This is considered to be a finished game out of beta

This is considered to be a finished game out of beta

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe the deer is just really brave.

>if i don't move he won't be able to see me

if anything, that deer is clever as fuck, you could be a T-REX.


deer thought he was on a prophunt server

>bodyshot from that range
git gud

This, and he was crealy just gaining speed after getting shot there

i'm loving that game actually, the graphics and the sounds make the ambience so fucking good it's crazy.



Nice game, mustards.

So this...

...the power...

...of PC...



>tfw contemplating nature when some random american comes by and shoots me for no fucking reason

aaaaaaw shiet, here they come!

>Hunting game
So let me guess, you shoot animals in this game? That's great.

>said the sonyponies after defending that tiger game

It's a glitch you fucking mongrel. You think programming is some exact science you dumbass english major? It's like building a house. No matter what there will always be imperfections. Code gets partitioned in ways that the programmer could never imagine. Its a living breathing thing. Every glitch you have ever encountered is the product of code interacting with itself.

>i only play edgy games for edgy gamers such as myself

bicycle mod when?

>Every glitch you have ever encountered is the product of code interacting with itself.
Not true. A lot of glitches exist because there's no code at all where there SHOULD be code.


>Every glitch you have ever encountered is the product of code interacting with itself.
>Not true. A lot of glitches exist because there's no code at all where there SHOULD be code.
Both make no sense
The answer is simple

>You think programming is some exact science you dumbass english major?
>Its a living breathing thing
I havent read a bigger bullshit in a while


so let me guess, you jump onto platforms in this game? thats great.
>shootem up game
so let me guess, you shoot em up in this game? thats great.
>survival game
so let me guess, you try to survive in this game? thats great.
>racing game
so let me guess, you race others in this game? thats great.
>RPG game
so let me guess, you pretend to be someone youre not? thats great.
>sports game
so let me guess, you play sports and pass balls in this game? thats great
>card game
so let me guess, you play cards in this game? thats great.

what are you even trying to say

why are you posting about something which you clearly know nothing about

hush little baby don't say a word
momma's gonna smother you in your sleep and do the world a favor

Hunting harmless animals for sport is as edgy as it gets.

Still looks better than any PS4 game, mein nigga.

die hippie

How does such a shitty game have such good foliage?

>not knowingheadshots ruin any chance of taking a trophy
>not knowing heart/vital organ shots are the ones you want to make


Did you tried again and literally commited the same fallacy except even fucking bigger?
You're onto to something, maybe if you compound enough bullshit you will eventually be right.

Do PC gamers care about actual gameplay or just graphics to justify a $600 video card?


>making excuses instead of learning to 360 noscope deers
can you fall any lower

Are you retarded?
I'm Not

>did you tried again

Thanks for signalling the rest of your post isn't worth reading

why do you think we don't eat the animals we hunt?

also most of these animals are nto harmless, they can seriously injure or kill you if you are careless. yes even does

>shooting deer in the head

underage or just regular old retard detected

>""master race""



>not being able to land a point blank headshot
it was funny at first but now it's becoming sad

Haven't encountered this at all but I did have a black bear pause and teleport around when it was charging me wish I recorded it.

Literally shoot then it would stop then teleport a few feet ahead then stop again

Either way the game is still fun regardless of these bugs, hopefully they keep the patches coming

Hell, a normal human would just think it's fake and disregard it.

I'm not a cocksucker and hunt for food, faggot. I couldn't care less about "trophies" or whatever garbage your knuckle-dragging kind of peddling.

you clearly dont hunt for food either you lying little bitch because a kill shot on a deer is in the heart, unless you want to track it for half a mile because you hit it in the head

You're just tilting hard now aren't you
That doesn't even makes any sense
Just leave the thread and pretend it never happened

What the fuck, why am i arguing with 2 people? Why do you care?
And what is that post even supposed to accomplish? Make me mad? You just said you didnt care about reading it then just fuck off maybe? Seriously what in the fuck. You just got me confused now. Why would take the place of someone else in a shitty ego argument on fucking Sup Forums of all places?

You clever faggot.

Then what's your problem with the game?

>tilting hard
what does that mean

If people had to hunt their own animals there would be a lot less dead animals.

>being this BTFO by trolls
jesus man


Psssh, nothing personal Hunter.

>never a proper carnivores dinosaur hunter game

Not him but have you not ever played pinball and caused the machine to TILT?

haha yes this shit right hereIt was a high level trophy bear aswell and headshots are hard af to land properly since thickskulls etc

Yes, but there'd also be less animals and more people who can hunt.

>implying this webm has anything to do with the graphics
are you a troglodyte, or merely pretending?




lol no. Limp wristed fags.

No im not living in a flyover state

Can you hunt and kill other players in MP


More like you're a shut-in Gen Z bab.

And, pray tell, what state DO you live in?



>Never heard of tilting
Well whatever, it means you got so flustered that you cant think straight
It comes from, well, hard or competitive games, when you're doing badly and the thought of how hard you failed is stopping you from concentrating further thus creating a state of being 'tilted'.

I cant imagine anyone saying something so random as 'projecting' if theyre not currently thinking straight

Its just looking for animals and shooting them.
Its sounds so simple the thought alone makes me bored.

I know this is under like 3 levels of irony, but Ark on ps4 is literally worse

I could apply your logic to other things to show how it is flawed if user hadn't already done that and you hadn't already sperged out about it.

I just dont even anymore
Am i so alienated that i can't even be baited anymore?
I literally cant tell if youre actually trying
And im serious

I mean, for real. Anime girls laughing?
Some laughing microscopic bugl? Are you trying to laugh at me or did you find my post that entertaining?
Im at a loss here.


I keep hearing about WW1 bunkers in the south, going to go look for them. The game is /comfy/ but frustratingly buggy.


You could have said if there was more to it but i guess you have to act superior about it?
Regardless that is besides the point. user misinterpreted my image and that has been resolved.

>but i guess you have to act superior about it?
Just stating the facts, not sure where this insecurity is coming from.

Are you just posting random shit now?

>not sure where this insecurity is coming from.
This is an example of "projection" for those that dont know

This is not "projection"
How many people are even replying to me right now?

please stop user, hes going to kill himself if you keep this up

>This is an example of "projection" for those that dont know
I'm just curious as to why you think I'm "acting superior."


Yeah I wanted to find the bunkers aswell but at the time It was getting dark out and I had no ammo left and there was a wild female boar just waiting to slap my shit down the road so I said fuck it and outposted back.

I just unlocked the .223 rifle and have 2985 monies left not sure if I should get the handcannon and do some hog hunting or keep saving for other shit i'm tempted


I'm saving up for the shotgun, maybe slugs are overkill for boar but w/e.

I just explained it
You could have just said if there was something more to the game and i would be wrong, the issue would be resolved, you instead chose to answer in a condescending manner specially pointing out and bellitling my argument to 'sperging out'

I have an honest question for you, do you actually believe replying means i am frothing at the mouth?

If only it weren't such a giant, empty, glitchy, shithole.

>You could have just said if there was something more to the game and i would be wrong
I didn't think I had to explain that there was more to hunting than just shooting animals. My bad.


Yeah, I've yet to see how the shotties handle i'm tempted to try it out but i'm not sure if they allow you to carry two main weaps? or if the weight would slow me down.

Game is comfy af

>Let me just ignore 70% of your post and cherrypick this part that i can actually attack
>Let me also construct an argument from the presumption that things dont ever need to be explained to anyone
Anyway, is it enough to make an interesting game? It looked casual enough at first that it would just cut everything down to the 'walking around and shooting' or do you not even know and didnt play the game, but you are here only to shitpost/argue/defeat rhetorically/whatever it is you want?

Pls dont go user

>>Let me just ignore 70% of your post and cherrypick this part that i can actually attack
I didn't feel there was any point in addressing the part of the post where you complained about the way I talk but if you really want me to:
>and bellitling my argument to 'sperging out'
Let's refer back to the post with your "argument."
>Did you tried again and literally commited the same fallacy except even fucking bigger?
>You're onto to something, maybe if you compound enough bullshit you will eventually be right.
What is your "argument" here?

Does PC even have any good hunting games?


PC is the only place where they all originated from son.

Hunting Unlimited series
Cabellas series
Deer Avenger

Just some off the greats off the top of my head.

Things sure got quiet in here.