Why is realistic proprotions, and darker color palette dead in 2D games? Everything looks like flash now. Even Bloodstained has abandoned it for an anime art style and outlandish colors.
Why is realistic proprotions, and darker color palette dead in 2D games? Everything looks like flash now...
I dunno
i could go on a rant about these things but i will just agree with you
Bloodstained has a Diorama style.
Because Flash is quicker and easier.
>anime art style and outlandish colors
So it's typical Castlevania fare.
Best sword in the game. And the whole anime thing is to make it sell more
Typical modern Castlevania*
Because new artists are complete faggots, the people that made 32 bit art and bellow have been fired because they asked for too much money, and replaced by younglings that suck dicks and have colored hair.
It's either gay shit or moe, pick your poison, the old aesthethics are dead.
that is the least useful weapon in the game that I remember, never even bother to use it because of how slow it is, that other sword where you have permanent soul-steal ability is much better, forgot the name of it though
>not using the shield rod up until you get the alucard rapier
>So it's typical Castlevania fare.
Rondo has anime influence for the cutscenes and that's it. In-game it's standard fair and pretty realistic.
Animating a 2D sprite is more time consuming than a 3D model, as it is with having a highly detailed sprite such as Alucard's, and both are worked around by making a simpler figure and you can even cut corners in the animation (like pic related).
Darker colors are also harder to use properly, and since they're already using a simple figure from animating a character, they prefer using bright colors to make better contrast more easily. It also helps them sell it as a "quirky", because "we already have to many dark and gritty games" when they actually know shit about how colors work.
>that other sword where you have permanent soul-steal ability is much better
That's the sword in the OP though
damn it.
Season 1 animation is quite bad and they actually overdo the exaggerated motion a lot. Season 2 they got the right balance going.
So. The answer would mean we should work in lower resolutions then right?
A 720×480 resolution game, that is then upscaled higher would work best right?
720x480 is way too high res
maybe, I'd imagine it's why Harmony of Despair looks so zoomed out. It's reusing every sprite from SotN to OoE, all but one handheld games
It's only a little more than x2 Symphony. A lot of doujin games work in that resolution and it seems to work.
That's an insane amount of work though if you want smooth animations. Which doujin games do that? The only ones I can think of almost exclusively use tweening for animation
>if you want smooth animations.
Who said that? Symphony or Rondo tier animations are fine.
SotN was pretty smooth, especially with a certain few enemies. Don't remember their names but I'm sure you know who I mean if you played it