Is it worth learning Japanese for vidya?

Is it worth learning Japanese for vidya?

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Yes but you know the reality.

Its worth it for literature though.

Knowledge is power

>learning japanese just for games

What the fuck is wrong with you? How about you learn an actually useful language like Chinese.

But Trump senpai will protect me from those dirty chinks.

>useful language like Chinese


She looks like the bully from Yume Miru Kusuri. Explains a lot because she bullies those who can't learn Japanese.

if you aint got nothing else going on in your life than videogames, then yes, sure go ahead

fukken weeb lol

Learn Chinese and then you actually have to interact with the cheating, lying cocksuckers.

I go to a college that has had a major influx of chinese students over the last few years. It would actually be pretty useful.

I just wanna play the Tengai Makyou games and Fate/Extra CCC.

Also porn games.

Sure, if you play fighting games.

>get literally nothing fun from it because Chinese media is trash
>have to work with the Chinese
Why would you ever want this

Funny how idiots are so hostile to the idea of someone learning a new language.

Yeah, I'm beta. What's it to ya?

They can learn English (or the language of the country they're in) or fuck off.

Chinese is a phonetically ugly language.

That's a very polite way of saying that all Chinese should be killed before they summon an eldritch god with their speech.

>Learning following /djt/'s guide and Tae Kim
>Learning kanji stroke order through anki and jisho
>Writing them on sticky notes then slapping them in context sensitive locations around my room.
>I got 私 on my mirror, 読 on my bookshelf and 小さい on my PS4 collection.
Feels good.

EOP jealousy. Nothing new.

I did, and my teacher for the first two years was great, and it even helped me with my Japanese. The teacher this year sucks balls though so I dropped it.

>読 on my bookshelf
Serious question, is that even a word? Like I can understand 読む or 読み or whatever other crap, but what the fuck is 読?

nice shit girl. post best girl instead

I fucked up, I have 読む on my bookshelf, not 読

Not worth it for vidya alone considering how long you'll need to study.

I freelance from home for a living and it's nice being able to buy and play games months and years before they come out in the states. The irony is I haven't touched a lot of my imported games lately because I'm busy with my job. I'll be playing Nier as soon as I import it though since it comes out around my birthday in Japan and I prefer the Japanese dub.

>小さい on my PS4 collection.

>also porn games
jeez you're pathetic
me too

Lemme guess, it means "No gaems" ?

Small, little.

Worth it for video games alone? Probably not maybe, depending how diehard you are
Worth it for all aspects of Japanese culture and career opportunities with the world's second largest economy? Probably?

If you're actually interested go to your local library (lots of libraries have books on japanese considering how popular it is) and after a while of self study if you think you have the aptitude look into local community college classes for actual instruction, from there it's pretty common to go to Japan to study japanese, and you can always do the english teacher meme as a day job.

More like a small amount of games.

How long will I need to study? I don't care about playing games early, I care about playing the TONS of games that we never see in the west.

porn games are literally the only games i even enjoy. so much games are shit these days. the japanese porn games are always just, fun simple fucking games. i just skip through the porn for the gameplay. like tobihime. that games just a fucking fun game with girls occasionally getting impregnated by orcs and falcons and shit.

>world's second largest economy?


>forty year old man who majored in Japanese language at university, who still lives in the year 1997, tries to convince others to repeat his mistake

They're shit or else they would be available in the west. Or even better, made in the west.

I'm learning japanese because of literature, but it's so fucking autistic.
>having to learn 45 runes
>having to learn ANOTHER 45 runes
>it doesn't matter anyway because all text is full of broken kana and emojis
3rd impact when?

keep telling yourself that EOP

I don't skip through the porn, but I agree, the gameplay and story (if applicable) is fun too.

>Not worth it for vidya alone
Learning something as big as a new language is worth by itself. Fuck if his motivations are "not enough" or whatever the fuck you faggots throw out, if he actually accomplished it then it was worth it.

Now people with shallow motivations AND that fail to learn and just completely drop it at some point, those deserve to be bullied. What a bunch of failures.

No, the best vidya don't require you to read japanese


>complaining about kana
Now I have seen everything.

>I'm learning japanese
For what? The grand total of 25 minutes?

Why are EOPs so easily offended? Is it because they know their lazy asses are missing out on some of the best vidya in existence?

It's hard as fuck to learn. I've been studying Japanese using Rosetta Stone for around 2 years now and I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface.

Good post.

weak bait

>reading comprehension

Oh fuck off. Not everyone can become fluent in just 2 years.

I'm not complaining about kana. I'm complaining at how everything is so fucking broken.

>For what? The grand total of 25 minutes?
Nah, I already know hiragana and katakana. I'm gonna study some grammar before learning kanjis because I want to read Yotsuba.

I would learn Japanese just for marrying a Japanese woman.

God I mean look at their pornstars ffs, no tattoos, and they even look purer than american women even though they've taken hundreds of dicks

I'll kms now.

You're not gonna make it.

>Being fooled by the powder Jew
Asian women are fucking horrific without makeup.

Depends on the game. For something text heavy like Yakuza or a JRPG, a few years at least. And then you have stuff like Valkyrie Profile that even I had to learn dozens of new words for after years of studying because of the context. Stuff made for little kids is ironically hard to read sometimes because of the lack of kanji.

Eroge dialogue is usually pretty stupid and only requires basic knowledge unless it's something like a Type/Moon game.

This. Just remove the asian part.

>even though they've taken hundreds of dicks

44% of Japanese women from age 18 to 34 have never had sex. Which means they're terrible at it just like you

Stop being so mean ;_;

Nah, they aren't. Japanese women take good care of their skin. I've seen many of them wit no makeup and trust me, they look good

>Weebs are this delusional

What do you mean by broken? Explain.

Do you mean how most words are written with both kanji and kana?

>trust me

Give me #15

Goddamn it.

We're all gonna make it. Believe in the me that believes in you, user-san.

I started studying japanese 2 years ago just for playing games and I really like the language now. Motivations can change in the process.

Just like said. I doesn't matter the reason behind wanting to do something as long as you accomplish it. A lot of us, non native speakers, learned english because we wanted to play something that wasn't localized in our language.

All women are.

It also means they're pure, and therefore better


Yeah if I need surgery I want a pure med student who has never operated before :^)

Same way I elect my presidents.

I don't care about you 3rd world nigger that were forced to learn english or rot in your shithole's products.

34 is cute


I've been trying to learn for 5 months and I still haven't gotten through a grammar guide. I can't absorb this stuff. Words are fine, grammar is hell.

>sex = surgery = politics
user stop

>or rot in your shithole's products.

I would never wish German TV upon my worst enemies

or even modern (1990+) French films

Yeah. I mean, they have kana but even the easiest shit like stop signs has at least one kanji.


No. If you take Japanese classes you are taught formal Japanese. Games and anime use a shit ton of informal Japanese because the characters are acquainted with each other

Take classes and you will be seen as a god in Japan. Learn from anime and you will be seen as rude trash

49 is a qt.

Someone got hit with the bitch stick at birth.

>experience is generally better
why yes, unless we're talking STDs

unless you seriously enjoy fucking someone who thinks that laying there like a fish is appropriate, but then again you probably don't have the >experience anyway

Can I have some help understanding the logic behind some kanji/words?
So 友達 means friend, companion.
友 means friend specifically.
達 means 'reach' or accomplish.
So why isn't the word for friend just 友?

Also why do some words end with kana when the kanji alone carries the same definition?

>Filename isn't "Rupan The 1st."

>I doesn't matter
No you don't.

Joking aside, a lot of people who choose anime or vidya as a motivation to learn Japanese often give up when they learn how hard it is.

Don't omit the particle you lazy shit.

Japanese at least follows it's own rules more faithfully than English does.

>grammar is hell


Dude, the grammar is easy as shit. Just reverse your sentences

I ate fish => I fish ate in Japanese 魚を食べました

>laying there like a fish
>implying there aren't plenty of "experienced" women who also do this

You can use 友達.
達 is used for pluralization (e.g. 俺達), but 友達 can also be singular.

>why do some words end with kana when the kanji alone carries the same definition?
Example? Sometimes words that would be kanji and rendered in kana because the equivalent kanji is uncommon.

What do I have to learn to read doujins? That's all that I really care for. Unless living in Japan for a couple of years is fun

>You can use 友
fug'd that one up

I was speaking more of the hundreds of conjugations you have to memorize and how words are used to express meaning, not babby's first sentence structure lesson you learn on your first day.

You are generalizing too much. There are JRPG more oriented for children and therefore easier to read and even have furigana. Most recently, and because I have a 3ds, Dragonball Fusions and Monster Hunter Stories both come to mind as super easy first video games for beginners.

Of course, to even be in that "beginner" level you need solid grammar and thousands of words on vocabulary, but that's a given.

Keep it up man, you will learn to be comfortable with it in time. Like with verbs, the kana part of it is what will tell you how the verb is conjugated, which is pretty fucking important and that's not something the kanji can tell you by itself.

If I can give you one piece of advice is, if you are going tae kim path, take it easy and understand that everything you learn in tae kim (even the stuff in the so called "advanced" part of the guide) is very fucking basic and you will NEED to know it by heart sooner or later. It will be the foundation of everything you build later on.

So take it easy, make your own grammar deck and create cards with tae kim points. Take your goddamn time with it and make sure you get it.

Most of all do not leave past tense for later. Make sure you get comfortable with it. A lot of what you will see later on tae kim will completely fucking lean itself on that past tense knowledge, and if you don't have that absolutely fucking nailed, things will build up. Don't let things build up.

Ah... Then as cheesy as it sounds, learn them by songs.

>tfw had a cute Japanese teacher who made us memorize Te-forms by song and it has stuck ever since

友達 can refer to a single friend or multiple. I suppose 友 does mean friend on it's own but I've never heard a Japanese person say it like that. 友人 on the other hand is something I've heard from time to time and was taught in my lessons.

As for kana coming after a kanji, that's okurigana. It exists to inflect adjectives and verbs and to force kanji to have specific meaning when read that way.

If you want to read the actual story shit, you're gonna need a good grammar base and a fairly large vocabulary.

If you just want to hear the girl in your head or something, you just need
ちんこ dick
まんこ vagina
いく cum/climax
出す to let (the semen) out

That's like 90% of the vocab in sex scenes.

What's up with German TV?

小さい was used in this thread but 小 alone seems to mean small.

The Yakuza series is 10x better in Japanese

Learning Japanese is not hard if you skip learning how to speak/write it. Don't learn the grammar, don't learn the writing system, don't learn pronunciation, fuck all that shit. You don't know any Japanese people to speak it with, so what are you wasting time drilling yourself on words?

Learn hiragana and katana. Find japanese text that is written in all kana and read it. Learn words. If you seriously spend time on it you can be reading it out loud at a decent pace in a couple weeks. Learn words, common structures and shit will come to you as you encounter them.

You'll end up able to read it decently well, but unable to synthesize it on your own. It's really not hard.

Kanji aren't that hard either, there's a gorillion of them, but not all of them are used day to day. You can learn them in the same way.

That's because 小さい is an adjective.

Kanji alone can't be adjectives.
In a way, kanji almost aren't even words. More like ideas, that become words when given context.

Ah okay, okurigana. That makes sense.