Hi, it's me...

Hi, it's me, the person who ruined all future discussion of The Legend of Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog because of my annoying fanbase that will parrot every shitty opinion that I have.

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who?

Maybe you shouldn't be discussing zelda with 13 year olds then

Actually who?

t. bootyblasted OOT fanboy

Who is this?

>because of my annoying fanbase that will parrot every shitty opinion that I have.
just show them this


Hey man just an idea but perhaps stop caring so fucking much about internet celebs.

>2007 was 10 years ago

When the fuck did he ever say anything about Sonic the Hedgehog at length?

they've already seen this

in addition to all the other cut footage

>skips dialogue and tutorials while talking about random shit

I don't remember anything from that video other than complaints about how slow combat is.

>people born this millennium will be allowed to post next year

This is why you should shoot anyone who makes a "woah, this game is so much DEEPER than we thought and isn't just a mindless play thing" video

Well, despite all the Sonic playthroughs that's been through Game Grumps he never managed to elaborate more on a point other than "Going fast isn't a fun game mechanic"
Apparently he does have some good argument though 'cause he managed to convince Jon offscreen that Adventure sucks just as much as 06

People are already looking back at games like Modern Warfare 2 in nostalgia, something we used to meme about when it released.
I wonder how much this shithole will change in the next couple of years. Too bad I'm stuck here forever

>implying they aren't posting in this very thread

>all future discussion
Who the fuck are you talking to? Normal people can have sane conversations without just repeating others viewpoint

Don't forget about Megaman. You ruined that too.

Not even memeing, WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?

fuck off cyrus

>discussion of The Legend of Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog

This is what autism sounds like.

>Spend god knows how long playing Wind Waker because you fucking suck at it
>Blames it on the game/ "3d Zelda sucks"

It was my first Zelda and I beat it with no problem

stop spoiling dan in the papermario playthrough you faggot

i've been here since highschool back in 2007
It feels like this place gets better and better

Their fake laughter gives me cancer

especially dans

>Used to live with some asswipe who was obsessed with Game Grumps
>Didn't even play 99% of the games but parroted their opinions as law
>Walked into my room while I was playing the 3DS remake of OoT one day and was like "wow I can't believe you bought that trash a second time"

>Other group of friends
>Used to watch Spoony
>Never played FF8 or FF10 myself but gave them a shot when I was older
>They're both stupid in their own ways but nowhere near on the awful level that Spoony said
>He was even dead ass fucking wrong about drawing, you can still easily get magic in other ways
>Nope doesn't matter Spoony said they were shit and drawing sucks and HAW HAW HAW so that's the end of that

>"Don't equip Power Smash, it sucks."

>finds pretty lucky on accident
>doesn't equip it immediately
>even after reading it

I thought Ocarina of Time was shit before he did Sequelitis. Legend of Zelda in general, like all Nintendo games, is severely overrated on the internet.

lol fags talking about videogames on a website dedicated to videogame discussion, how autistic

not video games

Oh no. A game series that is highly overrated and a game series that is completely shit wont have much discussions. The horror.

any chance of sonic discussion has been killed by either the fans themselves and/or the bad taste some of the games left on people already