Hey Sup Forums you may have seen my previous threads over the last few days. Initially giving a fairly critical review of Bloodborne after having first played it. I've dedicated a lot more time into it now, I've got myself up to level 45, I've tackled a number of the dungeons and I've just recently beaten Vicar Amelia. I've also got involved in the online stuff. I've got to be honest and say I still think it's overhyped but I'm enjoying it more
Bloodborne experience thread
Cool, first reply was a direct insult - I had a bet with myself it'd take maximum 5; even though I'm not being out rightly critical of it as I have been previously.
please, consider suicide, it would help improve the human gene pool.
thanks for your attention
>level 45
>only at vicar amelia
jesus are you playing with one hand?
dark souls for casuals
I actually suffer from depression, that's not a very nice thing to say.
I don't get your point? Are you saying I'm too low levelled for this point?
>making threads over and over again
>giving your opinion when 25% through the game
>being level 45 when fighting amelia
kek, just stop
He said "he tackled a number of the dungeons"
I assume he's talking about the Chalice dungeons
The only thing worse than complaining about how your opinion of art differs from that of intelligent people is wearing mental illness like a badge that warns people to tread lightly around you. Worse than telling people about your "anxiety" as if everyone doesn't have it.
Report it if you think it's not suitable for the site. It's a vidya related thread.
free yourself from the pain, there are several quick and painless ways to do it
I'm sorry to hear you suffer from anxiety issues.
I love how you were the one resorting to ad hominem, when OP just gave his opinion
I've got a son, I could never kill myself.
I don't any more than every human being on this planet does.
I don't get it. Are you saying I'm too low level or high level for this point?
Just take out a big life insurance policy and sit on it for a few months then arrange to get hit by a bus
Why would you do this OP?
Make a bloodborne thread but make it complete garbage?
he'll do fine
in fact, I think he'll do better without a father who shitposts on Sup Forums
Just finished it a few days ago. What's the point of the chalice dungeons? I think I've done at least 4 or 5 of them and I'm just bored. I'm not finding it as fun as running around in the main areas.
Vicar Amelia is like 15% the way through you still have the best stuff coming. I envy you OP
Complete Edition is on sale right now for ~$20
Would you say it's worth it OP?
They're saying that your quite a high level at that point, they're being faggots
too high
Not him but yes. It's a good game for $20
Only reason why I got it was because it was part of a good bundle when I first got the PS4 in January
Genuine advice. If you find it's making your life miserable or it prevents you from going about your daily routine, do seek help and don't convince yourself it's normal. I'm guessing that's not the case because you wouldn't be so blasé about it - which is great, good for you,
He's saying you are overleveled. Why would you be underleveled and playing with one hand.
If your reading comprehension is this bad you should take user's advice and an hero. Your kid might get a step father with double digit IQ
I'm specifically curious about OP's opinion because I'm also extremely skeptical even after hearing so many people gush about it. All the gameplay vids etc. I've watched of it just seem really...not good...to me.
See I actually just got the vanilla version and I've read the DLCs are decent and give you unique weapons. Kinda regret not paying the little bit extra to get it.
It's been a tough grind to get into but it's fairly enjoyable. The online is pretty much dead and it can be quite repetitive and the map's very linear (or at least it is so far), but if you can get over that, it's not bad. I'd give it a comfortable 7/10.
It was pretty ambiguous because it could have been translated as: you must be only playing with one hand, to have not been able to reach a higher level. It's not a very clear metaphor.
No, my point is that anxiety is an imaginary issue that stupid people use as a crutch for their personal shortcomings. Anxiety is a natural human instinct. Everyone has anxiety. If they didn't, no work would get done.
Are you the guy who was going to return it?
It took a while for me to get into because Dark Souls being my first souls game, it was very different to play without an estus flask or a shield. How you've always got limited blood vials (HP packs).
You'll need to learn how to dodge a lot more and learn how to do visceral attacks, which is pretty much just parrying when they're stunned.
Do we really need a fucking thread for every fucking contrarian that has played this fucking game? The majority of people already agree it's a great game. We don't need a thread for every "But I think it's actually bad./worse than everyone else thinks." It's utterly meaningless, nonone cares about your "review" of the game.
At least if you're gonna make a thread, make it about the GAME not your fucking blog about how much you enjoyed it.
Fuck off.
>At least if you're gonna make a thread, make it about the GAME not your fucking blog about how much you enjoyed it.
The worst part is he's made this thread 4 or 5 times now
OP here....
I was in the exact same boat as you, saw some brief gameplay vids, heard about it and thought it wasn't for me. After seeing everyone bang on about it, I thought I'd give it a go. It'll basically measure up to exactly what you thought. Initially it's actually very infuriating and you'll just want to put it down. I stuck with it because it's made out to be some ridiculous hard challenge to best. It's not. There are notes and spectres left all over the map telling you exactly what to do and where to go. The game offers you NPCs to fight some of the bosses. You can summon in 2 additional online players to help you tackle through any difficult part and you can run past every enemy without taking a hit - they stop chasing you after you're about 10m away from them (or at least as far as I've encountered).
It's very linear, there's no story I can recall of so far, I don't remember hearing any music aside from your typical boss fight kinda music.
It's positives are that it's satisfying as you level up to waste on things that you previously would have just run past. Some of the different weapons are quite cool. It looks very good graphically. The dungeons are a nice break away from the main game. The loot and weapon development system seems pretty cool and if you ever manage to invade another person that can be fun - basically it doesn't ever really happen though because the online is dead.
I guess every community has its sacred cow.
If you don't like it guys, feel free to close the tab.....all you're doing is bumping the thread.
>don't talk about video games on a video game board
nice ruse faggots. try reading that again
I wouldn't want to die knowing I've got a son though - the end result would still be me dying. I'm fairly certain he wouldn't want me to die either, for any sum of money.
Whatever you say, Doc.
OP is a eceleb wannabe, he wishes he had people that care about his shit opinions but sadly he's a friendless faggot.
Yeah, I didn't though, wanted to stick with it and complete it.
I got it for free essentially (trade in 2 old games didn't play anymore) so thought may as well see it out before trading it in for something else.
> shit
> opinion
Well if that's not an oxymoron, I don't know what is......
you don't
OP isn't even talking about the game, he is talking about his enjoyment of it. Critiquing a part of the game would be TALKING ABOUT THE GAME, but he isn't even doing that, he doesn't even allow a discussion topic, this thread is fucking self-defeating.
How can you be this utterly retarded.
I'm too high?
What do you want me to do? Now I'm not allowed to kill enemies or practice my combat technique on enemies? You want me to spend my echoes on a shit load of Molotov cocktails or something instead of levelling up?
Again, this just plays into my point that any difficulty in this game is completely manufactured and self-imposed. Bloodborne is not an inherently difficult game. People say you don't get your hand held but then every 5 steps there is a spectre or a note telling/showing you what to do and making you aware of what's coming up. If that's not enough, you can just call upon another person to do it for you.
I won't get over this meme of how difficult Bloodborne is. I can only assume the people who claim this have only been playing vidya for the last 10 years maximum.
I'd like to think of myself as a good father. It's actually a very hurtful thing to say such a comment, if you ever get to have sex and have a child of your own you'll see what I mean.
>summoning help
Man, all your negative points just makes me think that this franchise isn't for you at all.
These are me talking about the game. Appreciate that the majority of the replies to me aren't vidya related either.
Dare I say that you haven't posted a single vidya related post in the thread yourself......
>I die several times to Living Failures
>die once to Maria
Kind of embarrassing.
You are being an obtuse faggot and you know it.
You don't want spectres or notes then play offline. You should always do your first playthrough of a Souls type game without summoning anyone unless you are admitting that you are shit at video games.
Bloodborne isn't that difficult but pretending it is a cakewalk is disingenuous.
I'm almost certain it's not, but I'm gonna complete it anyway. It does have some redeeming qualities, but doesn't outweigh its issues.
The main thing that irritates me is the meme of how challenging it's meant to be and if you don't like it it's because you're a casual / bad at it. I've highlighted lots of points about why it's not an inherently difficult game, they tend to get overlooked though.
Case in point......
I give specific reasons as to why it's not an inherently hard game, they don't know how to handle it and resort to insults.
you are using every crutch available in the game. try playing offline and not looking up specs and guides online
Every fucking thread. We get it OP, you humongous triple faggot. Do you think you sound like a big shot pro gamer? Cause you sound like an autistic fucking faggot.
The "Souls hard" meme comes entirely from the Prepare to Die marketing and word of mouth.
The games were never about being super duper fucking hard. That's a meme in its most litteral sense.
I think Miyazaki would be pretty sad if that's all people thought the games were.
If you were to remove some of the major core mechanics of the game, then yes it would be challenging, but that's ridiculous. It's like saying complete Final Fantasy 7 without using any healing magic or items - it's a manufactured difficulty.
Yesterday someone commented on how Father Gascoine was meant to be one of the most difficult bosses in it, but by sheer fluke, I was able to just repeatedly slash him until he turned into the wolf or whatever it is, without him being able to touch me because I was standing in a certain spot. This was meant to be one of the more challenging bosses?
Vicar Amelia seems more difficult to get hit than not be touched if you just go right up to her and attack repeatedly. I actually don't know how it ever attacks if you're right next to it.
Why does it get you so angry?
You are proving his point if you hadn't noticed.
Contradiction in terms - opinion is subjective, shit (in the sense that you used it) is a direct criticism. You can't criticise someone's subjective interests or choices. Well you can, but you'd be ridiculous to do so.....
>I'm too much of a faggot to play offline without getting people to kill bosses for me
>I found a glitch and took advantage of it and easily beat a difficult boss. Aren't I awesome
>I stuck to one of the bosses and it worked out and I won once without dying a million times or abusing a glitch! I'm the greatest
anything else you huge queer?
>Someone points out how much of a faggot OP is
>lol y u mad tho?
Every thread. Kill yourself, no one will miss you. Bye bye, faggot!
I'm actually disproving his point. He claimed that I was making no comments about the game. I highlighted many where I do. That I have to make a non-vidya related comment to do so, doesn't prove his point, because his point has already been disproven.
Not summoning isn't like not healing in FF7. It's like not having up to three additional party members.
Summoning other players is a litteral crutch built into the game.
I think you're missing the point. Yes it was an exploit, yes summoning is optional, yes Vicar Amelia is just one boss, but the overriding point is that evidently it's just not the mega-challenge that people make out it is.
In fairness, in these threads players who have played the game and know much more about the game than I do agree that it's not difficult. If you think it is, then fair enough but I'd challenge you to play even some of the early Tomb Raider games, which I'd class as just as difficult, if not more so. And as an add on point, Tomb Raider is probably the most "normie" game franchise there is, so this whole 'Bloodborne is niche because of how tough it is' is just ridiculous.
Den if you play offline you're still gifted NPCs to help you beat the bosses - the whole game holds your hand but it just pretends not to.
The game is difficult compared to many contemporary games. No one claims the game is too difficult. This is why people respond with git gud when people cry about the difficulty. If you don't know this then you are a newfag and should resist the urge to post until you have lurked long enough to post without being a raging faggot that everybody hates.
Hello guys! I'm here with my first playthrough of FF3! I've been playing through all the Final Fantasies in order and I'm on the third one now. Just beat the Big Rat and got the ship. Games fun so far but it somehow manages to have less of a story than even FF2 so that's a little weird.
You aren't forced to summon the NPC to fight the boss
If you need to use the superguide to beat the game, that's on you.
I think 3 is the only main series game I haven't played unless you count X-2 or XIII-3.
Story aside isn't it supposed to have the precursor to the FFV job system?
Bloodborne and Souls in general isn't niche because of difficult. It'd be sad if that's the only thing the games had to offer. The games were never meant to be ungodly Nintendo-hard challenging, evidently the games themselves doesn't want you to think that. They're niche entirely because of the content and execution itself in part by being esoteric in some ways, not because of some superficial mechanic like difficulty.
They're however known for being difficult. That is an actual, dictionary definition of the term 'meme'.
>I can only assume the people who claim this have only been playing vidya for the last 10 years maximum.
Do a fetid rotted cursed depth 5 chalice dungeon
I haven't gotten to 5 yet but FF3 does have a job system.
Are Bloodborne shills the most defensive and easily triggered fanbase on the planet? They get tangibly upset when someone doesn't like their mediocre game.
I didn't like it either. Got past Father Gascoigne and just didn't want to play anymore. Dying over and over again then having to grind for blood veils isn't my idea of fun
>mediocre game
Bloodborne is a good game, there's no denying it.
Summons are a crutch. End of story.
If you don't bother to LEARN the game and beat entirely by yourself, you shouldn't bother talking about inherent difficulty. You are actively making the game easier for yourself - you might as well play DMC3 on easy and just mash the buttons, because that's the difficulty difference you are complaining about.
It's a mediocre game, claiming otherwise is delusion.
See how easily your non-argument can be twisted and parroted back to you?
I'm glad you're doing well and not bitching about having to farm blood vials like most new players. You may find it easy now but some bosses later on are quite difficult.
What I don't understand is why you continue to play if you don't like the setting and atmosphere?
Congrats user, you are in the minority yet again.
How about levelling up? Am I not allowed to level my character up either without it being classed as a crutch?
>See how easily your non-argument can be twisted and parroted back to you?
It's an objectively good game, metacritic says so
Need to reach the point to be able to do so first, I'm sure I will do though.
So? I'd be a sad individual if I needed a consensus to validate my likes and dislikes for me.
>Letting reviewers dictate what is and isn't a good game.
Yeah I'm sure Uncharted is one of the best games ever made. Last reply you get from me.
No, levels only do so much. You still have to be not-trash at the mechanics to beat the game. Summons, especially player Summons can do all the work for you.
>helping people beat Ron
>he stands up and summons those blue rocks
>they die
Every time
>Last reply you get from me.
Coward, you're just shitting on Bloodborne because you can't play it on PC.
You shouldn't have to spend time killing monsters and running back to level up multiple times before you clear an area.
>says the guy has a non-argument
What argument did you present?