Why aren't you playing Unreal Tournament, Reflex, Quake Live or Toxikk right now?

Why aren't you playing Unreal Tournament, Reflex, Quake Live or Toxikk right now?
What's the matter? Too fast-paced for ya'? Alright, stick to your boring Overwatch and CS:GO then.

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They are too simple and haven't aged well enough to some of the stuff I play today. Also FPSs are kind of boring without some additional sauce nowadays

Im playing DOOM wads instead

Sup Forums is too casual

and then there is idiots like , who has no idea what he is tlaking about

>too simple
What is:
Rocket jumping, rocket pogoing, walljumping, dodging, wallrunning, elevatorjumping, airstrafing, pickup timing

I was playing Toxikk but then I leveled up too much and couldn't join servers anymore. Also, dead fucking game. Makes me sad, I had a blast playing when I did.

Not a argument

Lets play UT3!!!!

>Toofastpaced for ya

can't do this in overwatch or csgo :)


nigga please, nobody is gonna waste time talking to someone like you
>not a argument
not be a fgt more like it dohoho

Lovely game. Zero players.
Devs were goddamn stupid, releasing this gem as early access and then going free.

The fact that there are so many people on this board who believe that these games aren't casual makes me sad to be here.

>Rock jumping, rocket pogoing, walljumping, dodging, wallrunning, elevatorjumping, airstrafing, pickup timing
First off, most of these aren't even hard to master. Secondly, when comparing this shit, that can ALL be mastered in about a month of tryharding, to the full strategic and mechanical depth of games like LoL and Starcraft, there's no contest; every game you mentioned is a casual experience that can be mastered in less than two months.

Also, forcibly splitting the community by skill level. I know they fixed it (sort of) but it certainly didn't help.

I tried UT but I couldnt get over how slow it felt compared to Quake.

>nobody is gonna waste time talking to someone like you
And you can stay here in your echo chamber remaining delusional to why your genre is dead and irrelevant, enjoy

Okay and what mechanics in Overwatch cant be mastered in 10 minutes?

When is Lawbreakers open again?

overwatch has no mechanics!

the main problem I always have with UT, feels so slow compared to quake

I'm not arguing for OW. I hate it almost as much as everyone else on this board.

I'm simply stating that Quake, Reflex, Toxikk, and Unreal Tournament are all casual in today's standards of a competitive experience.

The degree of mechanical skill required in mobashit is miniscule compared to arena shooters. Yes, you can pull off those maneuvers with practice, but these are shooters - you have to do them while also needing to aim. Nothing else really compares.

cause theyre all dead

No, they can't be mastered in about a month. You have no idea what you're talking about.

This is what means *mastering* movement in Quake:


You can't achieve this in a month. And I see you preparing to run your know-it-all mouth again so just don't. Look into it before speaking.

Skill in a game like LoL is becoming intimate with everything each hero can do, knowing all the cooldowns and just playing for a little while until it sinks in. This is not mechanical skill. There's certainly an element of outsmarting your opponent, but it's hardly hardcore mindgames.

Starcraft is a different story because it's an octopus simulator first and foremost. It obviously takes skill to develop a competitive APM and from there on legit mindgames do happen. But it's in no way more or less demanding than a game like Quake, it just takes a different kind of skill some people don't find enjoyable.

I refunded it because I couldn't stand the garbage vehicles. Maps that had them too were pretty garbage and too narrow for most of the vehicles to feel good.

>The degree of mechanical skill required in mobashit is miniscule compared to arena shooters
This is simply not true. I played arena shooters long before I got into mobas. I could become adept at most arena shooter mechanics in a couple weeks, to refine them to be consistently on point almost every time took but a month or two. Comparing this to League and Dota (the two mobas I have the most time on), where 5 years later I'm still getting better. And not better simply in terms of refinement, but also in learning entirely new techniques regularly that continue to increase my reach.

What is this video? He's not playing against anyone else, it's essentially just a speed run. The only mechanic he had to master here is movement. There's nothing in addition to that, nothing to make it harder to do consistently. It's a perfectly controlled environment with nothing to get in his way. Am I replying to bait right now, what the fuck?

>Skill in a game like LoL is becoming intimate with everything each hero can do, knowing all the cooldowns and just playing for a little while until it sinks in. This is not mechanical skill. There's certainly an element of outsmarting your opponent, but it's hardly hardcore mindgames
This isn't the most impressive display of mechanical skill, but it's still insane. Doublelift's spacing, DPS timing and prioritization, and every movement is perfect. And if it was ANY worse he would have died instantly, and his team would have lost this fight and then immediately lost the game. This kind of movement and spacing, WHILE paying attention to every ability being used, WHILE dodging skillshots, ALL WHILE getting in the maximum DPS and not canceling a single auto attack, is fucking insane. This takes years of constant practice to become this consistent and to be able to play this scenario this perfectly. This is a level of mechanics we have never seen in an FPS.

why did you put a classic doom picture to your thread about shitty arena shooters?

literally in a dm on ut4 right now

they are shit games that i played when i was like 14-15. Nowadays there are plenty of other better and more usefull things for me to do instead of wasting my time on working out my spinal brain thinking with a dead videogame for teens, developing "skills" that i won't ever use outside of said videogame.

getting frags in quake just arent as satisfying as getting a one click

Because I'm playing the superior cpm instead.

Plus Reflex is shit, and UT and Toxikk are even worse than Overwatch and CSGO.

I don't know, I could be playing Quake right now but I just don't feel like it.

Lately I've been hooked on to Titanfall 2, using the EPG that is bascically the Quake 3 Rocket Launcher.
Why don't I just play Quake? IDK.

>Unreal Tournament
it's unreal tournament. If I want a game where movement feels like my character has a stick up his butt, I'll play CS
a project so fucked the founder and main dev prefers going back to working on the 15 year old mod the game is a ripoff of instead. also it doesn't run on my OS.
>Quake Live
again doesn't run on my OS. and id deserve no one's money for that pile of crap. cpma's netcode is still a lot better.
I have looked at it.

and also defrag
and also warsow. bomb's fun. youtube.com/watch?v=EJBcSdTaa-w


almost bought it but there was only like 25 people playing


Because I'm playing Rainbow Six Siege so I can watch myself try and connect to a match

>or because I'm craving tactical shooters over twitch atm, having played UT for years

>rainbow six siege
>a tactical shooter

>Bad Take