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kill me
not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
He was a big guy.
>click on a Timesplitters thread
>it's actually a shitposting thread
For you
Tfw nobody wants to talk about how TS:R is confirmed to come out this year
Rewind when?
I will buy a trillion copies of it just so we get TS4.
Also, I hope it'll come to the Switch, because portable multiplayer TimeSplitters is honestly the most perfect game I can imagine.
>tfw Sup Forums doesn't care about this game's teaser trailer but only the Sony vs Switch
I'm pretty hyped. Timesplitters never gets enough love.
It was dumb to make it any longer than 30 seconds, but the ending hyped me up so much. My heart sank when I saw 2018, but then they fucking bait and switched us.
Filename and Pic made me chuckle
Mfw I saw 2017
I've never played the original TimeSplitters. I own it, but my PS2 slim can't play the old blue discs.
Is the game comparable to the sequels at all?
TS1 is like 007 Goldeneye but I guess is sort of like MGSV:GZ to TS2 (TPP) although
TS1 has mini levels and feels like it's fast paced and I hear it's kind of hard since the "Story mode" has no health packs/armor
TS2 is the best game in the series
TS:FP is enjoyable and still alot of fun but not as hard
Looks pretty cool, I watched Damianaids streams when he was doing them and it looked good.
I think the main reason there isn't much hype is they have been so fucking secretive about it, for the last 2 or 3 months there weren't any no updates whatsoever, I didn't even see any tweets about it
The last time there was info or videos/streams was like in November
It was like a Covert Time period, too bad they didn't release a beta during christmas time like they were planning
>2008 was 9 years ago
good find
I wish virus featured in other multiplayer FPS games.
>TimeSplitters Rewind is multiplayer only
>they're hosting dedicated servers instead of just doing player to player
>the game will be free
I wonder how they'll keep up with the costs of the servers if the game is free.
Ads during server selection and during the respawn counter?
Sounds like Battlefield 3
game free but paid perks, app-style?
Gonna start dumping some of the character models they shared this week.
Why would it be free? Didn't they get the go ahead from Crytek to make the game? Why's it have to be non-profit?
There are new things?
I don't pay attention to the Facebook
Only PS4 community, YT, and tsrewind . com
>they're hosting dedicated servers instead of just doing player to player
They are involved with Crytek a little bit on the project, maybe they had some spare servers or something.
>TimeSplitters Rewind is multiplayer only
They were working on single player stuff, they said they planned to keep adding content but then again they last time I heard about it was a stream in november, did you read this stuff somewhere recently?
They can't make money off of it because Crytek owns the IP
Uploaded on the 11th directly to their site.
Well, I wish Crytek would just publish it, then. I want to give money to show support of TimeSDplitters, even if that means giving it to Crytek.
>hey guys, you can use the old assets and all if you want
>nah let's do it all from scratch
i have to admit that their effort's commendable, all things considered
>eavesdrop on a bad guy rally
>they unfurl a banner of their most hated enemy
>it's you
I'm melting!
>That fucking level on hard
Honestly, after that shit, it was refreshing how easy the final boss was.
Godbless you for getting this pic, user
Was it from the actual game?
I just wish there was the campaign mode to let all the models shine in the cutscenes. Or arcade and challenges at the very least.
Did the stats even do anything? I never noticed any changes from character to character.
Was that the one where you have to defend yourself in the past as the sniper that saved you in the first mission? My game glitched the last time I played that and I couldn't beat it. Past Cortez somehow got inside the sniper bunker and started shooting at me. Every time I died, he'd come right back to me because I guess that where he was when the game autosaved. It was fucking bizarre.
You could turn them off anyway
>Let's delay the game for 5 years just for fun instead giving the fan what they want, also let's change the engine 2 times
Trully commendable
And that's all.
Those are pretty rad, thanks, user.
Woops, might be nice if I attached the last image.
Yeah, that's the one. It's basically all the worst possible pieces of game design thrown into one big pile, and I seem to remember encountering a couple of bugs in it as well. It's a pity, because both the 1924 levels either side of it are pretty damn enjoyable (even if the final one is stupidly easy).
Can someone explain to me why you become different people in TS2? Are they related to Cortez and the girl or are just "bodies" that they borrow or something?
Or is the "you actually went from the past but it means that it was gonna happen/happened exactly like that so you didn't actually went to the pass but to a future (or present) version of the past that keeps the current timeflow untouched"?
Some characters were faster than the others or height differences and other stuff
Some just worked on the bots
I'm guessing they'll do the Campaign/Story/Singleplayer last and include it in an update while every body has fun on the Multiplayer
Godbless, thank you user
The game is (very close) to being actually completed
There was a video that had the sounds when characters were killed
The new models really show off how nasty ass the Splitters look.
You go back in time but also turn into them/go into their bodies
>that guy who always chose meme characters in multiplayer like this fucker and monkey
>they didn't know about best girl krayola
>The game is (very close) to being actually completed
Yea and would have been completed years ago if they didn't do everything they could to delay it
Well, they really are just humans mutated beyond all belief.
hey fuck you Monkey was great. Especially since I got good enough where my friends couldn't hit me and I fucking memed all over them I want to be a teenager again
Dude you wouldn't have wanted it to turn out like Haze or another game without reviewing what they have
I think the wait looks like it was worth it
Give them some slack, they aren't getting payed for it so most/all of them have dayjobs, and they are strangers so not the most reliable team except the most dedicated members. They also had to switch engines in october IIRC
I'm surprised he's an Overall Mutant when at least 40% of him is not mutated.
I know what you're thinking, and you're right!
This is possibly the best thread I've ever been in
>They're doing it for free
All they had to do is take the tons of assets they got for free, put it into the Crysis multiplayer mode and make it plays like TS
But no, let's start from scratch and change engine 2 times
every time
*faint " dammit ! "*
>game is free
Does this basically confirm that it won't be on consoles like they said they wanted?
Why doesn't Crytek just publish them? It's basically free money.
I usually played monkey. Maybe fifty percent of the time.
Is gonna be on PS4 and guaranteed PC
It's probably gonna end up like a reverse TF2 after some time if Crytek UK(?) thinks they should slap a price on it
Nice try
They want to be done with it too, but they want it to be as good as they can make it.
Also, they didn't change engines for shits and giggles, they started with Cryengine, realised it wasn't very good and changed to Unreal, but then when Crytek started taking the project seriously in Sept or Oct of 2016 IIRC, they wanted them to switch back to Cryengine, which had improved since they last tried it.
scum of the earth
>not picking the Gingerbread Man
>when Crytek started taking the project seriously
I hope this means they're starting to realize there's a market for a new TimeSplitters. Or at the very least, a shooter that's not a gritty CoD clone.
>sparta remixes
holy shit that takes me back
>the waifufaggot who only picked the busty female characters
>the younger kid who always chose the animals
>the impatient guy who didn't give a shit about aesthetics and just picked vanilla Cortez
>the based patrician who always picked Viola, Stone Golem, or Dr. Amy Chen in FP
Really makes you think
That's what these guys are hoping to accomplish, and it's why they are putting so much effort into it, they want to make game developers/publishers realise people want games that are actually good. Heres hoping thats actually true.
Cortez is aesthetic as fuck though to be fair