FFXV was INTENTIONALLY designed to be shitty


Holy fuck, this is laughable.
Some of the most unfiltered blatant damage control I've ever seen. How will XV fags defend this?

Don't think anybody really cares enough about Ffxv to care. Sad really, prolly the most forgotten game in the series history.

It'll be forgotten soon in years to come.
Only reason it sold well (except Japan) is due to the 10 year wait.
>B-but it was 3 years, motherfucker!
I know that, shit faggers, but due to how long we waited, 10 years is more appropriate, and it wasn't worth it.

The "it's intentionally bad" is really the lamest excuse known to man. It's what talentless hacks use to defend their garbage.

Only a matter of time before XV kun show up to get throat-fucked and guzzle stankyass cum from Square's untalented cock.

stopped watching there.

It was 'intentionally' uncomprehensive, why are Square scrambling together a cutscene patch for next month to fix the story?

Obviously this is just damage control.

Tabata is a vagina.
Because Square fucked him in the artistic integrity that is metaphorical for his ASS.

>Only a matter of time before XV kun
I think he's still banned at the moment, but i'm sure he'll prove me wrong by evading

He got banned?

Is he the David Lynch of video games?

A few days ago
For shitposting/being insane/ban evading
It happens at least once a week now

More like the Daemon Lindelof of video games.

It only sold well in the US.

That won't stop him, he gets banned all the time and comes back ban evading a few minutes later.
It's always kinda funny to see half the posts suddenly gone because he got banned


Fuck you, OP. FFXV was the best jrpg of the current decade, so eat shit and get balls, bitch nigger cunt fag.

Is this game even good?

I like how he said that he wanted the game to be from Noct's point of view, and that's why we the story in this game is loose. He completely neglected the scenes that are already in the game that don't take place in Noct's POV

Why is defending a game bannable?

>a week after release
>only has 1 thread
take a wild guess


Yes. It's just too cool to hate on it online though.

>le mc wasn't there when le cutscene took place
shit tier video.

It's an okay game if you're taking the open world into account and don't mind doing the same things over and over.
The difficulty drops off if you grind at all in terms of most content, though, and yet tackling certain things will just utterly pile heaps and heaps of bullshit on your face to fuck with you.

If you're coming to XV for the story, don't bother. It's one of the shortest and least defined plots post-NES/Famicom, and while the actual characters and plot are alright, it rushes itself so hard and the consistency flies right out the window in the second half of the story, resulting in a game that'd have less than 25 hours of playtime on a save if it weren't for the open world.

I mean, speedrunning FF games always can show the faults in length, sure, but on NG+ which carries over pretty much all your non-plot items and upgrades, even with tougher enemies you can plausibly beat the story again in less than a day, and some people were doing that pre-NG+.

not an argument

>FFXVfags will defend this


>less than 25 hous of playtime
because there are no random encounters every three steps when wandering the world map.

still not an argument

>If I put le in front of it that invalidates the argument

Well there's still random encounters, but I mean, they're so easy to avoid. Abuse the Galdin or Altissia inns after doing a shitton of sidequests (latter is only possible post-Altissia due to the chapter changes summing up EXP automatically) and you can liberally just sprint or chocobo past everything afterwards.


>The "it's intentionally bad" is really the lamest excuse known to man.

that's what MGS2 fans use to defend Raiden. "He;s shit on purpose because he represents you"

it's a load of bullshit.

As for FFXV, god chapter 13 sucked major ass

Ironic shit has less backlash so it makes sense

This is why Sup Forumseddit needs to die or having moderation enforced to the extreme because describing something as complete shit or not shit is fucking retarded. He's a rookie, he has flaws, and he's not perfect. He's not shit because he can do shit you literally couldn't.

goddamn she is ugly, i hate ffxv now

>He's a rookie, he has flaws, and he's not perfect.

and yet the fanbase thinks he's the "deepest" character in that mess of a game.

>He's not shit because he can do shit you literally couldn't.
they claim that his "hundreds of simulations" is equal to the fanbase playing MGS1 over and over.

I am so happy they changed Raiden for the better in MGS4/MGR

Im not MGS fan but any means, but Raiden is better than Snake.

>but Raiden is better than Snake.

nice joke

Nowhere does he state that literally everything that takes place on the screen was witnessed directly by Noct. It's just being silly. The question was in regard to the overall story.

You know he's only good in 4 and MGR because of his development from his childhood, into 2, and then onwards right? Or are you a shit eating retard?
>and yet the fanbase thinks he's the "deepest" character in that mess of a game.
oh you just make crazy retarded generalizations as a form of argument about a character, no you're definitely a shit eating retard

Forgot to mention that MGR is best Metal Gear game, and Raiden is kicking ass in it. ^:)

he had like no memorable development in 2.

He was still a whiner up until the end

oh okay so you didn't play the game and listen to memes on Sup Forums and read wikis

So glad I skipped this game. I realized that final fantasy had finally gone to shit after the clusterfuck that is ff 12 (the game is sucks ass. defend it all you want). FF is dead to me

Raiden was never the problem. MGS2's story, pacing, level design and uneven second half were the real issues. It's a game the places far too much importance on being a meta-narrative at the expense of the rest of the experience.

definitely worth playing

I did play the game. I did not like it.

The last part of the game was a total mess.

>I skipped the final codec conversation

why MGS2 is considering to be the best one then?

retarded fanboys

I let that final conversation go in one ear and out the other. Hideo dropped the ball because of who he picked in the final conversation

The sad thing is, Raiden was botched solely due to choice of voice actor.

In Jap MGS2, Raiden sounds very similar to Snake, thus making it a mindfuck when the player realizes he hasn't been playing as Snake.

In English MGS2, the poor voice acting for Raiden completely ruined Kojima's direction.

The last part of the game was a total mess.
what does this even mean

2 is not even as good as V

>The last part of the game was a total mess.
The entire game feels like an acid trip and the developers felt like they did not care at that point

>The sad thing is, Raiden was botched solely due to choice of voice actor.
Yeah right.

>2 is not even as good as V
It's not even as good as 4.

3 > 1 >> 5 >> 4 >> 2

nice joke

objectively wrong
>2 has good gameplay, good music, and a good story
>V has stellar gameplay, no music, and a shit story

The story was very deep. Complexity and incomprehensibility IS depth, and part of complex postmodern art

>2 has good gameplay,

too bad the level design does not let you take advantage.

and the Katana''s controls are ass and you have to use it for a boss

>unironically had trouble using the katana
okay you literally can't have an opinion on video games after this you're fucking brain dead

>game was intentionally bad
For what purpose?

the controls are hard when you go from using guns the entire game to using a sword that basically boils down to "flail stick around to do shit"

that he can shitpost on Sup Forums


>tfw you realize XVs story is as deep and lore filled as dark souls

>People are still butthurt they were unable to understand MGS2

there was nothing to understand

Not for you brainlet.

yeah it was masterpiece, ahead of its time. Like FFXV now.
Genius people like Tabata and Kojima never get understanded by plebs :^)

How come so many comments are about XV-kun than I do see of this person. Does he exist because he sure seems to be banned 24/7.

Also I enjoyed the game

You can see him sometimes, he's the only one making actual arguments in these threads, so easy to spot.

Raiden isn't a bad character though, he's a consistent, well-rounded character with a meaningful arc

you just don't like him for petty bullshit reasons like "he's whiny lol"

>he's a consistent, well-rounded character with a meaningful arc

his arc from MGS4 to MGR was good.

but his MGS2 arc was shit

Well I mean the game has it's problems but it was overall enjoyable.Although I can admit that chapter 13 was fucking trash but it was pretty exaggerated...maybe

>Although I can admit that chapter 13 was fucking trash but it was pretty exaggerated...maybe

it just goes on for way too long with it's easy ass difficulty and I liked XV as a whole (6.5/10)

>good story
MGS2's story was an idiotic contrived mess. Why the fuck would an organization that wants to impose order on the world allow a terrorist group and a mentally incompetent spy to hijack the USA's single most important military vessel just for an experiment? We're meant to buy into the idea that somehow the S3 Plan was a "resounding success" when it was completely derailed by Liquid's interference and in the end they had to point a gun at a baby's head to force Raiden to play along. Their incompetence results in a cataclysm in New York, the exposure of one of the nation's most top secret projects and the death of their most important public figurehead.

Did you do the choco event. It didn't click with me for some reason. I'm more interested in episode gladio and prompto so we can see more of Based Cole

I wonder what Tabata thinks of his games? Not like im attacking him, but why for example he uses this shit like fade to black too much? When story jumps from point to point very quickly? Or cutscenes that ended a little too fast? Perfect example is childhood cutscene with Noct and Luna, when she didn't even finished to talk, but screen is already fade away?

>Did you do the choco event.

that carnival thing? Wandered around a bit, got the free dishes. Won something in the fishing thing but I never could get the item.

Pissed that the best outfit was cash only

Holy shit 10/10 that's platinum level bait

Can't wait till the illuminati wipes you away

>Roy AI

killed any sort of weight/importance that speech could ever have

>cash only
What outfit. the shit ends in 3 days and I want at least that shit

>Broken mess of a story.
>Shortest Final Fantasy game on record by story length alone.
>Sidequests = MMO-tier fetch quests.
>Overwhelmingly weak supporting cast.
>Melodramatic pointlessness.
>Easiest final boss since Yu Yevon.
>Four walking cliched protagonists.
>Useless love interest.
>Lying director who ruined The 3rd Birthday and Type-0.
>Everything after Chapter 8.
>Chapter 13.
>10 year time skip.
>"Selfies are an actual skill to learn."
>"I've come up with a new recipe" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...
>Worst driving controls in an open world game since Driv3r.
>Chocobos make Regalia mostly pointless.
>Super Saiyan shit outta nowhere. Twice.
>Luminous engine is unstable.
>Ugly hair textures with poor aliasing.
>Avenge Jared!!!!
>Most generic speech in videogame history in Altissia.
>Gentiana is an asshole for not revealing her true form sooner.
>Forces the player to reach for outside information to understand story and lore.
>Changed directors halfway through completion.
>Season Pass Bullshit.
>Gladio leaves because "play the DLC".
>Ignis got blinded because "play the DLC".
>Prompto's from Niflheim because "play the DLC".
>"a stitch in time" WTF
>Luna never becomes a party member ever.
>Ardyn's dumb wing accessory.
>Graphical downgrade from Episode Duscae.
>Lowest scoring mainline Final Fantasy game

Was this game the most JUST game of 2016?

>Why the fuck would an organization that wants to impose order on the world allow a terrorist group and a mentally incompetent spy to hijack the USA's single most important military vessel just for an experiment? We're meant to buy into the idea that somehow the S3 Plan was a "resounding success" when it was completely derailed by Liquid's interference and in the end they had to point a gun at a baby's head to force Raiden to play along. Their incompetence results in a cataclysm in New York, the exposure of one of the nation's most top secret projects and the death of their most important public figurehead.

play the game and find out

the Marachi one

I did and it still made no sense

>XV kun
>actual arguments

The dude literally ignores any critique and claims XV is god tier just cuz he wants it to be. He is possibly the most delusional poster on this board, which is really extreme.

Not just the level design but the overuse of gimmicks in the second half really hurts the game. The Tanker and the Shell 1 sections had fairly solid stealth gameplay. Then the game turns into an uncomfortable climbing and platforming game until you reach the Shell 2 Core. Then you have a one-time Nikita puzzle (which you probably won't even use for the rest of the game), a swimming section, an escort mission, a sniping section and then one final bit of sneaking in the nude. Everything is just so rushed.

Hi Neroangelo

He says using consumables is "cheesing" the game, gets me every time.

>actual arguments
He just hates every post that doesn't praise the game and even hates honest opinions that aren't even negative and just says you're shitpsoting as soon as you compare it to other games even though he does it all the time and when he runs out of steam he just calls you names or stutters and posts out of context webms

>buying vidya based on the amount of Sup Forums threads
I thought I was the only one

>platforming game
There is ONE incredibly small platforming section after the Harrier fight and that's it. I don't see how you can say it turns into a platforming game.

>The dude literally ignores any critique
Not from what I've seen.

Difference is the game and story for mgs2 was good , actual fans of the series know this
Mgs3 elitist will kick and scream

FFXV is not a fun game , has cool features but it all falls short because the game feels , is , unfinished

I still like the gameplay.

>had fairly solid stealth gameplay

my problem with the stealth gameplay is that I would peek around a corner, no guard. Then when I move up, there is suddenly a guard.

that got so annoying that I went "fuck it" and went lethal

You know what I mean. He replies to them but he doesn't actually argue against them he just says "no" and then dodges or says kingdom hearts is bad or some shit.

he should have joined square and work on a final fantasy game desu
would be interesting to see