ITT: We post characters who won't be in Smash for the Switch.
ITT: We post characters who won't be in Smash for the Switch
A non-sword Wielding FE character
Also Layton.
i get it, because fucking goddamn lucy gets to be in the game and all she does is make people pissed off for being a fussbudget with bad voice acting and no 25th anniversary acknowledgement
Ace attorney is my favourite game series of all time, this is all I've wanted from smash for almost 5 years now, I'm still sad
while there WERE more Nintendo reps that deserved to get in, like Little Mac, Mega Man, (anybody from Final Fantasy 1-6), Bimmy and Jimmy, Banjo Kazooie,I thought for sure Phoenix could get in since he's since been in a fighting game and is a Nintendo character
pls nintendu
It's not fair
I seriously wonder how people would react if this guy appeared on Smash.
I mean, Bully was released for Wii.
Mallo would be cool. some sort of frog coin attack, his thunderbolt. don't need to introduce "healing" into smash, so his rain cloud shit could be harmful
horizontal floating as a cloud recovery
I'd have preferred pic related over corrin.
>A non-FE character
Fixed it for you
i agree
but a non-sword guy would be better
Shrek, from Shrek Super Slam
Pig Ganon never.
Hector will be in to promote Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Elibe
anyone new at all
I can dream, but in the end, its' just that... a dream
He has plenty of gadgets, why not?
is he NOT from Playstation now?
also all those shitty Nintendo only characters. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel. the Unicycle from Uniracers. Lester the Unlikely
This is cancer.
I remember in the pre-melee hype he was one of everyones top picks. Now I don't even know what the legal state of Harvest Moon is anymore.
reminder that goku is shit and kid goku would fit smash better
DB can't fit because poewr levels. he'd own all. demon king piccolo was the best and he beat him
Chrom is already in the game user.
delete this
You weren't exactly specifying criteria.
We're posting characters who WON'T be in Smash Switch
She got an assist trophy but sadly, thats as far as she will get. Knowing Sakurai, he will just add another Fire Emblem character.
Henry Fleming, Qbby, Mallo.
Square just threw Cloud into Smash for keks. FF7:Re isn't coming to the Switch.
I know, I did.
>tfw glorious mahvel race
PW only deserves to be in an actual fighting game, not a party game for autists.
still mad bout tvc though
>yfw Snake won't be back
>yfw Wonder Red won't be in to celebrate the release of Wonderful 102
>yfw Bayonetta won't be back
>Zelda won't have here qt BotW design as an alt
>yfw Toon Link will be in the game instead of literally any other Zelda character
After Smash 4 had the greatest roster of all time of any game, I can't help but think Smash 5 will disappoint since its unlikely the stars will align the same way again. Truly this is the darkest timeline
At least we'll get the Splatoon characters, which'll be interesting.
underrated post, also cd-i link
smash 4's roster was garbage though, way too many FE characters and clones
The closest thing you could get would be a Dragon Quest hero
>not enjoying smash for fun alongside real fighting games
Truly you're only shooting yourself in the foot
But you could remove every single FE character and it would still have the best roster ever. Don't forget there were fifty eight (58) characters in that game, so you can afford a few misses with a roster that big.
it'll always be garbage until we get Ice Climbers back, see Tsubasa and Wonder Red, and FUCKING REMOVE DARK PIT
I do play them for fun when I can if a friend has it.
But I guess I know only autists who are try hards that can't do a fucking shoryuken or a Stacy/Chad that I need to actively try to suck ass so I don't destroy them
She could be Peach's Falco
but I don't have a picture of Daisy
Honest question, would you be more OK with the clones if they were smaller icons next to their parent character?
Autists always seem to have a problem recognizing that clones take less dev time and behave more like alt-costumes (which everyone loves) so I wonder if that would help
Smash 4 Switch is just gonna be a Wii U port nig.
It's gonna have every Wii U character plus one or two new characters for Switch.
not him, but I like clones. they play differently, as in, their techniques have different properties and that is what is important
but have yoshi/birdo be clones, and not four other Marths
my problem is that they take a visual roster slot for what's basically a costume and one-mechanic alt for a character already in the game
i don't care about the reduced dev time for muh roster size, i'm here to play a game with a roster of interesting nintendo characters - i'd rather have a smaller roster of unique characters than one bloated with meme alts
>but have yoshi/birdo be clones, and not four other Marths
this would be acceptable
basically if you have a near-clone, either go all the way with a new model or skip it and work on something more interesting
Do you have a problem with alt-costumes like Wario's or Bayonetta's?
Baran Doban
too big
Protoman deserves to be in a game
any game
I'd say he's got fairly decent odds. Like... a 10% - 15% chance. Better than a lot of other characters.