So its settled then. This is the GOAT multiplayer game? The devs have continually RAISED the skill ceiling. Its perfectly balanced, its fast, its furious, it gets more fun the better you get at it.
Seriously name a single flaw about the game play.
So its settled then. This is the GOAT multiplayer game? The devs have continually RAISED the skill ceiling. Its perfectly balanced, its fast, its furious, it gets more fun the better you get at it.
Seriously name a single flaw about the game play.
>perfectly balanced
But cars all have a different hitbox and turning radius, that can't be balanced.
>60% of the playerbase use the same car
The gameplay is good I'll admit but... The community is toxic af. You win a game of 1-on-1 and you get told to kill yourself.
Sounds like a perfect game for Sup Forums then
>You win a game of 1-on-1 and you get told to kill yourself.
Good, you should heed that reccomendation, you bitch.
>its furious
Yeah, it gets everyone fucking furious.
The game is fantastic but it's almost got as bad a community any given MOBA game.
You aren't good enough for the car your using to make a difference in the game play.
You start with that car that 60% use so how can that be unbalanced.
Not to mention People shat all over the batmobile for being bad and then there was two in the rocket league finals.
>toxic community
Not an argument. Your personal experiences could be (and are) completely different than mine. I have a wonderful time playing and have made lots of friends
Try again nigger. Still the GOAT online multiplayer game.
People shit all over the Batmobile because only the most cancerous players bought that DLC
>le bad community meme
every game has a bad community unless the community is 10 people big like SS13.
Seriously name a game, and I'll tell you all about my negative experiences with its "bad community"
just give it up. That isn't a valid reason to criticize a game.
I'm not criticizing the game, I just said it was fantastic.
The only point where the community starts being a game-affecting problem is when somebody in Solo Standard decides to play for the other team like a jackass, which I hear happens semi-frequently.
So what fucking car am I supposed to play with that show some kind of "superiority"?
If you want to be a cunt, drive the Merc
If you want to be a bitch, drive the Octane
If you want to be a cool guy, drive the Gizmo
literally unless your in champion, you have areas to improve your game that irrelevant to your car.
However real men play with the zippy
I thought the cars having different hotboxes and turn radii was just a meme. Did they change that?
I used Gizmo exclusively til that disgusting fucking redesign.
no they always have.
Autists make it out to be a big deal but I can't see how its possible. Professional players use a wide variety of cars. Anyone can use nearly all the most popular cars (outside of dominus but there is an incredibly similar car already in the game)
Reddit was making a big deal about the deadzones being different between the PS3 and PS4 controllers. Freaking out declaring one or the other to be cheating, then a professional player got on stream and BTFO'd them all. Saying it didn't matter at all.
Then Psyonix blew out the world out by letting you change the dead zones.
>Not absolutely flawed by default with some of the stupidest fans on Earth
There's a reason why it's only popular in third-world hellholes.
it isn't soccer. Its rocket league.
do you start criticizing football fans for being overweight americans whenever someone brings up bloodbowl?
oh right you're just trying to be ebin and hilarious. Well try again.
It's a fun game, I'm re-downloading it right now.
there's a mode that removes that toxic community
it's called non ranked
I've seen more toxics in unranked and rumble than I have in competitive. Granted I'm only challenger 3 but the toxicity seems to have dropped dramatically after getting here. Hoping it doesn't spike back up.
gitting gud is also an alternative.
I'm currently at legend, from what I've seen experts are usually the worst. Some of them don't understand rotation at all, and the ones that do they know only the basics, but since they've got a couple of lucky cool goals they think they are already the shit
>you get told to kill yourself.
>Not understanding this is how you know you comprehensively beat someone
I get at least one person accuse me of being a hacker.
playtime indicator is no measure of skill.
I literally know a legend who cannot fly like at all.
I know, I'm just generalizing
That's not what I mean though man.
A ton of online games have toxic communities, what makes it worse in rocket league is your teammates can seriously screw you over.
Sure in some other games you can team kill, or sitting there doing nothing can be harmful but here they can...
>Make the game unfair by playing against you essentially making it 3v1 or 4v2.
>Bumping you on purpose
>auto goaling on purpose
They can essentially do anything to you just short of demoing.
Unranked is just a mess though.
>People constantly switching in and out
>"Oh fuck I auto goaled, I can't show my face here anymore."
It's been a while since I saw someone pull off that shit, I guess it gets better down the line
I've been driving Octane since day 1 with no consideration for competitive, I'm also complete shit at the game
>Your personal experiences could be (and are) completely different than mine.
>play game
>loose a lot but have fun
>git gud
>win and have fun
>entire community is salty and I don't know why
It's rocket propelled soccer, people ruin the fun
well there's an actual issue with the controls. Pretty much remaping them is a must and even then you have to choose between
a) having a dedicated roll+drift button (I like it in LB), but with this you are handicaping your air maneuvering
b) having separate roll left (LB), roll right (RB) and drift (X), but you are sacrificing wave dashing, or at least making it way harder to pull off consistently, the positives here are an easier method of half flipping and more control mid air
Doubles is the best fucking game type ever when you get a competent teammate.
I'd agree. There's one one other person so you can clearly practice tactics and it isn't a clusterfuck, but that's enough to avoid all the problems of 1v1.
I wish they would make a racing game like Revolt
>at first you're amazed by rocket jump shots
>then you're afraid of then
>then you decide to start taking risks to do them yourself
>then you start getting good with them
>then you start making goals every once in a while with them
>you're still far away from the really god tier players who've mastered that ability, but you're competent enough now that you can actually play with people of the same caliber
>They have a dumb name and no one plays it
>Switch their name to something catchy and it becomes a trend for mtn dew dorito gulping fedoras
I wouldn't call it the GOAT at anything.
>See players fly across the ceiling for a touch
>playing with a controller
Found your problem.
I wish they'd make a Death Race 2000/Carmageddonesque spin-off.
It's got broken achievements. So no its not fucking goat. It's broke
do you actually play RL with keyboard??????
>he doesn't use WASD
Oh dear user. Leave
Start taking risks, it's the only way.
The only good communities are the ones that are dying out with only veterans who play
i'm master race and controller is honestly the best way to play this game, you are either trolling or a fucking poor fag that cant even afford a controller
stop spending so much on mcdonalds and adult diapers
anyone up for some lobby matches?
Flying is fucking hard to master. I consider myself great in every aspect but man I envy people who can fly properly. Then again I'm only level 28.
>playing rl with a keyboard
Not the brightest are you?
Honestly, flying is easy. Even ariel goals are simple; but ball control while in air is the most difficult thing ever.