He is not a "Mega Man". That is a kid and the alien that enveloped his body as living armor...

He is not a "Mega Man". That is a kid and the alien that enveloped his body as living armor. Neither one of those parts are anything like any of the other characters to take the name "Mega Man".

OUR PRESIDENT, Donald John Trump, is coming to town tomorrow!

Battle network was the comfiest mega man has ever been.

How is a Tamagotchi more like Mega Man than this?

He's a huMan and also War-Rock

Rock Man

Luna > Sonia

Also, the name was all Omega's/War Rock's idea. And he's kinda got an inflated ego.

How is fusing with your brother's dead fetus any more Megaman?

Because that's essentially cyborgization (well, digitization).

Battle Network >>>>>>>> Star Force


Geo >>>>> Lan and Mega Man.

Geo's one of the few protagonists you don't want to see fail and would jump for joy when they succeed. It's nice to finally have a character you want to see be happy.

>Luna > Sonia

Isn't that from Battle Network?

We need a report option for "keep the thread, but ban OP"

I can't take your opinion seriously with worst girl slathered on top of it. Explain why you think Geo is more likable than Lan?

Luna loved him first.

Also Snek > Harp

Luna never loved him. She loved Megaman.

Sonia loves both, and understands what Geo has been through.

>Geo >

Shut up, Boco. You would be a Soniafag,

Play SF2 and 3.

The character development is good.

So is also slightly extremely boring and would drop Geo for her superhero gig.


Did you play the games? Any idiot could see it.

That part where she asks Geo to be her first Link Brother? Thats love, baby.

I'd still fuck him tbqh

The first battle network pissed me off.

Series didn't hit its stride until 2.

It's okay. It pisses a lot of people off.

I want another battle network game.

>That one nigga that still make Luna doujins every year.

Now that's true dedication

Star force is underrated, it's just BN 2.0

>no battle network anthology that requires you to complete the game once to move onto the sequel


It was an all new series, the first game being unpolished is to be expected.

Virutal console versions have all the online and event chips on it.

Its something but yeah, a Anthology pack would be real nice.

>tfw there will never be a Megaman Battle Network Remastered Collection for the Switch with HD hand drawn sprites, online multiplayer, a Switch/Mobile app that acts as your "PET", and a feature where you get real life battlechips and scan them using NFC to battle

I feel like this could have been the future of battle network games, but all we got was re-releases on the wiiU, not even the 3DS.

not him but geo has a really good character arc from isolating himself because of his fathers death to trusting and socializing with others. SF1 in general had a pretty good story