I'm trying to defend this, but I just can't.
I'm trying to defend this, but I just can't
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If you complain about it enough...
the Atlanta Falcons can win the Super Bowl and Bernie Sanders can become President
my point is,
It's literally just an expansion pack you fucking fuck.
Why was no one shitposting RE7 into oblivion about DLC announced before launch?
Serious question.
The only way anyone can is if "new hard mode" turns out to be Master Quest.
Until Nintendo clears things up, it's best to assume the worst.
Shh shh shh, it's Nintendo, let it go
>expansion pack
>the game isn't even released
oh you mean the content they cut so they can sell it seprately....
yeah ok, next thing you need to drop $20 extra for the ability to jump, you know that's a premium ability and all, totally ok.
Since it wasn't on a Nintendo platform it gets a pass.
>paying money for a hard mode
Jesus Christ it's metro last light all over again.
It's okay to not like something
I'm trying to disagree with you, but I just can't. Seriously, if this was literally any other company, no one would've gave a damn.
Normally I wouldn't defend it, but at this point, the only interest I have is spiting you faggots and hopefully triggering your autism
The content is scheduled for fucking holiday season, you retard. It's probably not even finished yet.
You should be complaining about the fucking Hard mode and "extra map features", not the actually fucking GOOD content. This season pass is a completely mixed bag and you zero in on the one definitively good part of it. How thick are you?
Nintendo was one of the few that didn't already do this, at least not as much.
>Expansion Pack announced literally a fucking month before the game launches
>Release dates are all months away
>People still think it's cut content
Are you people fucking retarded
Go ahead and complain about the DLC all you want but calling this cut content makes you a verifiable retard
>New original story
>New dungeon
>Additional challenges
Just put your name as Zelda.
That doesn't matter, though. They've done it before, you just said that in your post. Why is it any worse now? It's No worse thank anyone else doing DLC. But who am I kidding, Sup Forums will grasp at anything to shitpost.
it's ok if you enjoy eating shit, I'm not going to condone them selling shit to you fanboyz
Too many shills defending it.
>difficulty mode
>not cut content
Probably because you don't need to.
So just pirate it you stupid nigger.
>Gets pointed out for being a dumbass
Oh shit I better call him a fanboy!!!
I miss him
Did you even read my post, or do you just have a fucking stock list of pre-written rebuttals that you copy-paste in response to anything that doesn't specifically agree with you?
You're complaining about the wrong thing, dipshit. I'm trying to improve your argument. You have a much better case arguing against the Hard mode and the "extra map features" than you do arguing against a fucking story expansion which comes out half a year after release.
>willfully ignoring how many years of development this game has had
Real talk, Falcons have no chance at even making the playoffs next year, let alone winning the Super Bowl. The vast majority of runner-ups end up having a shit season, the most notable exception being the '90-'93 Buffalo Bills who lost the Super Bowl 4 times in a row. Combine that with the fact that the NFC South is one of the most chaotic divisions in the league, with a different division winner almost every season with the exception of the three years prior to this one. Falcons got the odds stacked against them.
>make DLC Pack 1 free content added to the game in the Summer
>Divide DLC Pack 2 into three pieces and let people buy them separately, $5.99 each, $14 all three
>remove the expansion bonus
>Patch higher res textures and colors upon release of the New Original Story
Fixed it.
why do people only bitch when Nintendo does it? literally every company has been doing it for years now and nobody batted an eye.
>The man who in the name of delicious blue ocean profit made Nintendo abandon the industry, leaving it in the hands of Microsoft and modern Sony
Nah. Fuck that incompetent nip bastard. I hope he rots in hell.
>difficulty mode
>not cut content
If it's at least as "good" as the Dark Souls 1 DLC then maybe, but eeeh... don't know how will the "holidays" update will play out, could suck balls, they should at least add another area that isn't and entire recycled shit, and knowing Nintendo, they will.
>the game isn't even released
The game has already gone gold. Why wouldn't they start working on extra content?
I bet hero mode will still be in the main game
hoping the new hard mode adds drastic shit like a hunger meter and weight carrying limits or something.
I'd also really enjoy Masterquest if it does happen, but I don't think they're going to retweak that much of the game between now and then.
>No one complained about DLC or cut content until Nintendo
People have been complaining about it forever. Why are nintendo fans so delusional
>i-if i say it's cut content, it IS cut content!
No matter how much you stamp your feet, doesn't make it true
Because Nintendo is ruining a very good game by doing this shitty marketing tactic
>DLC is suddenly okay now
It's not okay when Nintendo does it.
>It's probably not even finished yet.
So it's best to postpone the game
Are you an idiot? If Capcom announced a Dante Must Die DLC, would you defend that too?
>Announcing all your DLC this early
Sasuga, Nintendo.
>A mode where the entire game is exactly the same except for damage calculations
>not cut content
>new hard mode
Hero mode is probably already in the base game.
How do you know this new hard mode is just different damage values?
>Hard mode is Hero mode
[citation needed]
You fucking morons can't say it's just Hero Mode and assume it's nothing but damage increases when all we know about it is the fucking title.
So anyone else who does it is fine? Nintendo didn't start this shit but they will not end this shit. FOR NARNIA!
Didn't Uncharted 4 ship with not one, not two, but over four difficulty modes! In Nintendo World, that's worth three times the price of the game!
This. Its never been okay. In fact, many devs are figuring out its not okay. Just look at what happened to Evolve. AAA budget, AAA Marketing, hyped release, Day 1 DLC, basic vanilla was just that, vanilla. Needed to pay extra for the "good" monsters. The game died within months.
Nintendo is already behind the learning curve here, especially since they are counting on BoTW to be a console seller. This makes day 1 DLC even more stupid.
And day 1 DLC is already stupid. Never preorder games, and never buy games with Day 1 DLC.
What the fuck else would it be?
The first dlc isn't until summer and the 2nd winter, do you seriously think they're gonna spend all that time just sitting on "cut content"?
>what is Destiny
It's common practice at this point.
nice opinion, I think it will do fine in the garbage
What is Master Quest?
>hard mode is dlc
fucking why?
>cut content from the game
>sell it later at a premium
I'm no Nintendope, even I have standards.
Unless the DLC includes playable Zelda I could care less.
It's literally named HARD MODE.
It can't be anything else.
Then it would be called master quest
Is it free?
You're an idiot who doesn't know how to read.
Destiny got a ton of shit for it too, and far from being the next big thing in MMO's to justify Peter Dinklidge voice acting, it remains a modestly populated online game that only a few hard core fans play religiously and was by and large panned as a mediocre shooter with no real story, blatant money grubbing and boring/repetive gameplay that promised to get better in future DLC expansions. That few people bought.
How's it day one DLC when the DLC doesn't come out til summer?
Master Quest, not "Ocarina of Time: hard mode"
It doesn't have to be called master quest for it to be done in the same style, the base game is practically what hero mode was in previous games, the fact they call it a "new" hard mode and not hero mode tells me it's more than just upping the difficulty
Destiny made huge fucking bank off of it's DLCs and is still a very popular Reddit tier game
because Nintendo never lies.
>The game has already gone gold.
If it was Hero mode why not call it Hero mode? Why wait until Summer to release it if all they does is change number values?
>It doesn't have to be called master quest for it to be done in the same style
That's true but it's a stretch to just assume it will be something along the lines of master quest too.
If you pirate the Wii U version you can get the DLC for free. What's the problem again?
Nintendo is supposed to be better than that.
literally who gives a shit, if you support it buy that shit, if you don't then don't
Oh fuck...you're right...other companies are shit too so its okay
>other companies having shitty dlc practices somehow excuses nintendo from also having them
reminder that season passes are the worst type of dlc. Why are you preordering digital content? Do you think they're gonna run out?
So quite literally, it's okay when everyone else does it.
I've never seen a phrase transition in meaning so perfectly
I want to believe
Last light got a massive backlash over the difficulty dlc and nobody bought nor gave a shit about the rest.
What are you trying to prove exactly, other devs are shit so really it's alright that nintendo want to be equally shit.
I can defend bits of it. But not the whole thing
>3 treasure chests
Obviously cut out from the game.
>New cave of trials.
Perhaps they're working hard on this to make it unique? Previous cave trials had simple rooms with enemies in the center. But what if this version has unique rooms, that are carefully constructed?
>New Hard Mode
Perhaps this revamps the whole game? I mean, people are always saying how making enemies do slightly more damage is artificial difficulty. Well... What if they're actually working on smarter enemy placement, and new enemy behaviors? Kind of like Scholar of the First Sin.
>Additional Map Feature
I don't know what the fuck this is.
>New Original story
Doesn't need defending. Something like this takes time to develop. They probably started working on this while the main game was getting polished. As you might imagine, the entire staff doesn't work on the same thing at the same time. So it's feasible that while some dudes were putting the touches on the main game, some other dudes were writing and planning the DLC.
>New Dungeon
Again, doesn't need defending.
>Additional Challanges
Again, just bonus stuff that needs no defending.
>It's okay when Nintendo does it!
I ain't denying that's just as shitty, but don't pretend that makes Nintendo look better. It just makes the other games look worse
Sure, it made bank over YEARS. Which is how DLC is supposed to function. Make long running games profitable by increasing content and keeping up interest in the title.
Where Destiny fucked up was in the Day 1 stuff that pretty much built behind a pay wall what would have been a Great Game with an Okay game. City of Heroes is evidence about how you can make "bank" with an Okay game. World of Warcraft and Guild Wars are evidence about how to make bank with a Great game. WoW and GW2 are MMO's with DLC expansions, but they all came much later, AFTER the Vanilla release, and served to expand on the story to progress it through time, not expand on the story you play in the Vanilla. Which is what Destiny did.
So shooter bots still play Destiny. But actual MMO players do not. Destiny's entire point was to try and create an MMO in the Shooter genre. On that front, they failed. And while it has since turned a profit, I would be willing to bet the opportunity cost is much greater then the modest returns.
>Nintendo is better than these shitty modern companies with their casualized games and dlc business practices
>ok so Nintendo makes casual shit and DLC too, b-but they're still better
Because that's capcom. Did you forget about the dlc for SFxT?
treasure chests
>Obviously cut out from the game.
One of them contains a Switch shirt that Link can wear.
>in my mind
>Scholar of the First Sin
One thing is fixing / redesigning your game after release.
Another thing is announcing a fixed re-release before releasing the actual game.
>What if they're actually working on smarter enemy placement, and new enemy behaviors? Kind of like Scholar of the First Sin.
>smarter enemy placement,
>Scholar of the First Sin
>new hard mode
pretty sure I read that correctly, faggot
>it's okay if it's Capcom because we expect that of them
>see they do it too!
Then you shouldn't have paid for internet, bought dlc and guaranteed the developer you would pay $60 for something as long as it isn't too obvious you're getting fucked. Add in supporting shitting games; thinking padding and "world exploring" directly equates a game is worthwhile or only giving your money to "sure thing" games and pirating anything new or interesting thus bringing most random, creative or just different concepts even more niche. Now we're just stagnant and cynical.
Welcome newfag
Nothing of real value, will be armor and a good sword for sure. There is a good bow right about the Temple of Time so it works out.
>DLC Pack 1
Meh. We will be so overloaded on Sheikah Slate puzzles that a Cave of Trials seems pointless. New Hard Mode will probably put more emphasis on the survival aspects, less food/resources and FREE shit. Maybe stuff breaks easier too.
Map feature, is a little fucking weird to sell as DLC unless its important. No clue.
>DLC Pack 2
Will only be worth it if it adds new area to the map to house the stuff.
Well, yeah, because revamping the whole game takes some time. So they're saying that they're going to release the normal game now. And then give you the revamped version later, when it's ready.
I mean, if they have it on their to-do list, then why not announce it now?
>thumbnail looks as though Zelda has huge hits