Are they really that op?
Every time i duel with someone and they get rekt, they cry about how strong lawbringers are.
For honor thread
Are they really that op?
Every time i duel with someone and they get rekt, they cry about how strong lawbringers are.
For honor thread
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depends on who they're playing retard
>Implying classes actually counter each other.
Kek no
Lawbringer is almost certainly the worst class in the game.
Nope. I saw someone go 15-0 by running away constantly and only attacking from behind/the side with those impaling charges
What exactly is that pole arm he uses?
No, Lawbringer is actually pretty solid and one of the good, playable characters at high level (Warden, Lawbringer, Warlord, Orochi, Peackeeper even with her bug are all pretty fucking strong). Definitely not OP, probably the least powerful of the strong classes, but still very good.
The only class I'd say is overpowered is Warden, and he's not even so much overpowered as just incredibly low risk, which is very very powerful at this stage in the games' life where people aren't really good yet. There are other characters with high execution barriers that might be great once people start to get good at them (Nobushi), and then there are just trashy shit characters with no redeeming qualities (Raider).
This ain't a general thread m80
OP's image looks like a bardiche
The most versatile weapon ever invented.
Actually that title is held by valkyrie. Luckily they'll be buffing her damage a bit and giving her more link options come next patch.
That being said I'm almost renown 3 with her and my equipment rating is 70. But yeah Valk has no good damage. So even though she has HELLA tools you have to use all of them and do Hella mixups to get any good damage. Even if I do get a full mixup on someone it'll probably do like 3 segments of health and then I'll be out of stamina.
heh low tier
i like this game, but does anyone else wish there were MORE microtransactions?
>More virtual items to buy with real cash
Fucking why would you want more?
Yeah let's see how "versatile" it is now, kiddo
Compared to the other deflect classes too her deflect window is very small too. Even kensei has a bigger deflect window and he's technically not a deflect class.
Wow what game are you playing?
There are confirmed changes for an upcoming patch already?
You gotta win a few rounds to get that feat tho, user.
>Tori gate emblem
Nice so you actually get diffrent looking gear at rank 3. Have you gotten any new looking weapons, for the Shugoki I have only seen 4 so far.
a bit yeah
why do retards always leave after a match instead of fastpressing ready ? Do they feel like the matchmaking is actually shorter? It takes so fucking long to find a match, I really don't get it.
They'll just do the same thing they did IRL and ban it from competitive.
I imagine they want to play against someone else.
omg. Now I gotta grind even more.
is this game worth the money? or does it get old in 2 hours?
it looks fun, but it also looks like it could get hyper repetitive really fast
still playing, still figuring out the meta. Don't believe all the "defense is zomg" videos (or even posters who wouldnt even try to provide proofs), cause it's always shitters doing shit vs skilled defense.
>80% hp
>get crossbow'd mid special grab.
>now at 1% hp
>grab connects and is now an instant kill on the PK
>non-stop complaining from the PK for the rest of the elimination match
Servers are complete shit, game is broken is several places (More broken than the closed alpha even). In the same way as R6: Siege took a bit of time to stablise and get un-shit, I'd have to advise waiting til' this does thesame.
Because it's a great game that is bogged down by complete shit at the mo.
Fun as fuck, but yeah, if you want a "perfect" experience wait a bit.
Shugokis grab is just as bullshit as the crossbow to be fair.
I didn't even know the game had micro transactions until I had put around 5-6 hours in.
All you have to do is not be aggressive when they are at low health and if they miss the grab they lose 25% of their life plus leaves them open for a free R2. They practically kill themselves.
That class is the ultimate beginner crusher. As soon as you know about what he can do hes a push over.
If they removed pits and environmental hazards from the game it would only be an improvement, prove me wrong
Lawbringer is top tier in the 4v4 gamemodes.
Fighting anything + a Lawbringer is practically impossible. Fighting two Lawbringers at the same time is an act of futility.
He's still garbage 1v1 though, and dumpstering baddies doesn't refute that.
git gud
obviously never take these statements for granted, since they are mostly "until a better player proves me otherwise". This may happen soon enough or not.
mfw absolutely deleting 3 players with purple gear
holy shit man
>Fighting two Lawbringers at the same time is an act of futility.
There is no honor, only The Law.
Environment hazards are fine. Pits need to be less of a focal point.
Actually they are un-op as in they have extremely low stamina, low damage threshold, low health bar and they are extremely slow
The conqueror basically out rabks all of those compared to the lawbringer and the only thing the lawbringer has that the conqueror doesn't is the ability to impaled charge but that's about it.
Shit class, desu
Zero combos, babby tier shit. But newhomos get smashed.
>not spamming "I AM THE LAW" in chat
missed opportunity
I was amazed at how the conqueror basically makes the lawbringer a weak bitch
>Zero combos
I can only assume that when people say this they're just not counting the chains?
What about heavy>shove>gb>side heavy, ad infinitum?
or heavy>shove>long arm>light/gb?
I started the match with "We are the Law"
if you need a GB or a long arm
those are techable/dodgable
Still you could've spammed it with every kill and finished rounds with "WE ARE THE LAW"
>actually believing this
>tfw you're finally starting to reflexively block guard breaks
>tfw all the shitter tears
Most people don't consider it a combo unless its a straight chain. if it can be blocked, dodged or parried after the first blow. It's not a combo. It's just a chain of hits your enemy failed to defend against.
>things that are extraordinarily easy to defend against 1v1 if you're facing anyone with anything like moderate skill
That's not a combo, you shitter.
Ahh yes the Law and their sidekick the warden
As slow as the lawbringer is, its still really scary to be chased down by 2-3 of them
takes too much time, Justice needed dispencing.
Though I have taken to telling people "Don't run, you'll just die tired"
And nearly any attack is blockable and parryable. It's my job to mix shit up so that they don't know if I'll just smack them with a light, double a double heavy, a single, gb, long arm, or just shove them and wait. I'm in no rush to kill them. People will eventually mess up.
>if it can be blocked, dodged or parried after the first blow. It's not a combo.
Then most of For Honor's heroes have about one or two combos each. For example, Lawbringer's combo is a parry into a light. After a Heavy > Light> Heavy you can also deal a Light attack for garunteed damage, but you need to get there first, so I guess it doesn't count. Those are the only guaranteed damage attacks he has. Everything else can be blocked, dodged, or interrupted.
The kill effects are so goofy
>Tfw you realize the Lawbringers impale is the fastest execution move in the game
The animation itself takes a while, but look at how quickly the skull pops up. That's practically impossible to interrupt in time.
Figuring out the timing for guardbreaking is like Neo seeing the Matrix the first time. Suddenly every scrub is rendered harmless to you. I've gotten to the point where if a dude is too easily readable, I'll just stand there menacingly, parrying and teching everything he throws at me until he gets his buttmad reaches maximum. Then comes the 100% combo string.
You're not wrong. The combos are amazingly basic and simple. seldom more than 4 inputs but they are there. I was quite fond of orochi's running slash into two free hits combo in the beta but they removed it.
Don't rely on that muscle memory too much, they're going to change the timing next update.
That's why it's what you should buy first. you use it in the middle of team fights to make sure there's no revives.
He is pretty good in 1v1.
Once you start cornering people which is really easy to do with that shove.
Even backed into a corner he has options to deal with you. It's the nature of a counter attacker class.
Just sometimes it feels like you have to do so much in order to deal damage with him, while other classes can just spam lights and dodges.
Fuck I'm shit at this game. Probably gonna quit entirely. Could have been a good game. Somehow the pvp is not as enjoyable as dark souls pvp.
Good lord I love the story mode.
>That whole knight campaign basically being half-finished bootleg golden age berserk, leading up to a fight with a viking warlord and his pack of wolves
>That viking bantz
>The fight with General Tazon
>That Samurai campaign, Momji is best girl
>Using a charging wild elephant to your advantage in the battlefield
>That duel with the protag from the knight campaign, followed by FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH APOLLYON, NOW SAMURAI ARE MY BEST FRIEND
>The fight with Apollyon herself
It was hype the whole way through, and the weakest part was the knight campaign (basically boiled down to "...the Blackstone Legion..." followed by "I only had more questions..." near the end), but even then it was still really good. 8/10
Rank each each class from most fun to play against to least fun to play against.
Then rank each class from most fun to play as to least fun to play as.
Depends how you define fun. I personally enjoy the Kinsei just because he doesn't have any cheap gimmicks. Every victory is a hard fought win.
Certain other classes just feel so hollow when you win. Like YOU didn't win, the class did.
>uh... vikings...
I kinda stopped giving a fuck 2 hours in once I realized the entire campaign was a million battles with stupid bots.
Why do people always have a hard time with Kensei's name?
That's pretty much every singleplayer campaign ever, though.
This. Smoking a spinning orochi with him in duel is pure boner fuel.
Listen to this user. It's a superb game, I loved the beta. But wait a month or so for the balance/stability issues to be fixed. You'll get the game cheaper as well.
Everybody looks like a shitter vs average defense. It's so incredibly broken.
I play Nobu, and literally all I do is sit around waiting for an attack, then parry into a free GB overhand heavy. That's the entire game right now.
Now, if I was playing one of the fucking broken classes like Warden, I could throw a few attacks in there, because his top light is almost impossible to parry, and his zone is even worse. Or I could use the bullshit shoulder bash into GB combo to maximise my damage off every parry with zero risk.
But because I'm playing Nobu, attacking isn't an option. The kick is so slow that it isn't an option either. The most I can do is throw out a feint or two.
I kind of like the samurai one
the preview video in the game does not actually have the effect in executions where lots of petals surround your weapon
It was boring shit that I had to play for way longer than necessary because of all the fucking breakables. Skipped every single cutscene, and I still got 80% of the story because of how simplistic it was.
>Plays Nobu
>Comments on the balance of other classes
Ignoring for a moment the fact that you have bullshit bleed damage, range for days, a retreating blow and an unbreakable wombo combo with your kick
You have a dedicated i-grames button. You just have to hit that stance and boom. You win the exchange. Raider charging you? Iframes. Unbloackable coming your way? iframes. Someone trying to grab you off a ledge? iframes.
>I personally enjoy the Kinsei just because he doesn't have any cheap gimmicks.
>having a more diverse moveset is a gimmick
All of the exclusive stuff is easy as shit to avoid, with the obvious exception of Warden being the most broken character in the game. As long as you aren't playing Warden, you don't really have any cheap gimmicks, because every class can get an easy GB into environmental kill off.
Also, Kensei is pretty horseshit because if you parry one of his heavies, sometimes he's too far away for the grab.
Lawbringer against slower characters like heavies that have low offense, is really broken, if you don't have the dodge distance to evade the unblockables, he can just do unblockable combos on you repeatedly until you're dead.
On the other hand, against the faster characters he's kind of shit.
>Shitters that complain about nobushi always reference the kick
>Literally just sidestep and avoid one of the slowest unblockable attacks in the game that doesn't actually do damage
>that filename
My nigga
>bullshit bleed damage,
I do more damage with the parry move. Bleed really doesn't mean shit.
>range for days,
GB range is tiny, so again, worthless.
>a retreating blow
That nobody will ever be hit by.
>and an unbreakable wombo combo with your kick
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was talking to someone with 20 minutes in the game. Dodge the kick, retard. It's a free punish, and you always know it's coming after the triple if you're too shitty to block.
Hidden stance is pretty shit, and barely ever works right. It doesn't help that the game has no binding options for it on controller, too, so you just have to hope you pressed exactly down on the stick.
Nice try but Nobuishi was the first character I learned. There is simply nothing you can do to win against a good Nobu. I dialed it back to Orochi and Kensei specifically because Nobu felt like I was outright cheating
Spears are the greatest weapons in history so it makes sense that the developers would make Nobu good.