What about comfy space games thread?

What about comfy space games thread?

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pic related is comfy as shit. kinda reminds me of 2001.


>endless emptiness of space
I can't think of anything more terrifying

I lost all my screenshots, but x3 could be incredibly comfy at times, that one parranid sector, heavens ascension or something, was top comfy, music was great too

How the fuck do you find the endless void comfy?


Hey user, it could be worse.

It could be worse user, it could be the depths of the ocean

fucking casuls I swear

>tfw had a folder with hundreds of screens from Spess Engine but lost it when moving to a new PC

But it not a dark void, it full of stars.

No Man's Sky thread?


It will be nothing but black holes in 10^40 years though.
And in 10^100 years, the universe will be completely empty aside from a few particles floating around.

>10^40 years

who gives a shit then.

It only looks like a dark void from earth because the atmosphere blocks most of the dimmer stars.

Granted, it probably doesn't look as pretty as pic related either, but closer to that than night sky.

I'm fucking terrified of dying and the void of space just makes it worse.

Well the Galgameks for one.

Is Everspace up to scratch yet?


You strike me as somebody who spends a lot of time worrying about things in the future and doesn't take the time to stop and enjoy what is going on right here right now.

What you say relies on two or three hypothetical forces aka things that don't really exist.

What forces are you talking about?

Anything that begins with 'dark' or sometimes 'black'.

I like mass effect

How are you sure they don't exist?

But black holes are proven to exist. Our detection of gravitational waves proves their existence.

well even if matter won't decay due to black matter
because that's what that user was saying right? entropy is surely a thing and the heat death is steady on its way

mass effect 1 is comfy as fuck

No the user was talking about heat death. Eventually all of he stars will die and all that will be left are black holes. Then eventually all of the black holes will evaporate due to Hawking radiation.

>he thinks dark arts and black magic are hypothetical

Than how do you know it's void? Anything could be out there. just waiting there


i thought white and neutron stars would be last, weren't black holes unstable? it's just because i'm ignorant on the subject but i didn't think black holes had that big of a life span, although they have more mass than a lot of stars

The larger the black hole the longer it can survive without consuming more matter. Super massive black holes will be the last things in the universe.

They will live the longest.

Fucking americans pisses me off so much. Next time attend to your Physic 101 and don't come shitposting on notions that you never bothered to understand.


hypothetical m8
doesn't exist
if you have proof it exists you need to head to your nearest yuropoor University asap

time to go full hypothetical faggots

how do you imagine life outside of this planet?

i firmly believe there is actual intelligent life somewhere, but because of the enormous distances, it will be impossible to be 100% sure

Imagine a planet with intelligent life without video games, somewhere in the universe, what the fuck they do all day?

or better, imagine a planet with intelligent life WITH videogames, what kind of alien videogames they can have?

It may be hypothetical and we might very well be wrong about what it is and how it works, since we cannot observe it.
But it does fucking exist, the universe IS expanding and it's one of our explanation. The Dark Energy exists, only we don't know what it is yet.
Now go back to read your fucking Wikipedia article maybe you'll manage to educate yourself before spouting anymore bullshit.

Space is fucking terrifying, I don't know why would anyone want to go there.

Did someone say Space Engine?

Cause I think someone said Space Engine.


>only we don't know what it is yet
An error in calculating gravity


What's this from?


I got depressed reading Stanislaw Lem books that show that communication with aliens is likely to be either impossible or extremely limited due to severely different evolution. Some may live in parallel dimensions or they may only be able to perceive ultraviolet bands or maybe they only feel one particular element etc.

Reminder that even if we had a magic ship that could instantly accelerate to c and decelerate back, interstellar travel would be severely long and impractical


When you consider how fuckhuge the universe is and all the variables that can occur, I don't think you can write off anything at all.
Some day humans will be fucking aliens, just you wait.

>he's a ball-earther







No need to go there, we all are already there.

fucking nuke the bottom of the oceans

all of them

Nah, you'll probably die before then, but provided you somehow breed, your legacy will be fucking alien waifus in the distant future.

>still believing the testicle earth lie.

How does it feel to be a mindless sheep?

thank you user, thank you so much

now I have a purpose in life

my coming generations will be able to fuck alien waifus

I'll create a secret society that will have the sole purpose of that

what game
please respond




how many games like space engine feature the earth?




Mirror moon EP

What are some good space dogfighting games?
Or ship to ship battles in general


Space is the place

>But it does fucking exist
Prove it.


what are some fun things to do in space engine?

it's a slow burn finding interesting stuff.

>tfw there's no space game that lets you walk around with your character in a spaceship and can be able to look out the window to see the stars

Just wait for Star Citizen to be released lol
I'm so sorry

that blueshift makes me wet

X3 reunion is maximum comfy.

>Towing a silicon laden asteroid closer to your factory complex so you can build a mine that doesn't need transports to supply your 48 factories pumping out $10,000 torpedoes.

the wait shouldn't be too much longer now

>Just wait for Star Citizen to be released

Pulsar: Lost Colony does that.

Cod infinite warfare, no mans sky

>he doesn't back things up
who let you use a computer

>Space Engineers will never be good


I want to believe this is what warp drive is really like

Not him but if I had to backup my screenshots I'd be backing up about 150GB worth of images.

So what I do is I backup just a selection of the best screenshots I have, though it's kind of pointless since they're uploaded to Flickr without compression anyway.


>Space Engineers will never support HOTAS natively
>none of the thousand "sandbox space games" in my "recommended" steam list ever will
you would think a basic feature like that will be trivial to implement and highly popular, but apparently not

fuck around with ships

Why can't it be like in TNG's "the chase" where every species is just variations on a old race


The size of space makes it a bit OP.

I love Kerbal. In orbit around Minmus, btw.

>mfw elite dangerous will have more features than star citizen by the time it's finally finished

I want orbital mechanics
there's mods out there for aerodynamics, how hard could it be to implement orbital mechanics?

Your frees and your lancers are all solid. Freespace 1 and 2, Freelancer, and Starlancer.

350 hours in Elite: Dangerous here, even with all the features they're adding the game is still a massive boring grind.

I don't even know if I want to get back into it when mulitcrew releases.

>brb researching ayylium ruins

>tfw this probably will end up true
really sad, tee bee aech

>implying this isn't comfy

>not flying a spaceplane