What do you think of Aerith's girlfriend?
Why do people think this'll get censored? Japan is far more degenerate & pandering now than it was 20 years ago
What do you think of Aerith's girlfriend?
Why do people think this'll get censored? Japan is far more degenerate & pandering now than it was 20 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
The world isn't though. There's no way cross dressing and prostitution would make it in, in the manner it wa dealt with in 1997. If it is out in it'll be done as a complimentary way or made out to be entirely normal, or they'll have Don Corneo acknowledge he's a transsexual or something. People can't do or say anything on sensitive subjects without their being an absolute shitstorm nowadays.
>that filter
What filter do you use, sempai?
I run the game in 640x480 without any cancer filters.
Like this?
No, full screen 640x480.
Does your GPU not having a fucking scaling function?
>pretend crt
Like this?
That's not 640x480.
Like this?
Like this and then let the fucking game do the full screen scaling.
Like this :^)
How about this?
You're just fucking with me aren't you?
>People can't do or say anything on sensitive subjects without their being an absolute shitstorm nowadays.
Who cares? They'll buy it anyways. I doubt there is a large amount of potential buyers who would refuse to get the game because they made a joke about fags.
Like this :^)
Nomura already confirmed that cross-dressing is in, eat shit.
Unfortunately he did say he will have to rethink some Honeybee scenes due to "cultural changes".
Oh no
Like this :^)
Damn, the Steam version looks hot
It's Mobius Final Fantasy, FF7 Remake Event.
Also I want to marry FF7R Cloud, he's perfectly beautiful.
Wow! This is in UE4? Amazing!
It's Unity Engine actually.
Mobius runs on Unity Engine.
But they're using (downscaled) FF7 Remake assets for the FF7R Event, confirmed by Kitase himself.
Basically the stuff you see here is the same as it is in FF7 Remake, just with lower polygon count and texture resolution.
>steam version
>have DS3 controller
>cant use Dpad
>have to use analog sticks
>cant use Dpad
>have to use analog sticks
You can though, you just need to remap your controls with BetterDS3 (if you're using MotioninJoy drivers like me), profile related.
>using motion in joy
This looks pretty bad I dunno why people say the Steam version is the best way to play
Good job falling for memes, it's objectively superior since it lets you configure everything and has proper pressure sensitivity support. And the "adware" is only in their default shitty DS3Tool which you don't even need to use since you can download the objectively superior "BetterDS3" tool.
Stay memed and inferior with shit controls you can't even remap :)
Because it looks better than the PS1 version which is literally 320x240 and has polygon wobbling and no mod support? Are you retarded? Of course you are.
You can't even get the retranslated script or proper proportion models for overworld mods for the PS1 version, or CD quality soundtrack.
>not using SCP controller driver
SCP doesn't have the same functionality, has no proper GUI and is literally grognard garbage for paranoid retards that can't grasp the concept of just not using DS3Tool and using BetterDS3 instead.
Every single time I'm troubleshooting for people having problems with mapping, controls, pad not working wirelessly and the like, turns out they've been using SCP.
After I set up MotioninJoy+BetterDS3 for them those problems never happen.
Like I said before, I'm sorry you got memed into using garbage due to uninformed paranoia.
The game isn't being remade with japan as demographics, it will be made with the west in mind
Nah, after the FF15 fiasco I guarantee you they will rethink they're 100% western pandering philosophy they had recently and will try to balance both worlds instead.
Because in original japanese version scenes with girls and Don were longer.
I don't know but you exploding a place at the beginning seems like it would be more likely to get censored in this day and age. Opening act seems like a terrorist attack just saying.
Transsexuals are common af now. I think this will still be in.
Blatantly false, the FF7 Retranslation project already shot that rumor down.
There were a couple of scenes, including with Zack, that were actually removed from western versions entirely.
They are restored if you use the retranslation mod.
>I'm such a huge faggot I'd rather download adware bloated shit that breaks shitload of other things and is harder to remove than aids because hey, at least I can remap my buttons which can done with million other software that aren't nearly as shit.
You're pretty cool guy, user.
Good job greentexting factually incorrect bullshit and lies just to deposit yet another shitpost ITT. I'm sorry that you have literal shit for brains.
I don't think it will be censored, entirely because it is FF Vll. If anyone tried, they would come under the collective, concentrated butthurt of everyone who has nostalgia for this game, even the normies. That and I think FF has the clout to pull it off.
If this wasn't FF Vll, I'd be less certain.
I don't know why people think SE would be retarded to censor considering that they didn't censor jack shit in Nier 2
Motioninjoy is only software that has actually managed to cause bluescreen on my windows 7. So I guess you can give it some kind of award for that.
Doesn't matter if it has better fanmade configuration tool, if the drivers itself are horrible shit.
Not my fault you're literally too fucking retarded to install them manually rather than through the garbage DS3Tool (which is WHERE THE FUCKING BLOAT COMES FROM).
>Opening act seems like a terrorist attack just saying.
Because that's literally what it was.
It literally IS a terrorist attack.
And you do it multiple times :^)
From what I remember twice and third time you get stopped.
It appears you don't actually understand what the difference is between drivers and configuration tool. But it's fine. I realized I wasted my time, and you won.
I do understand the difference, and I'm telling you that the DS3Tool downloads additional fucking modified files for the drivers, that adds the bloat. That's why MiJ doesn't normally let you install drivers without using their shitty tool.
What you need to do is get the drivers manually and install them with device manager. Why is it so hard to grasp for you?
who cares? whether or not it's good or bad FFVII did not need a remake
all anyone wanted was FFVII exactly the same but with updated graphics
Crossdressing is HUGE in Japan. Their biggest rock band right now Versailles is a group of crossdressing trannies.
Avalanche's actions aren't really terrorist attacks. They're destroying strategic location for a clearly stated purpose.
The actual "terrorist attack" is when Shinra destroys two entire city districts (the people upstairs get fucked too) and blaming it on Avalanche.
FF7's aesthetic is a uniquely PS1 aesthetic. Increasing the res, making the UI all smooth, removing the dithering, it turns it from a good looking PS1 game into a botchy awkward halfway baby.
And here's the retranslation for PS1: romhacking.net
Didn't they straight up say this kind of thing is going to be "looked at"?
Nigga Avalanche are fucking Eco-terrorists.
I mean, they actually have a point because Lifestream and Meteos and shit, but they're still eco-terrorists.
Well obviously I'm talking about terrorist from in-game lore perspective.
>uniquely PS1 aesthetic
>literally day 1 multiplat with PC
>music literally designed by Uematsu himself for PC version to sound better than PS1 version when using the proper Yamaha synthersizer sound card
>uniquely PS1
top yey m8, how about no
Also you're beyond retarded if you think that 16-bit color (FF7 has no dithering you fucking retard) 320x240 with polygon wobbling and warped visuals which are literally a defect in PS1's hardware and not an intentional choice, are superior to PC's perfect rendering with no polygon wobbling and texture warping, 640x480 32bit color resolution, then you are beyond fucking retarded.
Also the PS1 retranslation port has been in limbo for years now, read your own source link you retard.
>Sephiroth used to be a pretty solid, if edgy character, and it was just the shitty imitators/fans that gave him a bad rep
>Now he's literally *Teleports behind you* "Pshhh, nothing personell, kid..."
It's also worth noting that if you accept Compilation of FF7 stuff, then the game Before Crisis, details the founding of AVALANCHE and they are flat out full blown terrorist organization there and objectively evil with a lot of stuff they do giving 0 fucks about collateral damage and civilians they end up killing in their acts on ShinRa.
They are like the textbook definition of ecoterrorists, its stated multiple times that those explosions have killed innocent people, I can't see by any form of logic how they aren't terrorists.
>FF7 has no dithering you f****** r*****
This looks like dithering to me
It's not there in 32bit color mode.
Hello Plebbit!
Also if anyone is curious about the Before Crisis story, since the game was never released in English, you can watch the entire thing fully translated here:
How does Barrett know shit about Mako energy anyways? I doubt Shinra's advertising that they're drawing power straight from the planet's magical life force, and Avalanche doesn't seem like seem to have any experts on the subject. Unless it's mentioned somewhere that Reeve was secretly backing them the entire time, they look like just a bunch of thugs who randomly decided to blow up their own city.
Play/watch Before Crisis post above you to find out!
I see dithering in , not in the text box, but in the background on the left. The way the character models are double the res is quite jarring.
Thanks user!
>Now he's literally *Teleports behind you* "Pshhh, nothing personell, kid..."
I don't think you can blame that one on the fans.
God damn it user, okay. You got me there.
That's not dithering you fucking retard, that's just the resolution being low, holy shit how can you be so goddamn retarded. Are you now going to say 3DS games are also dithered due to their low resolution?
Shit that does look like a bit of dithering.
>tfw Cloud cuckd the guy that saved his life
Its okay, you caught me on more stuff. I still think the PS1 version has a more cohesive/natural look to it.
I think you should fuck off with your lithpth
You're welcome.
The 640x480 resolution is honestly more optimal from visual standpoint. Sure 320x240 is more cohesive since that's the resolution of the prerendered backgrounds, but the same applies to RE2/3 and people universally agree the PC SourceNext/GameCube versions are the best despite being 480p.
That's simply due to the character models being a lot clearer while standing out too hard.
It's the perfect tradeoff.
And 16-bit color simply looks like shit.
kill yourself
how will they do the summons
Aerith never slept with himshe slept with a lot of other people for gils tho
so, censorship then. If they're making any decisions based on what cultural critics are going to be squawking about then it's exactly as everyone feared. You can't have anything in your media these days featuring crossdressing, transexuals, or any of their other pet causes in anything other than a completely supportive light. If you don't then all the regressive-left pundits will run a smear campaign forever against you, and while I wish they wouldn't cave to those retards, they will because they just want money at the end of the day. Preserving one of the most influential JRPGs comes second to dosh, sadly.
Frankly I don't give a shit about something as insignificant and garbage as gay bathtub scene (I didn't even know it existed until finding out about it years later on the internet) and the fact that crossdressing scene is confirmed to stay then I legit give 0 fucks.
I will however raise hell if they cut content or turn Vincent and Yuffie into DLC party members.
given that they're already chopping the whole game into 3 installments doesn't leave me holding my breath regarding DLC fuckery.
>gay bathtub scene
What's gay about manly man taking bath together?