Can we just have a chill Nier/Drakengard thread like we used to do?

Can we just have a chill Nier/Drakengard thread like we used to do?

To be honest, I am kinda worried about Automata, I know that Taro's behind it, and the man does not disappoint, but I also fear that since it's being developped by Platinum that it's going to be a too focused on the CUHRAZY aspects of the game instead of the good ol' Taro-fucks-your-mind-and-makes-you-feel-things-for-polygons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your concern is not misplaced but I doubt it.
At worst, it'll be a mixture of both.

I surely hope so, if they nail both the story and gameplay aspect of the game I think I will have a new favorite game.

Early on the guys at platinum mentioned that they were fans of the series and didn't want to turn it too much into one of their games. I'm sure that Nier A will have Taro's usual writing complimented by fun gameplay from platinum

I don't really care what direction it takes in the gameplay. I'm just on this ride for the music, everything else is just a bonus.

Though I did think that Giant robot fight in the Demo was really bad and I don't care for any of the characters beyond Emil. So I'm a little worried, to be honest.

Is the demo for PC out yet?

I went ahead and ordered Replicant to prepare for the Automata. Anything I should know before I jump in? Never played any of the Dragenkard games.

you fucked up
it's a couple of kinda neat ideas buried underneath mountains of shit bad game

Don't listen to what anyone says about skipping sidequests. They are really good at world building and have good self-contained stories.

In the fishing part, you have to fish to the right side of the beach.

Phoenix Spear trivializes the game, any spear, in fact.

A skeleton smells your underwear.

Farm for eggs when you have the chance.

Do the fucking boar quest

Papa Nier is better

Watch this user

I've come to post this. Bless Taro.

I'm curious. why choose Replicant over Gestalt? Replicant doesn't even have a proper English release so it's going to be in moonrunes.

Drakengard 1 remake that plays like Last Remnant when please

I played the PS4 demo, so I dunno. Sorry.
2B's English VA is pretty hot sounding though, if I'm remembering it correctly. Think it's P3's Elizabeth, so I guess I'm also looking forward to that. Shorts wearing android kid or whatever his name is seems to be Ryoji, who's not bad either.

Doesn't seem like they can screw up Japanese words either if they're never used, so the dub could actually be really great.

I'm certain I'll enjoy it, just not to the extent of earlier games in the series.

If you hack your ps3 theres a fan translation

Who do you like more Sup Forums? Brother or Father?

How does Last Remnant plays, anyway?

2b is tara platt aka Mitsuru and Elizabeth from P3.
9s is Yuri Lowenthal who also played MC, Ryuji, and Pharos from P3.

They're married irl.

Eagle Eggs seem to appear at the half of every hour at the Aerie. Spawn point is under the chief's house and you can see if something spawned from the bridge.

Fucking with the system clock makes gardening easy.

It's the Gestalt translation copypasted, don't fall for that.

Figured I could use the practice.

Is it safe to watch before finish Nier?

>Do the fucking boar quest
Will fucking do.

I thought I heard that the fan translation was just Gestalts script with no changes.

Papa Nier. I simply felt more attached to the rough dude trying to be the best human he can be.

Do you think 9s will be cucked by some black man?

No, you will get spoiled, user.

Can't say because they didn't release Replicant in English.

I'd like to see some elements from Drakengard 1 dabbled in here and there, but I still hope that Automata feels like Nier at its core.

Did I do alright?


Probably, the red eye disease is back, and in one of the trailers one of the characters has what is pretty much the black scrawl but with the symbol of the cult of the watchers appearing amidst it.

Hell yeah bruv

no one cares about the cringe ass story you weeb. as long as automata is a fun game to play is what matters

Well I don't know what other people think of them or about any of their other roles, but the way she speaks as Elizabeth is really hot.
I bought DLC just to hear her voice more in Persona Q.

Pharos/Ryoji weren't bad in P3 too.

Assuming it works, yeah. You did good.

I think both the father and brother had some elements that worked better for each of them.

But as far as personal preferences go, I have a soft spot for Papa Nier. He was the version I was introduced to, and I think his kind-hearted yet somewhat narrow-minded nature fits the execution of the themes better.

This is exactly the kind of shit people feared about Nier becoming mainstream.
Fucking shitposters, man.

Papa Nier, since the story of a father trying to save his daughter is a lot more compelling than a brother trying to save his sister.

>MC married best girl Elizabeth

Its like a turn based dynasy warriors almost mixed with ff10.
The maps and areas are kinda linear depending. But the combat is turnbased where each member of your party has their own individual small army. Instead of normal comands you give something similar to ff13 paridigm system in which you have to choose various attack strategies in order to keep your armies moral up.

Its easier to see than explain


I'm happy there are more people recognizing Taro for the lovable weirdo that he is.

Anyone know if this guy is a credible source or not?

>S**t Square Enix
I'm not Japanese, but I'm pretty sure he said "Fuck Square Enix" in engrish.

Bro Nier

Fits the themes of the series more than Papa Nier.

Please help I can't stop listening to on loop

I'm intrigued with the idea of the Watchers returning, just because I'm a sucker for the cosmic horror they brought to the first Drakengard, but I hope there's some coherency to how they fit into things.

Granted, I imagine that a lot of people getting into Automata will have no idea who the Watchers are so I think they'd have some kind of refresher of sorts for newcomers.




Will they have a happier ending this time?


Play this instead.

I always stopped to listen to it ingame

Who are the Watchers?

Posting comfiest track

Nier's in-game content was always pretty vague about its connections to Drakengard.

I'd like to think that there will be a few characters this time around who will be more aware of the situation, and openly acknowledge the impact that Angelus and the Queen Beast made on the world.

These tracks lower my heart rate.

Does the US version come with dual audio?

Beings with less than positive intentions for humanity.

Automata? Yeah.

Looks like they learned their lesson from Drakengard 3.


Best Yoko Taro villain.

>been doing D3's finale for 45 minutes
The two back-beat hits that come when they all come together is really screwing me. It visually looks like it's on top of you from the get-go too.

Servants of the dark god/s who want to destroy humanity. Think the apostles from Berserk.

>Video Description
>NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt!

I hate D3's rhythm game.

I hate it lots.

Stop shilling this bitch. She's fucking dry as shit and skimps on details. She's a cunt trying to capitalize on Nier Automata by trying to become a "Youtube Lore" person for Yoko Taro.

Only Secondaries think she gives a good summary.

>open video
>narration by girl
>close video


Brother Nier. Since the story was written around him and only an idiot tries to say one is more original than the other, or that Nier being unable to provide for Yonah and be with her is better as a Father compared to a brother because it paints Father Nier as a fuckup. The relationships are so much weaker as Father Nier too.

It's actually a female(male)

You know? The more I look up stuff about Drakengard 1, the more I realise that I have absolutely no idea what the game was even about.

>tfw I got mine for 6 bucks

I thought she did alright. Her video is not perfect but alright for a single video summary of the series.

War. The insanity of slaughtering hordes of people.

Shitting on the Incest idea.

Basically it was Yoko Taro going "FUCK CURRENT FANTASY TROPES" in game form. Hell, Ending E is reverse Isekai kind of.

>Executive1: Who approved this nonsense?
>Executive2: No one. They got out their cage while we weren't looking.

You can Try Clemps videos instead. He does a pretty good analysis on all the games

Union good. Empire bad.

>good analysis
they're just good summaries meant for people who want to get into the games

I don't think Platinum developing the gameplay can really hurt anything in the game at all, just help it. I'm sure in Taro's previous games he had ideas for ridiculous bosses/enemies but with the budget his games have his team probably lacked the experience to pull it off.

Also, everyone knows about Platinum's games usually having some side mini-game bullshit, I'm sure they're gonna combine this with one of Taro's fuck you final boss that has nothing to do mechanically with the rest of the game.

Clemps' videos are decent for straight up covering the events of the stories, but his jokes are pretty hit and miss, and I wish his videos didn't take the lighthearted angle at all, you can't really enjoy the tone of the game.

I also don't know that I'd really call them analyses. They're plot summaries with a few theories tossed in.

>some side mini-game bullshit
time attack is in, I expect that to become pretty crazy

Well, I don't know about any of that. I do know that I apparently don't know much about it.
I remember all the events, but nothing about them.

I really like the ending I just watched where the Arioch lady that can't have kids even though she desperately wants them gets all giddy about the floating Lightning Winged Demon God Babies appearing though.

That image basically sums up my knowledge, really.

I like papa Nier the most but you can tell the game was written (and even translated) with the young teenager in mind.


I watched that video and then I started looking for other people doing something similar, I personally think Clemps (the guy from this Twitter ) is the one who at least puts some more effort into it.

I really didn't like the boss battle music on the demo, but field themes are great. I can't wait for the full version of this one.

Hearing that the final boss is a rhythm game is the main reason why I'm staying away from D3. I can't into rhythm games at fucking all.

This is always the go-to for father Nier, but I don't really see why. Seems like the whole reason is "lots of Japanese games have teenaged protagonists but in this game I get to be an old guy". That's a pretty superficial novelty to begin with, and honestly, western games are rife with buff older dudes playing the hero, plus more recently, father and father-like characters specifically.

Whoops, misquoted someone.

Are you the dude who went on a similarly Sup Forums-flavoured rant in the video comments that I saw the other day?

It's a lot more clear in the Japanese version where the Watchers are just straight up called Angels. God wants to get rid of humans and Angels carry out his wishes.

>side mini-game bullshit
Rhythm games or text adventures.

Place your bets.

y'know how there's heaven and hell right
okay, well take your idea of an angel and demon and mush them together and then throw them into people's minds directly so they can help them come into the world and destroy it

Both for 100

The Watchers is a cooler name though.

A text adventure rhythm game where you have to choose where you move along with the beat of the song

Nah, I'm smart enough not post in Youtube comments. We just share the same opinion because it keeps getting spammed in threads

Welcome to the Father Nier is better crowd. They only think he's better because they think Brother Nier is a non-nuanced character made by someone who likes messing with normal concept.

They think Brother Nier is your typical "Sugoi Anime Oni-Chan" rather than a kid trying to keep his sister alive in a post apocalyptic world who maintains an air of naivety and optimism to mask his growing disgust for his sister and the world at large to the point that at the end of the game he's given up so much that not saving Yonah would invalidate all of that, but the moment he gets offered a "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD" with Ending D he fucking takes it and why he's kind of hesitant during Ending E to actually go back.

Ending E isn't supposed to be some romantic happy ending, it's supposed to be an older women dragging the object of her lust back from the dead against his wishes.

>I know that Taro's behind it, and the man does not disappoint
What is Drakengard 3 for 500, Jim.

I'm still hyped, but my expectations for Automata are tempered with the simple fact that Weiss won't be there to have cynical banter with everyone all throughout.


Text adventures were confirmed already.

I just started Nier after owning it for five years.

Damn this game has a really fucking cool start. Also it plays better than Drakengard 3, oddly enough.

can we nip this autism in the bud and stop having OPs with the word "chill" in them?

High quality eh said.

>it's supposed to be an older women dragging the object of her lust back from the dead against his wishes.
I don't know if that's true or not, but I would definitely like to see the porn version.

Enjoy the OST user.


>beating the shit out of guys until I'm level 30 while Snow in Summer plays
Oh I already am