His hp is unusually high.
>Daein launches a cowardly surprise invasion completely unprovoked and butchers people during its campaign
>Crimeans, led by Ike, finally manage to kill Ashnard and make Daein fuck off after over a year of occupation
What were they supposed to do, let Daein shit on them forever? Micaiah was such a stupid cunt.
You think citizens of an aggressor country will sympathize with countries they're at war with?
All I'm saying is that it doesn't speak well for her character that she thinks repelling an evil tyrant who invaded without justification and murdered tons of innocent people makes you an asshole. Especially not since she's supposed to be some sort of messiah who stands up for the weak and innocent.
Burger King surviving makes a lot of sense if you read the >hidden conversations.
I wish Fire Emblem games ditched the whole "an ancient evil has awaken" trope. At least the Tellius games twisted it a bit with the historical revisionism and by making the whole chaos/order divide not completely black and white.
Other thing I'd like the games to explore is the whole good guys always being benevolent and capable rulers while bad guys being the polar opposite. I'm not entirely sure, but wasn't the government budget essentially considered the monarch's personal budget and the wellbeing of the subjects irrelevant before enlightenment?
Well, he did never try to burn hundreds of non combatants alive, which Micaiha seems to consider a viable war time strategy. She should maybe not be so judgemental.
>I don't know what a Mary Sue is: the post
Every time
>Especially not since she's supposed to be some sort of messiah who stands up for the weak and innocent.
But she's not, she stands up for the people of Daein. Nobody else.
If she was fighting for moral reasons then she wouldn't have even fought in the god damn war with the Laguz Alliance. She cares about the people of Daein to an incredible degree. That's Micaiah's thing.
This character trait gives her bias. While she accepts what her country did was wrong she will still dislike the people who caused it harm. Even if they have their own reasons for doing so.
Yes, she's a hypocrite. That's the fucking point!
She's the Camus of her game. She will fight for her country. Above morals or anything else.
I think we can all agree Ike and Michaia are nowhere near as dull/retarded/marysues/buzzwords as Chrom, NohrCorn, or Azura. God they were awful
Priam exists
Now you know who Ike knocked up
Chrom wasn't too bad, he had a bunch more personality than most of the FE main characters and he really could have been a great main character if they let him be the main character.
Instead Robin takes the spot and Chrom is delegated to getting some decent lines and having the spotlight stolen on the Grima kill.
I'd say Miciah is as bad as Corrin and Azura. Chrom and Robin were way better.
Basically this. Miciah is a flawed character and that's why she's well written compared to Ike.
Which ones?
Chrom and Robin are just as bad as Corrin and Azura.
I really don't agree. Chrom was the most generic lordy lord in all the games. Like Eliwood. Just not compelling at all
This. Chrom was fine, he just got cucked hard by Robin.
He is a very good Lord for the portions of the game where Robin isnt as relevant.
I found her more interesting. Apart from the Black Knight deal, I felt Ike's story was more or less done by the end of PoR. I liked the PoR cast, but I sort of wanted a different experience in RD and the Dawn Brigade gave it to me (Micaiah making morally questionable decisions, her extreme patriotism, playing as the Daein army and being pitted against the 'good guys', the difficulty). Sadly the story kinda tried to do to many things at once and really banked on the GM's popularity, making a huge deal out of Ike and fellating him whenever possible.
How? Chrom and Robin are fucking competent and not utter retards like Corrin and Azura. Robin doesn't even become a main focus of the plot until the end.
I dont really care for Corrin, but Azura was fucking awful.
No one will ever be able to convince me that all the criticism Michaiah receives isn't just because people hate the fact that she doesn't like Ike. Just because she isn't justified or a moral paragon 100 percent of the time and actually has flaws unlike other characters from the series doesn't mean she's "buzzword" garbage.
Most of your stats are like
8-10 dead levels worth of points. That's obscene
good health and res tho
No way is Micaiah as bad as those two. Corrin is a complete chucklefuck with no agency that only follows Azura's orders, and Azura's a huge retard who's meant to appear wise and mysterious. Micaiah's strengths and weaknesses are clearly defined and she acts accordingly.
I love Ike but Michaiah was a hell of a lot more compelling imo. The only thing I didn't like was the final portions of the game where she ceases to exist because Yune needs her body
Chrom was angrier, I'd say he's more like Ephraim than Eliwood. but without a lot of Ephraim's more interesting qualities.
He's quite good during the Valm campaign, His pre-battle conversations with Walhart are, in my opinion, some of the best written parts of Awakening.
Again, nobody can compare to Corrin i the field of Sue. It's not actually possible without going into a full parody of the trope.
Corrin is recognized as royalty of up to three kingdoms, is a dragon, a legendary blade of the chosen one literally flies into their hand before they do anything to earn it. The entire outcome of the war hinges directly on which side S/he picks.
Let's not even start on the levels of bullshit they reach in Conquest. Micaiah's got nothing on that. The original Mary Sue herself can hardly compete.
The reason people hate her (or me, at least) is because she's a deeply flawed, hypocritical piece of shit who actually tries to commit legit atrocities during the war, but she never gets called out for anything. Instead, she just gets her metaphorical dick sucked by literally everyone and becomes more and more important and eventually gets rewarded
>oh btw I'm the true empress of Begnion
>yeah the goddess of chaos is actually inside me and I know the true song we need to win, that super important singing race from the first game can fuck off
>oh you want to make me the queen of Daein? Thanks!
Fighting the BK as Ike during the DB vs GM characters.
When the BK fought Ike, Ike said that Greil removed the tendons from his arm so he could never again wield a sword properly. All the BK wanted was a final fight against his teacher to see who was better, and he was forever denied it. However, he saw that Ike had started upon the path of swordsmanship as Greil's heir but had not yet reached the peak of his potential.
The BK understood this, and decided to fake his death. The castle crashing down on him grievously wounded him and stripped the blessing from his armour.
Since Zelgius's biggest goal was to fight against his master, he let Ike mature for a few years.
If Ike fights him in the swamp, a few things happen. If Ike wins, the BK says that he's very nearly at Greil's level. If the BK wins he actually goes "OH FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT HIM SO HARD".
And during his final fight he just says that all he wanted was to fight Greil. And he gets that, through his duel with Ike.
Not him but yeah I kind of agree. Also a surprisingly huge amount of people like characters based on their stats and performance in game, so shitters who don't know how to play hate the DB and Micaiah because it's more challenging and because Micaiah isn't a brain dead unit like Ike.
She doesn't get her dick sucked at all. She does terrible things as an act of desperation, not because she thinks it's okay. Ike & Co. put her in place. Were you expecting punishment? The whole point of part 4 is everyone uniting to face the actual threat behind it all.
I do agree that her becoming the queen, despite being just a footnote, was completely unnecessary.
>that super important singing race from the first game can fuck off
She's half heron!
>Just because she isn't justified or a moral paragon 100 percent of the time and actually has flaws unlike other characters from the series doesn't mean she's "buzzword" garbage.
The issue is that the game tries to portray her as "Doing what's necessary" so she's always arguably in the right.
Micaiah mainly get's away because of the series penchant for forgiveness. This is a series where all previous bad shit you do is swept under the rug when you chat with the royal looking fellow and join his ragtag bunch of misfits.
Micaiah played the extraordinarily shitty hand she was dealt, and most characters, after getting the story from someone. Tend to place the blame on the senate for the actions of Daein during the second war, and Kilvas during both.
Is it the best solution? That's debateable.
Do people hate Naesala for betraying the good guys for the exact same reasons for basically the same amount of punishment? No, not really.
>The issue is that the game tries to portray her as "Doing what's necessary" so she's always arguably in the right.
She does what she does because of the Blood Pact. Definitely takes some of the blame off her shoulders.
The blood pacts have to be one of the stupidest things in the series (well, until Awakening and Fates came along with their outrealms and other assorted bullshit, especially Fates). They completely ruined Naesala's character with the blood pact retcon in RD.
I was actually looking forward to seeing how things would go with him in RD before I played it since he basically portrayed as another Trabant in PoR. Then blood pacts happened.
Who sucks her dick other than her party?
Don't forget that Ike and co. are shown as the moral victors and end up taking the role of the 'heroes' from her in the end.
Yeah, blood pacts are made of the distilled essence of comic book crossovers.
We need a reason for these two good guys to fight, let's make some bullshit up.
They almost certainly exist entirely as a reason to make the Greil Mercenaries fight the Dawn Brigade. And I'm ok with that. Those chapters are great.
Things are looking up guys
Jesus fucking Christ, this is more like a bad Roy than an Ike.
I don't hate Micaiah as a character as much as I used to, but I still hate her for being a shitty unit who's actually OP in the early game because of her utterly ridiculous Prf one shotting every single horse and knight in the chapters.
But no matter what you do, even if she got 19 perfect level ups, the final boss of part 1 will still double and kill her. She's basically a Roy, except she's a magic user in a game where mages are awful.
her character is annoying, but she has some growth. Ike has growth and flaws as well, he has clear anger issues and admits he's not very good at thinking. If it weren't for Soren Ike would be up Shit Creek without a paddle, and he admits that.
If we're gonna talk about Mary Sues, I think Ephraim is a much better fit than anyone from Tellius. Guy's basically perfect. Handsome, intelligent, incredibly skilled both as a fighter and a tactician, everyone loves him, and the crown jewel in his collection: he can do literally anything if he just remembers to say the magic words, "I don't pick fights I can't win!" Hopelessly outnumbered and cornered by Grado's most dangerous general and his battalion of wyvern knights? No problem! He doesn't pick fights he can't win! There, he effortlessly broke through and escaped with all his men.
So, a Roy?
Who else should it have been? The last king died with no known descendants and then the kingdom was occupied by foreigners. And it certainly fits that the character who fought the most for the kingdom and had the strongest feelings for it would go on to lead it. I think that was intentional to contrast with Ike, Michaiahs fierce loyalty to Daein above all elsr and Ike's being a wanderer who doesn't desire titles or have strong feelings for any kingdom just doing the right thing
No, if it was Roy he wouldn't promote until after the Black Knight duel. At least Ike, even this RNG-screwed one, isn't that unfortunate.
Roy has more than 10 defense at level 19, user.
Doesn't matter, he's a Lord who uses a lance instead of a sword and he possibly fuck his twin sister, just those two aspects make him cool.
What are you expecting from the Switch FE's lord? Do you think we're doomed to Corrin-tier lords forever?
Surely the Heroes poll showed them how well-liked Ike is and they'll strive to make the next lord more similar to him, r-right?
I think they'll go back to a main lord and his/her Create-an-MC best friend.
Oh, you mean what they tried to do with Chrom?
She's making fun of how much Sothe was praising Ike.
Without the self-insert stealing the spotlight, I mean. Heck, they could still have one for the express purpose of waifufagging, just don't make him more important than the other characters.
No clue about the lord, but speaking of the Switch FER, I hope it's split into multiple versions like Fates.
Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out before you call me a faggot. Conquest showed us that they still know how to make compelling maps that actually place some focus on strategy instead of the rubbish we got in Awakening (and Birthright). But I also know a fair amount of people who got into FE with Awakening, and while most of them tried Conquest since they loved Awakening and Birthright, I can count the number of people who finished it on one hand, and without using all the my fingers. They think it's cheap, frustrating, gets in the way of the fun parts of the game, etc. Now, as much as I wish it were otherwise, there's no way Nintendo will want to piss off neo-FE fans and lose out on their patronage for Switch FE by making the game have Conquest-tier maps. So if it's just one game like Awakening, it's gonna have Awakening-tier maps. The only way we'll get more good maps is if there are multiple versions again and they make another "for the oldfags" version.
Japan hates Tellius so I doubt it, even though I honestly think PoR and RD are the best FE games by a mile.
I'd be cool with it if you were just another soldier instead of being the macguffin mary sue plot point
>I hope it's split into multiple versions like Fates.
Neck yourself please
Micaiah is the prettiest
I'm honestly not sure if you flew into a rage without reading the rest of my post or if you're parodying someone who'd do that.
the former
>Japan hates Tellius
Love this meme.
The irony about what she's saying is that Micaiah is the true empress and her loyalty is to a false empress making her service a lie.
>Chapter 4 of FE4
>Have to move units through mountains
>My un-promoted cavs can't go through mountains
Really? So they just have to stay there? That's some bullshit.