What kind of men give money to Twitch girls? Like, it's not like you're getting anything out of it

What kind of men give money to Twitch girls? Like, it's not like you're getting anything out of it.

I cant get a gf at 25 because I am chubby and only 6'2" but even I wouldnt stoop so low as to throw money at some bitch for nothing

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Fucking manlets

Stop shitposting, manlytears.

Saudi princes.

dustybonez bringin the bantz

Men who don't get laid often.

Nothing to do with your weight or height. Build your strength a bit, learn to read people and and be reasonably nice to them, and be interesting, get 5-6 hobbies and become really knowledgeable about them. Once you consider yourself worthwhile, you'll have a much easier time acting confident. So long as you don't fall into douchedom, you'll have an easier time making friends and getting a girlfriend.


Just reminds you that there are always men worse off than you.

Let me guess, you donated money to her and now you feel like an idiot, so you make this shitty thread to try and make yourself feel better? Nice.

People senselessly throw away their money to these whores thinking they'll show their tits like it's some shitty cam show website

I just like giving money to girls desu

My ex-roommate was the most stereotypical fedora-tipping mountain dew chugging neckbeard who white-knighted every single girl because he genuinely believed it would get him laid

>Was friends with one of my ex-girlfriends who was a complete psycho and believed every little bullshit thing she told him
>Was friends with some gold-digger bitch that was clearly using him for boo-hoo I'm so sad and wonely bullshit after I caught on to her shit and kicked her to the curb
>Turned into an absolute nightmare to live with because of his "GOTTA PUT DA PUSSY ON DA PEDESTAL" shit
>He always bragged about how he spent like $600 on some chick because her boyfriend wouldn't do it

He's a fucking moron and a loser, and I'm glad his stupid fat ass got evicted after I ditched him

When people say "be yourself lol", this is what they mean. Stay in your comfort zones, or expand them to a reasonable size, and you'll be automatically pleasant and confident, so long as you don't sperg out and harass people who are obviously not interested in hearing about the Three Kingdoms era of China.

Choose your subjects, choose your audience, and be interested and interesting.

off yourself

Tfw 6'2" and not the tallest man in the room

its the oldest job in the world

I watch stpeach sometimes but I'd never give her money

What kind of people give money to twitch streamers period?

lel that's a guy, he hangs in league vg

I also don't get it.

retarded saudi arabians with more money than brain cells

tfw I genuinely like delicious, refreshing mtn dew
Why won't you do the dew, user?

that's bullshit
but i believe it

i wish i had more money than brain cells

I am 5'9 and I've gotten laid. How is it impossible for you

>tfw good looking manlet
>fucked lots of pretty girls and popped a few cherries

Stay mad, fatty lmao

No you don't

Why do manlets think people will believe this? When will they learn?

You people who donate to these women are all pathetic excuses for men. They take your money and exploit your weak asses for cash, and you eat it all up.They don't give a single fuck about you and if you even believe they do for a second you're already too far gone.

He sounds disgusting. I bet he's one of those walking compost heaps that think a women will solve all of his problems, or that he's a just "gentleman" by going along with their bullshit.

>german comment

She has nice feet.

What's wrong with her nose? She's hardly 4/10..



Thats my thing. Grow a beard and call me.

Im a guy though, so you know.

the only people with such insecurities on Sup Forums, of all places, have always been lanklets

>tfw when i took a girl to sushi on valentines and there was a statue of guan yu and I told her that it was actually chinese and said some gay shit about shu wu and wei. "omg user you know some much about history"

Yeah I am confident but I still cant get a gf

I am 6'2'' 245 lbs

I see much uglier and fatter guys with decent looking gfs though all the time that dont even have jobs, but I always get friendzoned

You know it's ironic

"Modern gamers" complain and complain and complain about how devs don't care anymore and triple A titles are shit yet they throw money at this shit.

hahhahah wtf why does she stand like a retarded person? hahah wtf. HOW ARE POEPLE FINDING THIS SEXY?