Would you still play games if you were a billionaire?

Would you still play games if you were a billionaire?

what the fuck else are you supposed to do as a billionaire

I'd prolly an hero. Not much to do once you 100% a game.

First post, best post.

But that was the second post.

Yes, it would become next to the only thing I do all day

Got nothing else to do with my time.
Might try my hand at making one, could be fun.

I'd buy a loyal girlfriend willing to have her tongue removed.

What about hacking/glitch-running/speedrunning?


I'd have one of those home theathers that costs 50000 and a extremely confy room, with all the consoles and games created. No need for their boxes, though.

I'd like to say yeah. I went through a period of comparative riches and I played vidya throughout all of it - ultimately to my own demise. Looking back now that I'm broke I can't believe I didn't go and travel and stuff, I did do lots of partying, drugs and hookers, but still played vidya basically all of the time outside of that.

> blowjobs?

Why remove tongue? So she can't speak to other guys, or so she can't speak at all?

So she can't speak.

I'd hire people to play them for me

>Not removing her vocal cords

I sure as hell plan on it when I retire comfortably

Until then I will grind the gristle as a wageslave and hope I don't die before I retire and enjoy it.

I still want her to be able to grunt.

Might donate half of it

I feel generous when I have tons of money

snort cocaine out of a teenage asian girl's asshole and donate to charity

There exist mute and / or deaf individuals you know

Also what kind of fag wouldn't get a cute trap over a girl

>implying I play games now

I'd still shitpost about them though.

If I'm not willing to listen to a sane woman talk, why would you think I'm willing to listen to an insane bitch boy talk?

So get a mute one, we just went over this

"Cute traps" generally tend to have extreme brain problems and daddy issues compared to a crazy ex-girlfriend. Cute traps are 100x bigger degenerates than even the sluttiest of sluts.

I don't want a mute woman. I want a woman willing to make herself mute for money.

>buy any console you want
>smash them and take pics for a consolewar thread
>avalanches of (You)s

Two chicks at the same time.

absolutely, I'd use that money to move away into a quaint single family home and finally procure a bunch of expensive/rare games and display them in a custom built game room, equipped with RGB modded retro systems hooked up to Sony CRTs and a Samsung KS8000 for the HD systems, then take lots of pictures and post them to Reddit and Sup Forums for empty validation.

This post.

Probably desu. I'd put some towards a business and for shits and giggles, try to save some money to where I can have tripfags and other shitposters assasinated irl.

Are you actually Lex Luthor?

Yes, maybe less often but yes.

I'm not sure how I'd feel after getting the money, but I can't see myself being happy if I "won" it instead of earning it. I'd probably donate most of it away, though keeping just enough to pay off uni loans.

Either way, I'd still play games.

Don't be ridiculous. I have hair.

I'd not only play games, I'd fund them.

Just be like "Hey Nintendo, Sega, here's $250 million for a new F-Zero, have Amusement Vision reunited and get on that shit."

I'd also research and give to worthwhile charities. Really after I've obtained the money for a modest house, cleaning maid/hooker and lifetime's supply of food/electricity/games/internet access, I would be set. Someone smarter than me would be able to reinvest and make more money, but if I'm already content why would I give a shit?


Obviously, I could buy almost any console and any game. Like said, if I gave a company money, say my idea, and they could make it. If your passionate about something, and get tons of money, I don't think you would quit doing it.

If play pay2win trash only to slap my cash on everyone's faces

Those things don't just eat money; they eat time.

Of course you dribbling moron.

No, I would rent a shitty apartment for life and play music all day until I die