Only game I can remember being excited for
>TFW no game where you can kill 1% pigs
watch dogs 2
That games looked so good. Then we got fucking siege CCHeers ubisoft
I would unironically participate in radical Bolshevik style uprisings. We'd give you one chance to join us, and if you don't, we burn your house down. The status quo is broken and we need to take matters into our own hands and reclaim the wealth that has been horded by the greedy and the selfish.
Wasn't the video they showed full of slow walking segments and quick time events, like kissing your wife?
I am with you comrade
I would literally shoot you in the head before you got within 500 yards, snowflake.
Yes, but it would've been an interesting campaign.
>and if you don't, we burn your house down.
Good luck getting pumped full of lead, "comrade".
Breivik is proof we only need one decently trained soldier to kill nearly 100 of you, give up.
Why is that Christian a Jew?
The only thing we saw of this was NOT ACTUALLY GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE. It was just proof of concept stuff, and there was nothing special or unique in terms of gameplay. It looked like a direct continuation of what they were doing in Vegas 2
No. You'll be sleeping your bed and you'll find that tonight's the night when the mob comes to YOUR house. If you shoot your gun even once, we'll firebomb the shit out of your property. Not to fucking mention our own firearms. You right-wingers make me laugh with your delusion that you're the only political faction who would use or own guns. It's a fucking violent Bolshevik purge you miserable retards. We'll be armed.
Blood will be shed on both sides, but the majority will rule. The power of collectivism easily outweighs the power of individualism.
>People actually wanted this trash
Stalingrad was proof that no matter how many you kill, we will still win
>no matter how many you kill, we will still win
We got Rainbow Six Siege. A better game.
We still won tho
You're gonna look really fucking stupid when the first BLM Terrorism starts to really take off and shit gets a little more real. Those guys are basically domestic terrorists at this point.
It looked like another Vegas 2 with boring shootout sections. Basically it was RB6 in name only, but for some reason people think RB6 = GOW these days.
is that spartacus?