For honor>Nioh
Every souls agree than for honor pvp is much better than nioh's
For honor>Nioh
Every souls agree than for honor pvp is much better than nioh's
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Have you seen the user reviews for your trash game, shill? It's terrible, now fuck off back to ubisoft forums.
Very few complain about the game but about the business model you cuck
Nioh doesn't have pvp yet, but I doubt it wil be good. For Honor has better gameplay desu.
Good to know shit balance, terrible servers and straight up boring gameplay are now parts of a business model, you fucking inbred ubishill.
Opinions? Is the combat decent on pc?
Do I need a good computer to play it?
I still use a controller on PC. It's pretty optimized, but if you dip below 30 frames, you can't play.
>84 on Xbone
>82 on PS4
PCucks just salty as always
ok? still ~7.0 user score...
i dont understand how people can enjoy the combat in games like nioh. it has no weight to it whatsoever.
combat in almost all japanese games always looks so fucking flimsy.
That's just butthurt weebtrash and vikangz
>P2P memes
>salty players that can't handle fighting games
Literally just because it's Ubisoft
I don't understand how people can enjoy For Honor. It shouldn't take 3 seconds to attack with a sword, feels like your character is under water.
Majority are positive reviews
I heard you have to always be online. Is the story the only single player mode?
Crash Team Racing >>>>> For Honor
This has to be some of the most desperate attempts at shitposting ever.
Games are not even remotely similar.
yeah that's what 70% means you fucking dolt
That's to be expected when it's higher than half the max score no?
Why listen to the minority then?
>Comparing Nioh to For Honor
>Comparing Nioh to Dark Souls
Just stop. Treat it like any other game.
Which looks more fun to you? Action RPG with loot drops, or pure PvP battle system with loot boxes?
the fuck is with this meme? they're not even comparable.
Why are you shilling so hard?
one's for multiplayer and one's for singleplayer
Nice rebuttal
The more poor reviews, the higher likelihood any given purchaser is not going to like the game.
Even moreso for someone on Sup Forums, who is likely to be jaded and have higher, if unrealistic, standards for video games.
75 reviews vs 6 reviews. Your source has a clear bias. Come back in 10 years
>he hasn't thrown his kusarigama in high stance
>he hasn't used high-stance heavy attack with axe
>he hasn't played peacekeeper and grab-combo stabbed someone
>he hasn't tried Valkyrie at all
I think they both feel pretty alright in their own ways desu
Not comparable.
Move on with your pathetic life.
>mfw I enjoy both
Not listening to the minority, listening to both the majority and the minority for a combined score of 6.7.
While the combined score of nioh reaches 9.0.
We can conclude from this that nioh's "majority" is more major, and it's minority is more "minor", resulting in nioh being judged as a better game by the overall audience.
If you have any further questions or are confused about this reasoning, please proceed to go to this thing called school, it learns you all kinds of stuff like how to read, write and follow common sense and logic!
When did I say Nioh was bad lmao shit's great but all this endless shitposting about For Honor really isn't needed, it's a good game if it was made by From Software you'd all love it
I haven't played either yet. Which is which?
Oh. Nioh is the single player action RPG with diablo-like loot system. (I suggest playing offline for this reason. Not that there is any online play, but you can get the gear other people have which might ruin the game for you)
Pure PvP is For Honor. Think of it as medieval melee version of League or Overwatch.
>if it was made by From Software you'd all love it
This is the truth
How the fuck is this game comparable to League of Legends?
Well Nioh is going to have pvp soon, so we'll see how that goes. If it's anything like fighting revenants, then it's not going to be very good.
Also it's not tacked on, they stated it was designed from the onset to handle pvp
For Honor is rock-paper-scissors, but if you tie, the person whose house your playing is the winner.
>tfw too intelligent to enjoy For Honor
Not that guy but I can see it
>hero focused gameplay
>need to unlock abilities throughout the match
>lane designed maps
Repetitive gameplay, playing a single match over and over and over again, a selection of characters to pick from, playing in a team, etc.
The only thing that makes league interesting is playing against other people. Nobody is playing league to fight bots all day. Similarly, For Honor is only interesting because of the other people. Nobody got For Honor for the story.
As opposed to Nioh, which relies on the game itself to be interesting.
So is there anything to do in For Honor that isn't multiplayer?
You can fight AI I suppose, they're actually competent, overpoweringly so
>So is there anything to do in a fighting game besides fighting other players?
That's just one game mode and they aren't lanes. Even then it works nothing like moba garbage. It's a fighting game with abilities added on just for that game mode.
That's because it's a PvP game. Don't act like Nioh is more interesting because it's a PvE game. That's your opinion.
Remember, Sup Forums is full of shitskins and only talk seriously about f2p games because they only can afford them. The rest is shitposting and meme wagons
only if you're a shitter. AI is kinda competent and will definitely kick your ass when you first pick up the game, but very quickly you should be able to always beat them.
Generally I don't listen to reviewer scores, especially so when it's abundantly obvious that at least half of them are giving kneejerk zeroes out of principle because it's a Ubisoft game.
However, I'm going to sum up what people are generally saying that actually matters.
>P2P Matchmaking sucks
>The Matchmaking has a difficult time putting you against people of your own skill level
>The menus are kind of clunky
>There's some shop bullshit
As far as the combat goes, the only real criticism is that some of the characters are unbalanced, I can guarantee you that the VAST majority of people saying it's repetitive and clunky are just shit at video games and are incapable of learning how to play this one because there's nothing really like it to have prepared them.
I'd go as far as to say it has comparable depth to a fighting game like Mortal Kombat. If you see people comparing it to Dark Souls or Nioh, just fucking ignore them because they're literally retarded and can't think beyond aesthetic when these games are COMPLETELY different. It'd be like comparing Mario Galaxy to Resident Evil because they're both third person. This is coming from a guy that said it looked like Simon Says bullshit before I actually played the open beta last weekend. It has depth, and anyone that says it doesn't most assuredly sucks ass at it.
All in all, there are three actually LEGITIMATE things that should make you hesitate to play it: A dislike of Ubisoft and their kikery, an unwillingness to deal with the P2P matchmaking, and an acknowledgment that the gameplay is something you're not used to and won't be able to get into.
If you can overcome those three cons, it's probably worth a look, if I was going to do some user review retardation I'd give it a 7/10 with the possibility of bumping it up to an 8 if they fixed their matchmaking.
>Don't act like Nioh is more interesting because it's a PvE game. That's your opinion.
You are correct. I'm not trying to say Nioh is more interesting. I'm trying to say that For Honor is interesting because you are playing against real people.
Nioh is only interesting because the game was designed to be that way.
What's good about For Honor's system is that it's dynamic. People change, meta changes, there's new strats. They add more characters and maps that can change things up.
With Nioh, it's largely just the game, and there's not much more or less to it.
>like Mortal Kombat.
You almost hooked me
Why the fuck are you retards still replying to these threads? Are you living under a fucking rock or something? These threads get made like three times a day. They're new "Paragon has actual graphics" threads.
It's a fighting game excels in 1v1 fights where both parties are capable of bringing special abilities to be bare and have unique fighting styles that the other person is going to need to be aware of in order to win.
Really the only important distinction when considering duels is that it has 3d movement and blocking and a lack of jumping and ducking, as well as a lack of ranged skills.
> It has depth, and anyone that says it doesn't most assuredly sucks ass at it
you haven't played many fighting games if you are seriously amazed by the little depth this game has. There are a few cancels but that's it, you are fooling yourself if you seriusly think this game will have any tournament scene or even a lively community 1-2 months later.
also you forget the biggest flaw this game has: the absolute jackshit content it offers for a full priced game. 12 characters is very little in an online fighter/brawler/call however you want it, especially when there isn't any real gameplay costumization for them.
who is this nectar spectre
To be fair using metacritic to try and prove your point is like an analogy that I'm too lazy to make.
so? salty players that suck will keep crying.
My friend was complaining something was op and unavoidable that I was doing so I taught him it.
He tried it on my and I just countered it with a dodge and side stab. He then told me the game was unbalanced. Even with me showing him the counters to all the combos, and how the combo meta is about conditioning, countering and reading rather than scrub tier infinite combos like the average fighting game.
Then he tried to claim it was r1 spam due to me using r1 alot as an orochi (to stop him spamming gb and r2) vs him and I just parried him with autism strength and shield rush. He told me that was bs. and too difficult, but as someone that doesn't main in this game, it only took 20 hrs~ to learn its meta, and good 1v1s are still fast, and can go either way. I still have a long way to go in terms of skill roof.
looks like shitty souls tier pvp.
Which if its ds1 its all about build and weapon tiers, if its 2 its gonna be finding the broken weapon, if its 3 its r1 and phantom frames with easier parries.
FH is more about knowing how your matchup works and being good enough to win.
Even the most unbalanced shit (like berserker vs samur-spear) is winnable with proper strats and conditioning.
Crying that its random is what people that don't understand positioning and range are, and how to react.
But Nioh doesn't have PvP yet
>mfw PCucks will defend For Honor like there is no tomorrow because the other game is not on PC
Nioh fans
For Honor babies
Wow what a nice flame thread.
Nioh > For Honor
For Honor is not good enough, there are couple of more interesting melee combat games coming around the corner and Overwatch and other multiplayer titles right now are too strong.
Save your money, get Nioh for some fun dark soulsy weeaboo action.
God why are PVP only players like you such cancer?
Every faggot I've ever encountered who only plays shit like CoD or DaS PvP has been a huge tryhard faggot both in gaming and real life.
For Honor is good on consoles it's just shit for pc.
>buying a $100 + microtransaction tip shallow p2p multiplayer game that will be dead in 3 weeks
can pcucks get any more desperate?
for honor honestly seems boring
>muh 1v1 duels
theres no reason it should be a $60 game
nioh on the other hand is easily worth it
Ubishitters literally on seppuku watch
what is cancer about this? its a game with heavy pvp and online focus. if you don't like that and want to avoid the meta then don't talk about things being op and overly difficult, just enjoy the singleplayer, coop, and vs AI
and places selling this for sub 50 burger bucks
g2a and kinguin pretty much only have eu copys for cheap and na versions are like 55
I really enjoyed playing in the closed beta however
> $60 for a half-baked fighting game
No thanks
>people dislike an overpriced game with overpriced microtransactions around every corner
really shovels coal into my brain train
Oh, so 3 people bought it?
Well, good thing I can play both on the same console huh?