Who is the useless one now, Sup Forums?
Who is the useless one now, Sup Forums?
>fusing before 5*
Fusing 4*s into 5*s only gives SP.
she dabbin
Fuck off retard.
Fuck off, hater.
Fuck off, faggot.
thanks doc
Hows that defense going
Hope you have at least 10 victories
Nope, just one, but it's a 254 one so who gives a fuck about any others.
But more wins means your team isnt getting wiped too much
Not too hot Sarge. I don't think I can hold the line for another 3 days, not against these Whales.
doesn't fusion reduce the cost of promotion by the same number of feathers you get by sending units home?
if that's the case there shouldn't be a problem fusing 4*s. You get a slightly more powerful unit while still having the benefit in feathers
So I want to train up a four star team but I don't know green and blue units to use
For blue I got Oboro, Sully, Florina, Peri, Corrin and for green I got Barst, Hawkeye, Merric
You still have the mostly same problems you did in the GBA game. You require a shit ton of effort to get good while there are other options available. The only big difference is that you can actually get her early in Heroes and that she doesn't need a specific team in FE7.
I wouldn't call her shit, since I've seen the kind shenanigans she is capable of, but needing 20000 feathers at the very least alongside a certain setup makes the other magic nukes more appealing to me since they usually already come at five stars and can work with more teams than Nino can.
The issue lies in the fact that the promotion bonuses don't carry over, so you're going to have to grind out another 10 units if you 5* someone who'd been fused before they hit that.
Yeah, but there's no real reason to metagame for that in Arena. So long as I have my point total I'm solid.
Upgrading fused heroes wipes all the bonuses you get from fusing them.
If all of those Ninos were 4* though its probably for the best. It would take far to long to farm up the 60K feathers needed just to give 6 extra stat points to a 5*nino
My Nino, the one in the OP, has all higher stats than my 5* Robin except for HP and def.
I'm aware of that, but unless you're willing to grind 20k feathers for each one of those duplicate 4* Ninos, fusing is the better choice. You get a stronger unit while she's still 4* and don't lose anything
like said
Are you retards actually wasting time on this shit?
Yes, unfortunately.
Fusing is better short term, but by the time you're at 4 or 5* and Level 40, you're going to have all the skills or nearly all of them anyways, so it's pointless. Plus, it's not like you're ever at a want for more space, we have 200 open spots, and unless you're whaling you're not hitting that.
Robin's stats are super mediocre even for a mage, if it wasn't for taco removal everyone would just be running Linde instead.
Not saying they don't, but
I'm wasting time rerolling for characters I like, yes
Have you done your part to removes dragons?
Are you Clarste?
Is Nino available as a natural 5*? I'm trying to save my feathers.
No. If you have another magic nuke then you might want to stick with them. Especially if you don't have the other characters to get the max efficiency out of Nino.
I got Lyn, Tharja, Young Tiki and Hector on my team right now.
Anyone else I should get?
Drop Tharja for a decent blue.
I know Aqua is part of that team. What are the others for synergy?
Eirika, Shareena
Show us a picture of your units user, preferably what 4/5* units you have. First one I'd drop is Tharja though, and get a good Blue on your team, Azura or Nowi.
This game.
Can't you people fuck off to /vg/?
Is Nowi good? most reds in arena have a falcion so I'm leaning more towards Fem Corrin
Sharena and I think Eirika. You'll usually use Sharena to rally Nino, but you'll have to upgrade to shit out of her if you don't want her to be useless for everything else.
Suck my c00k, dude.
It's already slowed down dramatically from what it was like Day 1. Give it some more time, it'll go the way of Pokemon Go.
Honestly, don't know enough about either to make a good judgement call as I don't have them, but Nowi can counter from range and FCorrin is a decent debuffer who takes a Falchion better than most.
Nowi is better than girl corn, falcions and Julia will destroy both either way.
It's ok user, the game is almost nearing its end in content for people to bitch about. Soon, we will be able to go back and post about LOL threads and E-Celebs.
All right, so why is that I can only summon heroes from the Family Bonds Package ever since it got updated. What happened to the other two old ones with Camilla and such?
Gone, baby, gone. This one'll be dust in the wind soon enough as well.
I was supposed to remove them?
Uh oh.
>dominant color will destroy them anyway
>Wonder why the fuck I have like 0 Defense wins even though I've got four Level 5s at level 40
>Realize that my primary team is Anna and the two OC donut steels at levels 3 and 4 and I've been using the team second-left this whole time
Fuck me I'm retarded.
Remember to do your part and provide feedback through the app if you want this game to survive. We need:
>more reliable way to acquire feathers, or at least to lower the 20,000 needed for 5 stars
>more reliable way to acquire crystals
>to be able to do something with unused SP, whether that be rerolling natures, transferring skills, or something else
I've already sent a language audio request.
Could be worse. You could have what seemed like a decent team and have never gotten a single win anyway.
They really arent clear about this
Tfw want so much for Azura to be the lead to visit others castles but know no one will dare fight me if Azura is who they see
where do you go to provide feedback?
Where are my Seliph bros
The problem could be the amounts of dragon killers like newly added julia
Celice isn't very good. Raven is passable, same with FCorrin, but there are better Greens and Blues respectively. Azura is great, but she doesn't really have anyone to synergize with.
>Customer Support
>MarMar doing 40x2 damage to Tiki
It's really fucking hilarious.
Almost as good as Lilina nuking Hector from orbit.
Nice thumbnail user.
I wish they would add better rewards for defense
thanks sempai
Unfortunately I don't really have much to use. Was thinking of dropping Corrin for Catria but I feel like having no magic users fucks me up.
How does the point system work on Defense?
What decides how you get a better score?
Are you retarded?
>20,000 feathers
>Shit ass drop rates. Out of 60 rolls only got 1 5-star.
>They literally think it's a good idea to rotate Summoning Focus and make you lose your pity timer.
>They literally think people will tolerate double stamina costs for the tower and costs for equipping skills.
>Random stats
>All content can be cleared in a couple of weeks.
>Barely any strategy is required.
Fucking hell, is there any reason to even continue playing? This shit is dying faster than Pokemon Go. Nintendo can't into mobile.
Okay I guess i'll ask here
You see this shit that says rank 9,008? I'm a tier 3 dragoon and been winning and defending pretty well but when I go to this page it STILL says unranked, why?
Nino's pretty strong for a 4*
My merric isn't 40 yet to add him to the comparison
>>They literally think people will tolerate double stamina costs for the tower and costs for equipping skills.
Did you miss the fact that both of these are gone?
Read the news retard.
Score too low. You need to be winning with losing only 1-3 units over all 7 battles to be rankable.
Who should be my 4th person?
I think it's dependant on how many of your units die. I kind of wish it was based on number of successful defenses instead. 500 feathers being the max reward is basically nothing.
>Read the news retard.
Why should I keep up with news of uninstalled games you fucking dumbass?
Is Robin a manlet?
I got your back. I'm not dropping him no matter what others might say. But it'll be a different story when his dad or Leif come out.
What do I have to do to roll Lilina, bros?
>Why should I keep shitposting in threads of uninstalled games?
That's the real question.
I was just thinking the same thing, but yeah, having a source of magic damage is more important. Another option is using Cecilia as your green and replacing Raven with her, with the added advantage of being anti-colorless, but you miss out on his fused 5* self in exchange for a unit that's pretty fragile. I'd just go as far as you can in the story for now. Remember to cap your castle if for some reason you haven't yet.
>Shit ass drop rates. Out of 60 rolls only got 1 5-star.
>They literally think it's a good idea to rotate Summoning Focus and make you lose your pity timer.
Both standard Gatcha fare, unfortunately. Fuck, this game has relatively generous rates compared to most.
>They literally think people will tolerate double stamina costs for the tower and costs for equipping skills.
Removed thankfully.
>Random stats
Exists solely to jew.
>All content can be cleared in a couple of weeks.
A few weeks? You can do it in like, 5 days tops if you really wanted to burn a few Stamina Potions for it, likely even much less if you used more.
>Nintendo can't into mobile.
No argument here.
To rank in Arena, you NEED to do the following
>7 win Streak, on Advanced
>Lose as few units as possible each time, no more than, say, 5 total.
Also handy is having units with good stat totals, as they give a bonus to score.
t. Rank 12,444 with 4,324 Offense, 254 Defense right now.
Who is this samon damon
ah thank you, guess I'll work on that since I have the advanced arena goals to clear.
I'm trying to save people like me from this travesty of a "game".
By shitposting? What a hero.
what's the best quad team?
four effies?
This is the last way to do that user, you're only going to make people hate you and everything you stand for.
user, you're not much better.
4 Camillas
You are now aware that this game only exist to make normalfags interested in Fire Emblem, like Pokemon GO did with the latest Pokemon games.
Effie would be terrible considering a single hector could solo the lot and anyone with mages could just dance around and melt them. You need something that can counter both near and far, so Hector, Ryoma, and Takumi are good options.
4 Takumi's is strong since they're unaligned so really the only counters are Robin and Hector, and without a healer 4 Takumis would make short work of either. That said all they need is one healer and the whole group would essentially suicide themselves on that Robin/Hector.
>Loli Tiki
>All 5*
Thinking of replacing Abel with someone else. He is really only good at one shotting swordsmen and then dying to anything else right after. Any suggestions?
Who is this cute beaut?
Hector, Takumi, Azura, and your choice of a Red
Could be
>Lucina for dragon bonuses
>Lyn for galeforce
>Or you could go for some mage damage with someone like tharja or something
Hector and Azura are no doubt the best one two blue green combo you build off if you care that much I guess
Eirika, apparently.
>>Both standard Gatcha fare, unfortunately. >Fuck, this game has relatively generous rates compared to most.
Sure, if we had daily free roll (even if it were like 1-3 stars only for free roll) or rotating free characters refresh instead of being one-time only deal. With how the game revolves around *5s, you'll be locked out of good portion of end-game content if you don't get a *5 roll or get a gimmicky/stat screwed *5 roll as your only *5 (example of such characters are: raven, cain, camilla). You're basically stuck waiting at 1 orb per week+5 per month and MAYBE 9 every new focus IF they don't recycle old paralogue maps without refreshing the rewards for them (we have less than 30 days left for free 2 orbs per day). Once you hit 30+ in arena: it becomes whale central so if you don't have some decent units from the rolls then you may end up completely fucked facing +10 characters who are higher level than your team, and since the amount of fresh characters you can have may dry up as a result you can very well end up with no opportunities to gain feathers anymore.
>They literally think it's a good idea to rotate Summoning Focus and make you lose your pity timer.
Most other games don't even have one to begin with.
>finally get a Camilla
>she's 4*
Goddammit Heroes
When should I move units up a star, immediately at level 20 or should I wait a while? I've got a few 4 stars that are around 20 now and I want to know what to do with them
i'm dumb, what's the most major difference between 4* and 5* for some heroes, just special weapons?