Why did you quit?

Why did you quit?

You're not still playing are you?

I never started because I'm not an autist

I dunno, you're the one who is obsessed enough to make a WoW thread. You tell me.

Because Legion is a Facebook game tier grind to upgrade the relic, and I don't have time to raid anymore so I can't keep up in PvP

lack of time and pvp balance is abysmal

the combat was terrible.
the grind boring.
too much text.
no quck traveling.
borderline impossible to party

Quit because I became a holier than thou tank, and got tired of carrying casuals through the game.

also fuck frostmages

I quit because putting all the playtime into the endgame rather than distributing it evenly as you level makes for a largely uninteresting experience.

Tacking on multiple grinds doesn't fix the change in design philosophy Blizzard went through.

Still better than WoD though I guess

I quit before even the first expansion because I couldn't get to max level and just explored and got bored with every character I made.

Liked the world but gameplay was not my cup of tea.

My guild had just split up, fire mages were about to get nerfed, and I realized I was pretty much over raiding.

I also wasn't happy with having only Sephuz's Secret after like 4 months of pretty heavy playing.

Because it's soulless. Yes, this fucking interactive media once had a thing I could call soul, an aura, charm or however you want to describe it. The target audience for World of Warcraft past Wotlk are the same people who never played a MMO in their life before or at least the one who don't give a fuck about spending much time on "silly" videogames.

because the magic is gone.

honestly, i wouldn't even call legion bad mechanically. its generally pretty sound in its design even if it is a totally bland Diablo clone

out of curiosity I leveled a character to max level on both Kronos and Legion. There are so SO many things that i think are great about modern wow that i think would have made vanilla better (Phasing was a big one for me, along with vehicles and some other quality of life things) but it had lost so much that made vanilla wow actually great instead of really adding to the experience. the new zones feel incredibly streamlined and "Themeparky" as the term was. Optimized routs were set out for you and it was hard to get lost, it took out a huge feeling of adventure and danger that vanilla had. ultimately I feel like i enjoyed vanilla wow more for all its lack of polish.

The last straw for me was them bringing over the villain chatter from Diablo 3. Like, the story has always, always been terrible, no need to keep amping up the in-your-faceness of it.

Because I've been chasing the same feeling of excitement and wonder since playing EverQuest and RuneScape as a young boy.

Every year it gets harder to find an MMO that ignites that spark.

I still play it and I like it :3

>Only took the occassional job so i could play wow full time for a few months without working.
>Computer broke
>No money for new PC for a year or so.
>Come back a year after and all mates got jobs
>All friends was gone and the game was soulless.

Played from the start of Vanilla untill first day of WotLK

I only played for world PvP, it was as good as dead while I was still playing but I made a guild purely for world PvP and we used to have a lot of fun invading cities and holding them for as long as possible. Legion made it so you HAVE to PvE if you want to stand a change in world PvP and I just don't have the time, the energy, or the interest to grind the same bosses countless times just so I can be good at something that isn't even PvE. Instanced PvP fucking sucks too and I don't want to do high rated arenas to get raid level items either.

>Friend says "come back to Wow, Legion made it good again"
>Pulls up his smartphone to collect the loot he earned from the quest that did themselves.

>borderline impossible to party

the rest i get but it's been the easiest expansion ever for partying up

I quit because the only way to progress is raiding, and I hate raiding now, I loved it 8-10 years ago, but nowadays I can't just stomach it. It's boring, it's dumb, it's an annoying commitment, you have to go through too much trouble to get accepted into a guild, and then it's still some random loot piƱata you have to keep banging for who knows how long until you get lucky.

Oh and the artifact grind... fuck that thing in the ass, I mean last expansion the garrison made me quit, and now this? this is totally not what I wanted as a time sink, fuck just make it a gold sink if you want, but locking progression behind artifact research and daily quests... no thanks, if I'm going to repeat some mindless activity over and over I want to be the one who decides which activity I want to autistically perform.

Playing an alt is pointless, old content is dead, there's still no challenging 5man group content for you to clear with a small group of friends, even fucking korean mmos get this right, they provide areas where you want to group and can make friends who want to group with you, in WoW is either a raid group that only follows the orders of the raid leader and min max your shit, or grind the same battlegrounds you already grinded like 5000 times during all the previous expansions.

>vanilla wow
>dragons used to be scary and wouldn't hesitate to strike you down, caverns of time and emerald dream portals were protected by elite dragon guardians because they were no place for mere mortals

>burning crusade and up
>every dragon is your friend except for the black and purple ones
>let me give you another speech as to why we have to protect the time stream!

lore was a mistake

I'm taking a break, still subbed though. Just got too grindy again. I always hit that point and take a break. I can usually stay subbed for 4 - 6 months, I leave and come back after another 4 - 6 months and play again. Honestly, there's too much to do right now. That normally wouldn't be a bad thing, but all of it feels mandatory. Gotta do them WQs, gotta clear them M+ dungeons, gotta grind that AP, gotta raid. It's so hard trying to play an alt right now.

Also, my guild fell apart and I haven't joined a new one, so I can't raid until I do, which is all I feel like doing at the moment.

>only way to progress is raiding

>artifact grind
You don't have to specifically grind your artifact as you get artifact power for doing pretty much everything, whether that's dungeons, BGs, quests, or raids. The only time you would really need to grind is if you're in an autistic world first mythic raiding guild but you're not.

>there's still no challenging 5man group content for you to clear with a small group of friends
Post your Mythic +15 clears :)

WoW has always been shit.

This right here is why I can't take Sup Forums seriously

I've played this game at least once almost every single day since I first subscribed. Nothing is really going to stop me at this point aside from my own death or losing my job and having no money to play it.
Don't know why it triggers fucks like you that I still play the game. You think not giving Blizzard money is going to magically fix every bullshit thing they've done over the years or something? You think this massive video game company is just going to go under that easily? Because you're being delusional as fuck.

show me your top tier gear item level that's not from raids ;^)

show me your mythic +15 clear without raid gear ;^)

nice try blizzdrone, good thing you're still contained in that shithole, your answers are worse than Ion Hazzikostas, hur you don't have max artifacts? then you haven't run out of content this expansion lolXD.

Class got nerfed halfway through the expac. Jumped onto Elysium instead.

played 2004-2010, then dropped

played private wrath for a year, had fun, and now done

>20 man mythic requirement

puggig 6+ ppl every week is not fun.

I still don't understand playing older versions of an MMO, unless you never experienced it back in the day. I played WoW 12 years ago, the last thing I want to do is play the same shit I already did back then. If you get the desire to go back and play old school WoW, I think it's a sign to just stop playing and move on.

Since I quit roughly after a few months of BC it goes like this.

>Friends start playing with some old acquaintances and get right into raiding of the newest shit after a week or two of catching up.
>Get roped in a month later and raid with them.
>Jolly good time.
>Shit disbands at midway mythic (or HC or just the fucking raid in earlier days) after 2 months or so.
>Friends fuck off while I'm still motivated, play for a few weeks eventually get bored and quit.

roughly a year later

>Friends start playing with some old acquaintances and get right into raiding of the newest shit after a week or two of catching up.
>Get roped in a month later and raid with them.
>Jolly good time.
>Shit disbands at midway mythic (or HC or just the fucking raid in earlier days) after 2 months or so.
>Friends fuck off while I'm still motivated, play for a few weeks eventually get bored and quit.

roughly a year later

>Friends start playing with some old acquaintances and get right in...

When will it ever stop?

>I still don't understand playing older versions of an MMO, unless you never experienced it back in the day.

I played vanilla WoW pretty seriously, but missed out on a lot of BC content. If I could get a friend or two to join me on a private server I'd play the shit out of a private server.

It won't, stopped playing at Cataclysm friends keep tell me to get back in I'm missing so much, skip WOD they say I'm missing out. Latest expansion comes out cave in to play with them day one of the release they stick with Heroes of storm so I'm to sitting on a dead guild they created for legion and on top of that once I put this shit down forever they'll start begging to play with them shit like this is why I never get games they take interest in.

>friends bother me to resub for months
>finally give in since I'm bored
>sign up, join their guild
>get to cap
>friends only login for an hour or so to do their dailys
>they never group for anything
>I'm alone killing this stupid animals for artifact power or whatever and I don't even know why
>sub runs out
>uninstall and forget about this crap

I really don't understand why people are so annoying wanting you to "play with them" when they don't ever want to group for anything.

I burnt out at the very beginning of Warlords, but stuck it out until Legion dropped. That ended up being a mistake, the time forcing myself to play in Warlords absolutely killed any interest I had for Legion and after like two weeks in, I quit and never went back.

I quit, was asked to come back due to guild mates. Seen Blizzard increase the cost of tokens to promote gold buying, then watched as the already unobtainable items on the AH went completely out of control.

There was nothing left for me.