Which time traveling hero with a magic sword would win in a fight?

Which time traveling hero with a magic sword would win in a fight?

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Since Jack's sword cannot harm the pure of heart, (like not even break the skin), and Link's Master Sword is the Blade of Evil's Bane and is only has full effect against monsters and Gannon, they can't really use their swords.
Most of Jack's move set requires the use of his blade, and using it only to defend is not going to work with the walking arsenal he's up against. Even going with the standard Smash set of bombs, arrows and hookshot all hidden in a malletspace that his opponent can't reach, Link has a clear advantage.


Oh shit. This is what the big reveal about 100 years ago in BoTW will be.

Before the final blow was struck, Ganon tore open a portal in time and flung Link into the future where his evil is law.

>Since Jack's sword cannot harm the pure of heart
Only when wielded by evil. Do people stop listening halfway through sentences?

If they're both using regular swords then Jack would win. Jack spent his whole life training to defeat Aku unlike Link, who grew up in a village and never had any actual combat training.

Jack spent his entire life practically training to fight Aku, learning martial arts from all around the world. He's a master while Link is an untrained child.

but can Link jump good?

Jack is both a skilled martial artist and can jump good

He's got link beat

Why would a non-evil person harm the pure of heart? Checkmate

No, just fall good

Link is a master of weaponry though. Bombs, magic, arrows, hookshot, and so forth. I'm not saying Link would win per se, but it's not a curbstomp.

>and is only has full effect against monsters and Gannon
it's still a fucking sword though, it can cut anything unlike samurai jack's sword

He can improvise

if this isn't possible in breath of the wild i'm gonna be pissed

If screwattack actually did something this, I'd have a hard time imagining who they would have win, Zelda is obvious choice, but Samurai Jack is also getting another season, so they might want to cash in on that

Could Link beat Aku and Jack beat Gannon?


>good ideas

TP link doesn't time travel you stupid fuck

Jack, no fucking question

In tp,he literally travels back in time to when the temple of time wasn't in ruins, you fucking dipshit.


Yes he does, the Temple of Time dungeon in TP is centered around this

I'm still so fucking salty over the Link vs Cloud battle, anons.

I'm salty over Mario vs. Sonic and Peach vs. Zelda.

>People derive pleasure from comparing "power levels" of fictional characters
You guys must be on the spectrum

This is Sup Forums. If you have spent more than 3 hours here without running the other direction, you have autism.

>Link gets every single item and weapon he's ever had in every game up to that point, including the Gold Gauntlets from Oot that were used at most twice the entire game and even fucking Z-Targetting
>Cloud gets the absolute bare minimum, doesn't even get his ultimate weapon

I'm not even a big fan of FF, but that was absolute bullshit.

I forgot what they did for Mario vs Sonic, but the Peach vs Zelda one was bullshit. That attack they used to finish Zelda off was from a goddamn spinoff. Are you telling me some over-the-top kick that doesn't even hurt a Gremlim Goalie can just instantly kill someone?

Link is basically a self-taught unorthodox fighter, armed with not just a sword and shield, but a large amount of tools, secondary weapons, and magical items. Physically, he is a fairly normal person and does well when fighting single enemies or small groups, augmented with his clever use of everything at his disposal.

Jack is a master swordsman and bare-handed fighter. He seldom makes use of other weapons, but he defaults to his sword above all else. He has demonstrated feats of great speed, senses and reflexes, and can take on overwhelming odds at once.

In a one on one swordfight, Jack would win very quickly. Link may be able to block with his shield for however long, but he isn't likely to get any hits in as Jack never stops attacking.

If they are in an environment where Link can throw everything he's got at Jack, he may be able to overwhelm him with some of his best tools. Jack's frequent use of high jumping attacks would be just the window of opportunity for Link's many ranged weapons to hit a predictable moving target.

>Canonically Zelda's Triforce of Wisom cannot hurt the pure of heart
>Now allow me to use a spinoff as evidence in favor of Peach.

Why would they fight each other? They would team up if anything.

Jack is literally a master of every weapon his people could find. He traveled the world learning every weapon style and martial art he could get his hand on. You can see this in his fight with the Gate Guardian

It's good to compare Jack to his father. Jack's father had a nimbus, magic armor, and the sword, and he BARELY managed to defeat Aku the first time. Compare it to Jack who kicks Aku's ass every time.

Jack has been fighting hoards of enemies for years, all of which usually have some manner of gun or club. One guy with a bunch of weapons won't do shit.

If anything, using all those weapons would hurt Link. Jack's sword can't harm him, but it can still be used to disarm, and Jack would be able to utilize Links weapons MUCH better then Link would.

Except maybe hookshot, din's fire and the other magics, light arrows and other magical arrows, and bombchus.



Still, that only makes up a fraction of Link's arsenal. There's still his bow, boomerangs, bombs, the ball and chain. Hell, Jack could probably find some way to make the fucking Spinner practical.

>Jack with a Spinner and a Hookshot

Better question, would Link be able to kill Aku and would Jack be able to kill Ganon?

Show me where in Jack's original time and universe where he used a ball and chain or something akin to a spinner.

The one who can actually time travel.

Oooh, Jack better have burn heal!

Samuri\ai. Wins everytime

Depends. In Aku's case, only Jack's sword can hurt him and Ganon can only be killed with either the Master Sword or Light Arrows. Just for the sake of argument, we're assuming that their respective weapons can hurt the other's enemy.

Jack could probably beat Ganon, but it mostly depends on his form, He'd definitely could beat Ganondorf, whether he's using magic or swords or both. The Trident-Wielding Pig Ganon, maybe. His constant teleporting would be a hassle but Jack could probably do it. But I see Jack struggling against OoT Ganon and TP Ganon, simply due to how big they are.

Link on the other hand probably couldn't beat Aku. Aku can change himself into any shape, size, and form. He outclasses Link in the one thing he's the best at. On top of that, none of Link's other weapons would be of any use, the Master Sword would require him to be right up in Aku's face, and unless he had a bottle Chateau Romani before heading out he'll run out of magic for his Light Arrows too quickly. Fierce Deity Link could probably do it, but that's pushing it since the FD Mask is more or less its own separate entity on top of being an end-game exclusive weapon.

Underrated post

Prepare to be pissed then

Hey guys what's going on.

I think Master Sword could hurt Aku, honestly it seems anything made by a god would be able to hurt Aku.

March 11th can't come soon enough

>hoards of enemies
Hordes, not hoards, nigger.

>Show me where in Jack's original time and universe where he used (...) something akin to a spinner
Africa episode.

The entire episode is Jack completely NONLETHALLY bodying a bunch of niggers wielding spinny swords while using a spinny sword himself.

And this is while as a child even younger than Link.

Samurai Jack would SHIT on Link

How is this even a contest?


I love serious looking teenage Link

>Most of Jack's move set requires the use of his blade
Except the multiple episodes where he fights hand to hand or with entirely different weapons. Hell, Season 5 is focusing on those from what we've seen.