Final boss is you from the future

>final boss is you from the future

name 526 games that do this.

litterally name 10 (ten) games that does this.
professional tip: you can not

>final boss is evil simply because he chooses to be

At least 2 or 3 FF games do this

1) Infamous 1
2) ????

>final boss is you from the past

>Final boss IS the past

>final boss is you turning on the rest of your team and they have to fight you

>Spiderman: Edge of Time
...umm, someone help me out here


Yugioh 5Ds.
I can't think of any games, but luckily OP didn't specify games. Just said "final boss"

Final boss IS YOU!!!!


Mega Man 2 for Gameboy. I'm not kidding, you do kill your future self.

>final boss is just you with black clothes

>Final boss is your son, but you're older than him

Bioshock infinite

>Final boss is your son, but you're younger than him

Would the timeline diverge, or was it always destined to happen; for example, some things in the future happen which causes you to go back in time to fight yourself?

obviously faggot

>Final boss is your son, but you're him

Time travelling should theoretically spawn a new timeline without direct causality to the previous one. From its point of view time traveler would appear out of nowhere and would be a different person from a local instance of himself

>Final boss is your love interest

What happens to the previous timeline? Could you ever go back, or would you make another new timeline?

>Final boss is your last character

What is that, Soul Reaver?

What is that, Gungeon?

It would make a new timeline.

A typical answer would be whatever is required by the plot

>Final boss is your best friend

Fire Emblem Awakening.

>You are the final boss. Not your character. You, the player

>final boss is some random nobody from the beginning of the game you completely forgot about
>he's somehow the most important character in the whole game

>final boss is fate
>rip fate's fate and use said fate to beat fate to death

>final boss listens to classical music and quotes Shakespeare

>Final boss is you and your gf from 50 days in the future
>No one knows why they came back and became evil because the game isn't fully translated

>he still fails to knock you all down

>final boss is your son


>final boss is a man of taste and wealth

>Final boss fight
>Remix of title theme plays

>Final Boss has the powers of all previous bosses.

Name Infamous (Infamous) that does this.

>Final boss theme is played at the beginning of the game
>Most of the music in the game is orchestral
>It's a goddamn heavy metal track
>The lyrics spoil the entire game

>final boss is everyone that's left


>Final boss is a cutscene followed by "Walk Forward while final boss is yelling at you, press F to kill."

Well. I guess you can say singularity' "boss" is you from the future. Not really

>Final boss is your player character but heavily mutated

>Final boss takes place in the internet

>protag's theme is vocal-heavy metal
>final boss's theme is orchestral


ninja gaiden


>final boss has his own QTE

infamous 2

>final boss doesn't even have that.

Theoretically, you could never go back to a timeline once you leave it. Depending on your actions, you could possibly reach a new timeline that is extremely similar to your original one, but you can never go back to the exact same timeline you left because the original line never had a time traveling version of you existing on it. Any new line you went to would have to account for a time traveling version of you existing on it.

Axiom Verge.