What now

what now

Play them

Now play geam

shitpost on Sup Forums

i don't want to be possessed
seems safer

616 is the real deal.

next time you buy one, delete one


Submit to the queen of hell.

from that to 1k it all goes downhill
not even kidding

if satan is a cute anime girl then i'm fucked, because i won't resist

Resistence is futile anyway.

I'm fucked


sacrifice yourself

how and where, i'm fucking ready

what now

Apparently my job is already done here.

You stop being a newfag and become just new. Come post again when you break 2k.

what now

wat now?

please send help

Satan pls

Summon the lord of Hell.

Begin the apocalypse.

Dont be a nerd. Idle for cards to boost your level to get more cards

how do i summon


delete this

One of those better by DOOM.

kill self

go to hell

pc too shit for D44M
why so rude

pc gaming is reddit

You give me your account.

where is that shit from?
My life is empty enought to see anime this days

most I've ever seen is a game reviewer/LPer I follow on youtube who has like 2070 games

doesn't really count though since he gets free codes from publishers

>2,807 never played

Seriously, why the fuck did you bought them?

not for free senpai
Gabriel DropOut

>"my opposite is negative"

Truly a child.

>Seriously, why the fuck did you bought them?
There is no way he is going to play all of them before Steam finally shuts down.
If you have more than a dozen games on Steam, you lost control over your life. You are not subscribing to games to actually play them.

>from that to 1k it all goes downhill
I stopped at below 500 (more than half of it is Humble Bundle garbage).
I haven't bought a game on Steam since 2016 and I switched back to physical distribution.








wew lad

You have to leave alone, with your mind blank


>what now

Now you buy real games instead of licenses

My 3ds is full of digital games
It's too late

>before Steam finally shuts down
If Steam shuts down, there will be a way to retain every game.

is that john romero

You will retain your Valve games, that's what Gaben has promised.
You will lose all third party games, because by Copyright law Valve is not allowed to do anything about them.

what is this?


>steam shutting down
>derr u dont own teh games stayme can take it away at netime

When will this meme die

sacrifice a goat, when the master appears tell him you want to serve him, but keep him in the summoning circle until he gives you what you want

>Games on discs
>Not licensed software
I don't know how to tell you this, user...

There is no "licensed software" in video games, faggot. Licenses grant rights which you can sue for.