What's Sup Forums's problem with spoiling games? Their ending, to be specific...

What's Sup Forums's problem with spoiling games? Their ending, to be specific. Sup Forums is a lot more degenerate than this board, but at least they have the decency not to spoil everything.

us vs them mentality

It's funny.

Precious (you)s.

Yes. Epic, indeed

never cared about endings in video games desu. Sometimes I even watch it on youtube before playing it. It's all about the gameplay really. If it's a novel heavy game i just read the wiki summary because i know there is little to no gameplay involved.

mad fanboys.

Case in point, SMTxFE fags announcing that they would spoil Persona 5 due to how bad SMTxFE was

Is that Leafy?

Yeah, console war fags are worse than real world politicians when it comes to us vs them

Adachi is the killer.

Goro betrays the MC.

and just proved right

don't dis Sup Forums

they're on the cutting edge of experimental memery

Why would anyone care about the story in a fucking video game? Do you get mad when someone "spoils" the ending to a porno too?

That's pretty much the gist of it.

not the same thing



spoilfags do it for cheap laughs

They like spoiling movies here too. Star Wars VII...


it's all a TV show and the previous games were fictional
... or WERE THEY buy the sequel $$$

>Caring about P5
If it ain't SMT and out on Nintendo systems, fuck it.

>giving a shit about story in vidya

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>being so autistic you can't enjoy a story in a video game
Why do you do this?

it's against the rules

I was going to post some Zero Time Dilemma spoilers, but it would be too complex for you to understand.

yeah it's annoying. people get b& for it on other boards but for some reason it's okay here

This board is filled with assholes who get their rocks off to it.

Caring about anything, much less spoilers, is pretty much a no go.
All the enjoyment of must be sucked out of the game before you even touch it. If there even is any left after that, it'll get beaten out of you with horrid memes.

\V\ is full of faggots

its epic xD

As a general rule do not come to Sup Forums till you finish the game or avoid the threads about it if you really care about the story.

Don't expect "Decency" from anonymous imageboards. We're here to discuss videogames and most of us who have finished them operate under the assumptions others who enter the threads have as well.

There's no reason for us to not spoil it for you because you're not here to punish us for it, and there will always be assholes who will want to spoil it for you for their own amusement.

If you care about spoilers that much to begin with, just avoid Sup Forums until you finish a game. Its not hard.


kill yourself

Who the fuck cares about spoilers? Grow up.


No lore is like a drying puddle.

Lite lore is like a pool you can cool down in.

Good lore is like a beautiful lagoon you could spend your life in.

If you dont care about story and lore you're a drone who gets simple enjoyment from bland mechanics. Gameplay is the most important, but it only gets really enjoyable when tempered with a good storytelling.

Because some faggots just enjoy ruining things for other people. Had a friend who would always look up the ending of a game right before I bought it and spoil me.

Until I punched the shit out of him. Can't do that on an imageboard, so it's never going away.

>Things that never happened.